Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Lvyun was very close to him, looking at the red light in his eyes, instantly frightened!

She was horribly laughing as she was frightened.

She couldn't control his emotions at all, and she was never the one he cared about.

Her cultivation has not been promoted, and she has been staying in the first stage of the **** Xuan period. This time she can survive in the psychedelic forest, even she feels a miracle.

Mu Yunxuan returned to Su Zimo's side, took her hand, her eyes full of murderousness instantly became tender and watery.

Where he was, he wouldn't make her hands bloody.

"Mo Er, let's go home!"

Although I didn't find any treasures suitable for Quer and Qier!

But Mu Yunxuan didn't think there was any chance, Qi Er and Li Er's opportunities would not be worse than in psychedelic forest.

"Oh, go home!"

Xin Er was so happy that her eyes narrowed into a crescent crescent.

Su Zimo smiled and touched her head. This girl can jump and move now, and the smile on this little face is more and more every day.

Not far away came the sound of Warcraft rushing and howling.

That's where Warcraft returns to the psychedelic forest.

It's spectacular and dangerous!

Mo Bai looked at the back of their family of three.

He smiled involuntarily.

This time they entered the psychedelic forest, and they gained the most.

It seems that this time Warcraft gave way, just for them to give way.

Ling Feng is also thinking the same as Mo Bai.

Ling Feng came to try her luck in the psychedelic forest. I did not expect to use some herbs.

However, he did not hesitate to do so, he knew Su Zimo and Mo Bai.

This is also a fate! Along the way, they also forged a deep friendship.

Feng Ya followed Ling Feng all the way.

She didn't want to go back. If she went back alone, she would be laughed at by the women in the clan.

Outside the psychedelic forest.

Mu Yunzheng has been eagerly looking forward, her natural beauty is full of worries.

"Light cold, today is the eighth day, the sun is about to set, why aren't Brother and Aunt?

Ye Qinghan leaned lazily against the tree.

"Hey, this question, you've asked it 30 times today, rest assured! Yunxuan and Momo are not ordinary people, they will be fine."

Ye Qinghan softly comforted her, his sister-in-law was really kind.

He was distressed when he looked at her anxiously.

Mu Yunchi looked back, looking at him a little embarrassed.

She said shamefully: "Light cold, how many times I said, I didn't expect you to remember so clearly."

This feeling of being cared for makes Mu Yunxi happy.

Ye Qinghan smiled softly, how could he not remember?

If every action of a person can affect your mood, it is that you have really fallen in love with this person.

A feeling that can influence your joy and sorrow is definitely the most valued feeling in my heart!

"Hey, come here and take a break. You're tired of following me for medicinal herbs these days."

"Yeah!" Mu Yunzhen walked obediently.

For Mu Yunzhang, trusting a person will show her heart to others, especially for Ye Qinghan, she always draws her heart.

Someone was coming out of the psychedelic forest.

The two kept looking at the exit, but they still could not see the person they cared about.

Not far away, Murong Shao Feng and Luo Fan who had already come out stood not far away.

Luo Fan knew that he could not see Su Zimo coming out safely, and Shao Feng would not be relieved even if he returned.

How difficult it is to fall in love with a person, and how much courage it takes to persist for many years. Murong Shao Feng's love that does not ask for a trace of return makes him truly admire.

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