Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!


Mu Yunxuan was afraid of her cold and covered her with a blanket.

The two ears rubbed and smiled at each other, full of love.

"Mo Er, look here." Mu Yunxuan pointed at the contents of the book, slender and jade-like.

"On the seventh day, ice and snow will appear in the psychedelic forest, that is, tomorrow." Mu Yunxuan could not think of it. The book he randomly took out from the secret room would actually record the WoW tide.

"There are such strange things, so to speak, will the Warcraft tide in the psychedelic forest experience a spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

Mu Yunxuan turned a page again, and the record on the eighth day.

"Mo Er, it's not all, it's the eighth day, you see, when the eighth day, there will be a thriller."

Su Zimo looked dignified. "Yunxuan, if it is a thunder tactic, there will be fire. We are all wood, and the eighth day is very unfavorable for us."

Although he is a wooden talent, he can burst out of extreme power. When encountering fire, his winged wings are useless.

"Fool, you won't forget, you still have Jiuqu Taiyi."

Mu Yunxuan was full of love and rubbed her hair with a pamper.

"Oh, there are too many babies, I have forgotten them."

Su Zimo was relieved now.

"Mo Er, although it seems simple, but these last two days are also the most dangerous two days, but there will be more opportunities for heaven and earth spirit beasts to appear. It is very likely that a spirit beast named Ice Crystal Dragon tomorrow will appear Dragon-like happiness devours World of Warcraft, it can defend against all waters, deter the demons, and purple ice amethyst fruit will appear. It is a good thing that can keep people young and protect the mystery. "

"Wow! The ice crystal dragon is not very interesting to me. The ice amethyst fruit is very good. Xiner eats better and can protect Xiner's veins."

Mu Yunxuan smiled gently and clenched her hands.

"Then we will look for it tomorrow. These things are good things born in heaven and earth. Only once in a hundred years, it is difficult to find them."

"Good! Yunxuan, if the ice crystal dragon and ice amethyst fruit really appeared, it would not be as simple as triggering a war between several people. It is estimated that many people will be coming for the last two days tomorrow, and they may all be competing for it. "

Su Zimo knows that people who come into the psychedelic forest do not know them, there are many, and most of them will come out in the last two days.

"Mother, anyway, if you like, I can find it for you."

She kissed her on the forehead, he just wanted to give her the best.

"Mo Er, you see, the above records that the ice amethyst fruit is amethyst in appearance. It has passed through the icy cold place in the psychedelic forest and matured for thousands of years. Once taken, it can not only be washed through the raft, but also be protected forever It will keep you young and you can add a hundred years of life out of thin air. "

"Wow! For women, baptismal rafts and people become beautiful, but for the old people who are about to die, adding a hundred years to life is the most precious and crazy thing Yes, but this ice amethyst fruit should be called Changsheng fruit, and it has such a good effect. "

Su Zimo leaned into his arms.

Mu Yunxuan tightened his long arms, and a warmth spread between the two.

Seeing him, he looked like a treasure.

"Mo Er, you are right, but the ice amethyst fruit is too rare, and WoW has not seen a few in thousands of years, but every time it appears, it will cause a **** storm. Tomorrow, it may not be peaceful. of."

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