Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1626: : Is there such an injustice against you?

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Fiercely, the man in the blue suit paused momentarily when he held up the tea cup. His dark, dark eyes were narrow and he looked at Ah Hai quietly.

"You are sure, no outsider has come in here for hundreds of years."

"Young Master, Ah Hai is sure, not from Maple Leaf City."

As soon as Su Qi heard it, it was not only the costume but also the accent. If he spoke, wouldn't he show the filling instantly?

Why is he so dumb?

And these houses are two-storey high, one neatly arranged on both sides of the street. There are no other trees except maple trees.

"Immediately let the guard search in secret. Never let outsiders break into here. Right now Maple Leaf City is an eventful autumn, and the whereabouts of Yuzhang are unknown. The appearance of this person is likely to be the one who captured Yuzhang.

Su Qi heard, eyes widened, wait, what did he just say?

Is this such a big hat on Ann?

He didn't catch any rain ... Well, he just passed by!

You just have to be humorous in your heart! Have you been so wronged?

"Master, the little princess has not left the city. She is still in the city, and Ahai has found it outside the city. There is no breath of the little princess."

At this point, Ah Hai is very sure.

The slender, good-looking fingers of the man in blue hit the table gently.

His complexion gradually dwindled, and there was a faint whisper and anxiety in the nice **** voice, "Has been searched in the city three times, will it be captured by the people in shallow water city?"

Shallow water city, are there any other cities around here? Su Qi tilted her head.

Ah Hai shook his head and said, "Young Master, Shallow Water City and Maple Leaf City have always been well-watered, and the relationship between the two cities has always been very tense. Weighing the pros and cons, they did not dare to break into Maple Leaf City and take the little princess . "

"Within three days, you must find the rain, not leak the wind, and pay close attention to the actions of Yongyi."

"Yes, Master!"

immediately! The two got up and left.

Su Qi watched them leave, not intending to follow.

When he entered the city, he had to find something to eat first.

To find something to eat, you have to get a set of clothes first.

But now I will go to the kitchen and see if I can find something to eat. After I'm full, my thinking will become active.

Su Qi smiled slyly and went back to cooking.

A two-story building with the back kitchen behind the stairs, Su Qi quickly found it.

As soon as I went in, there was a little boy in a black robe sitting at the door who was dozing off. His head was covered with brocade cloth embroidered with red maple leaves with black cloth. It was very ethnic.

The long table was dipped in glutinous rice and some maple leaves.

On the banana leaf on the side, there is rice with hey oil.

Su Qi looked at it strangely, how did the rice look dark, but it was very appetizing.

Also exudes a scent of fragrance.

Su Qi grabbed a ball and put it in his mouth. The taste was soft and glutinous, the taste was slightly sweet, it was smooth and mellow, soft and delicious.

Wow! Su Qi's eyes were bright, and the beautiful black treasure was simply delicious on earth, and it was also a kind of spiritual enjoyment!

One didn't hold back. Su Qi ate a big ball, but Su Qi didn't dare to take more. It was miserable when he was found. He took a small ball the size of his palm for his brother.

Just leaving, I saw a few cold chickens not far away.

Su Qimeng swallowed a mouthful of water and hadn't eaten for several days.

One must be taken, Su Qi rejoices to pass, only care about taking the roast chicken, but did not notice a small bowl on the table fell to the ground with a bang.

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