Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Huoyan, we parted." Su Zimo didn't believe it would.

She never missed the chance to survive, and she believed that she would be just as lucky this time.

She didn't believe that she couldn't find Dragon Spirit Grass.

"Momo, you have to be careful!" Huo Huo walked to her, looked at her softly and worriedly, and a deep heartache poured out from her heart. Recently Momo really suffered.

Both were in red clothes, in the ice and fire, like monsters and immortals.

"Relax! None of us will be okay."

Su Zimo smiled brightly, and her eyes were still full of confidence.

"I'm relieved to see you like this, Xiner will be fine."

Huo Xuan walked over and hugged her gently.

Feeling her thin body, his eyes were full of heartache.

"You look at you and you eat a lot, why don't you see long meat?"

He let go of her, with a look of perseverance, like Xing Chan's eyes, full of distress.

"Do I keep my figure?"

Su Zimo smiled, and the heartache in Huo's eyes made her warm.

They all care about her!

"Come on! Find time."


Huo Hu looked at Su Zimo leaving.

He took a deep breath before turning around and leaving.

Su Zimo walked for a while and quickly summoned Hong Huan and Feng Feng.

Six beasts and WoW stood beside her.

Instant humanoid!

"Oh, it's hot!" Hong Huan hung in the air, and the hot temperature made her unable to adapt for a while.

"Phoenix, crying souls, you separate, looking for Dragon Soul Grass, speed must be fast!"

"Okay!" The couple fluttered in shape and flew in different directions.

A sharp figure flew past like a blast.

Su Zimo smiled, it was so nice to have them!

Feeling the heat wave around is still very strong.

Su Zimo quickly released the power of Jiuqu Taiyi.

The energy of Jiuqu Taiyi was quickly absorbed by the surrounding heat waves, and the layers of hot mist continued to rise. The hot breath was scattered on the limbs. Su Zimo urged Xuan Bingxue to search around with no intention. Let it go.

Dragon Soul Grass has only two leaves, which are red in color. In this stone cave, which is similar to the color of the flame, it is very eye-catching.

Su Zimo was sweating, his hair sticking together, and the sweat quickly blurred his eyes.

Wipe it casually, and look for it seriously.

In this way, for Su Zimo, Xiu Wei and his physical strength are consuming fast, and after earnestly finding a circle.

Nothing but stones.

Su Zimo shook her hands a little, and she felt like she was lost like never before.

She closed her eyes slightly, came out of her body, and found no biological signs within a range of tens of meters.

Opening his eyes fiercely, sparks were jumping in Su Zimo's eyes.

"No, why not?"


Not far from Su Zimo, a red stone rolled down.

Su Zimo walked quickly, but found that there seemed to be a hole behind the rolling stone.

There was a hint of coolness on the face, very delicate, but Su Zimo still felt it.

Su Zimo gathered mystery with both hands, took a few steps back, and quickly hit the past.

It's just that these flaming rocks are harder than she imagined.

He was bombarded a few meters away, and only two stones fell.

"Momo, no." Everyone went back to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo bit her lip, and she just knew it, she already knew the result.

"You all come here and I find a hole here."

Several people flew over quickly, their clothes were soaked.

The slimy feeling made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

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