Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Su Zimo glanced behind his eyes.

Some are here to die!

Liang Hua was too confident in himself.

Does he think he can kill her by hiding a few people behind her?

The figures of those people were the same as those of the four people whom he had whispered to each other, and she could see at a glance.

Not far away, Mu Yunxuan, who was killing Warcraft, glanced behind Su Zimo.

The dark eyes went deep into the black pool, and a touch of killing was in the eye.

The ghost sword was transfigured in his hand, and the powerful Xiu cut off the evil Warcraft in an instant.

The incredible speed and powerful repair are incredible!

"Brother, my uncle went back for a trip. What did he encounter and how could he become so powerful?"

Ningxiang thought it was incredible. A person who had only disappeared for half an hour became so powerful when he returned.

"In the thriller, wash the marrow!"

Mo Bai smiled at Mu Yunxuan's vigorous figure.

Even holding Xiner, he can quickly kill the supernatural beastly evil Warcraft.

Suddenly, just then!

Mu Yunxuan suddenly changed direction. In the blink of an eye, his figure had moved behind Su Zimo.

He gently pressed Xin'er's head into his arms.

Can't bear to let her daughter watch this **** scene.

Feeling furious, the four men in black had fallen into a pool of blood.

Not far away, Liang Hua stared at Mu Yunxuan with his eyes widened instantly.

This lightning speed made him almost startled.

He wanted to go out, sitting on the ground with one buttock, holding his breath tightly!

The whole body trembled to observe Mu Yunxuan's every move.

I hope Mu Yunxuan did not find him.

Mu Yunxuan already knew his existence.

He was stunned, and in the blink of an eye, he had already reached Liang Hua.

At a glance, Li Chenxu felt a little gloating in his heart.

This Liang Huawei is a coward, and has many evils. If Mu Yunxuan kills him today, it will kill the people.

"Holy ... Lord, no, it's none of my business!"

Liang Hua shivered and looked at Mu Yunxuan's beautiful face like a knife, making him look like a demon from hell, and he could claim his life in the next moment!

Mu Yunxuan's eyes were sky-high killing intentions, and his ruthless thin lips clung tightly together.

He will not let anyone who wants to kill Mo Er.

"Do you dare to say that you don't know the four people just now? Dare to move this woman, die!" Mu Yunxuan roared and killed Liang Hua instantly.

Junlin Tian wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Mu Yunxuan has already found that the Liang family of the top ten families is Geng Leyu.

There are also Green Clouds around Junlin Tian. There are ten in total. The Blue Family is gone, and he will eliminate them one by one.

Geng Leyu could not use the forces outside.

At a glance, Li Chenxu felt a little happy.

How well Liang Hua died, no one will bully their Li family by relying on people from the top ten families.

At the moment Jun Lintian raised a jealousy in his heart, he clenched his fists involuntarily, and clenched his thin lips tightly.

Even as an emperor, he still couldn't sit up like Mu Yunxuan.

He instantly hated his incompetence!

If this throne was obtained by him, he now has enough confidence and Mu Yunxuan to grab Su Zimo.

But now, he and Mu Yunxuan are far from each other, although they are also the peak cultivation of the Xuanhunjie.

But the distance between them is still quite different.

Not reconciled!

Unhappy and angry at heart!

Xu Shi's jealousy gradually grew stronger, and his black eyes gradually glowed red.

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