Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1643: : It's actually a snake hole

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Xuan Ce looked at his gaze and smiled infrequently.

"It seems Brother is also curious about them both?"

"I'm a little curious, Mu Yunxuan, the world's richest man, is a little different from the legendary honesty."

Lotte took his eyes off, and it was surprising that he only favored a woman.

"It is said that there is no credibility. The couple have amazing talents, and the couple are even more shocked by the world!"

Xuan Ce smiled lightly. Even such a beautiful woman would feel better when she looked at it every day.

It's just ... unfortunately not yours!

"Let's go! Find what we need."

An hour is short, they must hurry!

Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan entered the cave. The cave here was very dry.

Each of them took out a night pearl to illuminate.

"Yunxuan, what usually happens in such a place?"

Mu Yunxuan looked at her with a warm smile, "Mo Er, the possibility of purple winged golden cicadas is relatively high, and there are others. If you can find the purple winged golden cicadas, you can give them to Xiner. If there are purple-winged golden cicadas, Xin'er's magic feathers will become more powerful and the flight speed will double. "

"It seems that you have already thought about what to do for Xiner and Lier. It's so nice to have your father. I don't need to worry about being a mother."

Su Zimo smiled sweetly. Although he was not good at expressing, he was definitely a good father!

"Good! Moer, let's hurry up to find it. If we can't find it here, we have to go to other caves."

Under the bright pearl of day, his beautiful and handsome appearance is also demon and immortal!

"Okay!" The two looked at each other without letting go of any corner.

Purple-winged golden cicada is not much bigger than Kingdee.

But it was conceived by the heaven and earth, it is the treasure of the world.

It was fierce, and the sound of ghosts and wailing came from outside the cave, and it was not ordinary miserable. Listening to the tragic heart, Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan looked fiercely outside the cave.

With that scream, there was a hissing sound.

"Who is this! It's so scary!"

Mu Yunxuan frowned. "It's water lotus golden flower python Warcraft. They are here to eat."

"A snake again?"

The older and louder the sound was, the more old Su Zimo listened, and she frowned, "Why is this voice so similar to Su Ziyun's voice?"

Mu Yunxuan's eyes flashed.

"If she were, she would be clean if she died."

Mu Yunxuan was very resentful. If she had not poisoned Mo Er last time, Mo Er would not have been so hurt.

Su Zimo thought about it, and there was nothing to worry about when Jun Lintian was outside.


The two kept searching, and after walking for a while, they found that the cave was connected to the cave, but it was a little dry and wet.

After walking three caves in a row, the two found nothing.

"Oh!" Su Zimo suddenly saw a white light shining behind a stone.

She hurried over.

A look, startled!

It's a nest of python Warcraft who was just born! is white.

Su Zimo raised her eyes and looked around. Suddenly, she got full body hair, and the hairs on her back rose instantly.

"Yunxuan, these caves are ..."

Mu Yunxuan looked at her, and said casually, "Mor, you guessed right, these caves are all holes of water lotus golden flower python Warcraft."

"It's actually a snake hole!" Su Zimo could imagine the feeling of being chased by a snake in the hole, which would definitely scare people to death.

"I was afraid of you before, so I didn't tell you."

Although she knew she had overcome the fear of snakes, after all, she was still afraid of snakes, and there would be some shadows in her heart.

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