Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1661: : Black-bellied Mu Yunxuan

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"It's okay, Yunxuan. Let's see the machine tomorrow."

However, Su Zimo also took care of it. After all, ice amethyst is very precious.

This kind of spiritual fruit that can be met with unseen beauty is really really a lot of people vying for.

Mu Yunxuan put down her book, she couldn't help but play with her soft hair.

"Good!" Mu Yunxuan nodded and hugged her and walked to the hot spring in the backyard.

The two looked at each other, Mu Yunxuan's eyes became deeper and gentler.

Knowing the emotions in his eyes, Su Zimo's face was already extremely red, and it was not difficult for him to know that he was tired.

Walking to the hot spring in the backyard, Su Zimo took off her clothes and sat in the water. The white mist made her look dreamy.

Mu Yunxuan looked, her eyes became hot, and then said: "Mo Er, I rub your shoulders, you have been tired for a day."

When Su Zimo heard it, she did not squeak. She had never waited for him to take a bath. He wanted to rub her shoulders today.

When Mu Yunxuan saw that she did not respond, he assumed that a woman was shy by default, so she sat casually behind her and massaged her shoulders.

The corner of his lips slightly tickled, with a touch of playfulness, and said softly: "Ah ... it seems that our stranger is shy, and it is no wonder that his daughter's house is always a bit shy ... but we have not met once or twice If Mo Er is still so shy, he will feel guilty for her husband. "

Su Zimo continued to endure not to speak, but heard Mu Yunxuan asked: "Mor, are you thirsty? May I get you a glass of water?"

Su Zimo finally responded: "I am drinking and drinking."

She won't be fooled!

With that careful thought, how could she not see it?

After listening to her, Mu Yunxuan was very helpless. In addition, she did think carefully, and Mo Er could see that at this moment she would deliberately delay time.

"I'll get clothes for Mo Er."

Mu Yunxuan watched a sly light flash in her eyes.

It was just that his eyes looked elsewhere, for fear he could not help but just put her right on the spot!

"Come on, I thought about it, and you brought the water by the way, I was suddenly thirsty."

Su Zimo also wanted to enjoy the feeling of being served by him.

But I did not expect that this was exactly what Mu Yunxuan meant.

He went out for a while and returned soon.

"Mo, water."

Su Zimo reached out to pick up the water. He held her hand while she reached out and sent the tea into her mouth.

Seeing his actions, Su Zimo was stunned to pull his hand back, but he couldn't move anymore.


Suddenly, Mu Yunxuan exclaimed, pretending that she was pulled into the hot spring.

Su Zimo looked at him so stupidly, did she have such strength?

He obviously took the opportunity to launch.

"Mo'er, you want me to take a bath with you, you said it earlier! I didn't expect that Mo'er could also go round and round."

Mu Yunxuan smiled in the belly and wanted to see her helplessly cute look.

Su Zimo yelled angrily when he heard the twists and turns: "Who wants to wash with you, get out of here!"

This black-bellied guy!

"Mo Er, I know you just want me to bathe with you, but you don't need to be so embarrassed to make such a big fire?"

Mu Yunxuan looked aggrieved, as if Su Zimo bullied him.

Su Zimo gritted her teeth and said, "I've washed it."

After speaking, he was about to get up, but was firmly fixed by his arm, Mu Yunxuan's rogue smile.

Su Zimo had no clothes at all, and the perfect curve made him bloody.

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