Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

A Hai stopped there, feeling the disappearance of Xuan Qi, and he frowned and looked around.

Why are there no more?

His movement made Su Qi understand that this man's nose is more spiritual than the dog's nose.

He knew he had paused here.

A Hai stretched out his hand, and in a flash, ten colors of light bloomed all over his body. The light shot out like sunlight, and soon dyed the surroundings into gorgeous colors.

The spectacular scene shocked Su Qi.

The gorgeous ten-colored light is dazzling, and people's eyes cannot be opened.

Wow! What the hell? Xiu is actually ten colors.

Ah Hai is unbelievable. Why did he disappear here?

From the traces, it can be determined that he wanted to enter the city.

"Come out, I know you're nearby." Ah Hai roared sharply!

In a pair of black eyes, deep cold and cold, killing intention.

Su Qi pumped her lips involuntarily?

Come out, I know you're nearby, how about you coax a three-year-old kid? You dare to go out if you are so active.

However, shocked by the scene just now, Su Qi was instantly persuaded. He was considering whether to take a detour?

But if he detoured, he would be more uncomfortable than scratching his heart.

After a while, there was still no movement. Ah Hai frowned. Did he guess wrong? Impossible, he was confident in his judgment, and he was nearby.

After a while, it was determined that there was no movement around him, and Ahai left in disappointment.

Su Qi took a look and moved the Qiankun Sapphire bottle with mystery.

In the Qiankun Sapphire vase, people outside could not feel the mysterious fluctuations. Su Qi also used the Qiankun Sapphire bottle for the first time, and he was surprised to find that it could.

He couldn't keep calm for a moment, this sapphire blue treasure bottle was a treasure inside and out!

But he still didn't dare to take it lightly. If he was found, he was afraid he would be strangled in the cradle.

There was a lot of movement in Su Qi's Qiankun sapphire bottle, but A Hai didn't find it at all.

Ahai was annoyed all the way, but he didn't pay attention to behind him. He thought he was strong enough, and his judgment was amazing. For the first time, his judgment was wrong.

Following A Hai to the gate of the city, Su Qi felt excited as if he were flying in the clouds.

He is so talented that he never found such a wonderful use of the Qiankun Sapphire!

Followed into the city, Su Qi has always followed A Hai, followed him intuitively, followed by him can know a lot of things, he now needs to understand thoroughly here.

He just looked at the clothes here, it seems that there are restrictions on levels.

For example, a young man who just walked past him had only a circle of pomegranate flowers embroidered on his cuff.

Some are two laps and some are four laps.

He took a look, and the man he followed followed a six-lap cuff.

There are also some strange gemstones hanging on the left chest of their clothes, mostly red and red.

The man he followed was all blue on his chest.

Another thing is that there are many people wearing black clothes, few people wearing blue clothes, and they seem to have an unusual status.

A Hai entered a restaurant and saw the man in blue, he quickly walked over.

"Young Master, didn't catch up."

Ah Hai still looked annoyed!

"Oh!" The blue-eyed man raised his eyebrows slightly, but was a bit surprised.

After a while, he quietly said, "You never make mistakes, maybe it's gone!"

"Not the smell of Maple City!"

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