Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

The ashes, like light pollen, instantly fluttered.

Listening to the roaring fire, Su Zimo frowned.

The sky gradually darkened, and in the twilight, the extreme flame flashed red, Su Zimo hung in the hole, and instantly became a fiery red figure.

After the emotional stability in his heart, Su Zimo urged Jiuqu Taiyi in his body.

For a moment, the tumbling flames were gradually sealed by ice.

It wasn't just that after a while, the ice was gradually melting by the fire.

"How could this be?"

Su Zimo looked at the tumbling flames, and felt anxious in his heart for a moment, feeling very bad.

Not even the power of Jiuqu Taiyi?

"Fire Huo." Su Zimo called out Huo Huo.

As soon as the fire came out, he was in red and immortal, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells.

"Momo, this is Huoyandong, wouldn't you want to go in?"

Su Zimo nodded, anxiety flashed in his eyes.

"Fire, Xiner is still waiting for Dragon Soul Grass to save his life, aren't you afraid of fire?"

Su Zimo wanted to see if there was any way for Huo.

When she goes back earlier, Xiner can wake up earlier.

"Momo, I'm not afraid of fire, but are you sure that Dragon Soul Grass will exist in this raging fire?"

The problem of Huoyan was actually suspected by Su Zimo.

Can the place where even the stones are instantly burned to ashes grow medicinal materials like Dragon Spirit Grass?

"Feiyu said, Dragon Soul Grass is in the flame hole."

Su Zimo looked at the entrance of the flames. No matter what method she used, she must get Dragon Soul Grass.

The flame thought about it and suddenly looked at Su Zimo.

"Momo, wait here for a while, I'll take a look first."

After Huoyan spoke, her figure turned into a red light, and disappeared at the entrance of the cave instantly.

After the flames disappeared, Su Zimo did not give up.

She instantly released the power of Jiuqu Taiyi.

This time, Su Zimo concentrated his energy. His strong mental strength made Jiuqu Taiyi stronger than the last time.

At a glance, Su Zimo flew a smile in his eyes.

"Snow training, slow down, let's go down."

Su Zimo looked up at Xuan Bingxue. In Yinguang, her features were exquisite and seductive!

Su Zimo slowly went down, and the thick ice gradually accumulated.

The flames are melting more slowly.

Entering the entrance of the cave, Su Zimo saw it very wide.

In the middle, a four or five meter wide hole in the middle, burning fire.

Su Zimo looked surprised with a look!

She just needs to seal the opening.

It's just that the heat on the surrounding stones makes it impossible to settle.

"Snow training, widen and grow."

Su Zimo quickly released Xuelian, Xuan Bingxue was not afraid of water and fire, and standing on it was not afraid of burning his feet.

Xuan Bingxue practiced quickly and widened to Su Zimo's feet.

Xuan Bingxue practiced with immense momentum, and the cold air released by it itself seemed to be covered with a layer of white ash at the opening where the flames rolled.

Su Zimo saw that the practice of Xuan Bingxue had increased a lot.

The hot flame of the cave made a noisy sound.

Su Zimo looked through the ice, and the flame knew that this hot temperature would always erupt, and it would soon erupt.

She must be very fast.

"Momo, why did you come down?"

Huoyan quickly flew to her side, a hint of worry flashed in Wenrun's eyes!

"Huohuo, I'm fine, how about it! Did you see Dragon Spirit Grass?"

Huo shook his head, disappointed.

"Momo, I've made a round here, except for stones and flames, nothing."

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