Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

At this moment, Yu Yan walked to the side of the oak and placed a maple leaf in his hand.

"Su Li, when I grow up, I will come to see you and Brother Yongyi. This maple leaf has my royal spirit, and I will definitely find you in the future.

Yu Yan's big eyes flickered, and she smiled unusually brightly.

Su Li looked at her bright smile, moved her heart, nodded, took the maple leaf and placed it in the ring of space.

"City lord, I brought all the dry food."

Ah Hai pointed behind him.

"Wow!" Su Qi eyes widened. "A car! Is this enough for us to eat for a month?"

"Little boy, these are beef jerky that can be stored and can be stored. They are all made by us. They taste very good, and there are some preserved fruits. It is not a problem to eat for half a month."

Ahai explained.

Su Qi listened and accepted all of them politely.

After the three of them said goodbye, Su Qi summoned the fire spirit. The three rode on the fire spirit and disappeared quickly before the crowd.

In the psychedelic forest.

After Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan came out of the ring of space.

Startled by the scene in front of me.

Under the dazzling sunlight, mysterious holes appeared in front of the two.

"Yunxuan, you hit me. What we see should not be true. How could a tornado blow through the hole?"

Su Zimo looked at the big and small caves in front of him, and there were some small waterfalls. He was incredibly surprised. Today is the sixth day.

"Stupid Moer, this is the magic in the psychedelic forest. The reason why he called it is because it changes unpredictably once a year, let's go! There must be a heaven and earth spirit treasure here."

Mu Yunxuan smiled, and everything in front of her was indeed stunning.

Around the caves of different sizes, under the sun's rays, the waterdrops are bright and dazzling, and they look forward at a glance, colorful and dazzling.

But the most exciting thing about the soft legs is that it has more than 100 times rich mystery.

"Yunxuan, it seems that I really have no dazzle. This place is really wonderful. Such a strong mysterious spirit must have the existence of heaven and earth, Lingbao.

Su Zimo's eyes were crescent, this trip is really worth it.

Just when they were about to leave, they suddenly heard a nice sound.

"I didn't expect us to meet again."

Su Zimo looked up. It was Xuan Ce and the man in black.

Why haven't they left yet.

"You haven't left yet?"

Su Zimo asked frowning.

"Second princess, after entering the middle of this psychedelic forest, you must wait eight days before you can go out."

"Is there such a rule that is not an article, is there a limit to going out early?"

Su Zimo asked unbelievably.

"It's okay, but it will destroy some mystery." The man in black smiled.

Although Xuan Ce looked at Su Zimo this time, it was not as pretentious as last time.

"In Xia Rakuten, I forgot to introduce myself last time."

Lotte originally thought they would never meet again, but did not expect to meet again.

"Thank you, Lotte, for telling me." Actually, it doesn't matter if he doesn't say the name, she knows that they have less chance to meet in the future.

"The hole here will show an hour, Moer, let's not waste time." Mu Yunxuan reminded.

"Farewell!" Su Zimo smiled at them both.

Mu Yunxuan embraced her, and the two flew into one of the holes.

"Brother, which cave shall we go to?" Xuan Ce looked at the cave, big and small, and was a little worried.

Lotte's eyes still stay on Mu Yunxuan and Su Zimo.

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