Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1723: : A wall between two worlds

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

A close look at Huoyan, Junyan flashed a deep joy!

There was a hint of coolness infiltrating, "Momo, there should be something behind or communicate with the outside world."

Su Zimo thought so too.

"Let's open it."

She couldn't miss a little bit, such a cave suddenly appeared in such a hot place, it would never be that simple.

"Let me come." The black mirror turned into its original form, and the snake tail quickly slammed at the stone wall.

"Bang!" A loud noise.

There were only some cracks in the stone wall.

Hei Jing was shocked!

"Why is this stone so hard?"

"I just shot down two pieces with the repair of the peak of Xuanhunjie. The stone is really hard."

Su Zimo wiped his sweat.

It's getting hotter, and the ice at the entrance won't last long.

Under the crystal clear ice layer, it seems that the waves are dark and swell under the calm sea. The hot magma covered by the ice layer is thick and thin. Once it breaks through the resistance, the amazing majestic force will be unbearable.

"Black Mirror, we cannot attack with all our strength. If this cave is destroyed, we will all die here."

"What then? If you don't do your best, this stone will be hard to shoot down." The black mirror turned into a human form again!

Suddenly, Xuan Bingxue under Su Zimo's feet practiced a few times.

Su Zimo looked down and instantly understood the meaning of Xuan Bingxue.

Su Zimo quickly hovered in the air.

I saw Xuan Bingxue flying quickly, and instantly became like a silver-gray long sword.

The sharp friction sound was fast and fierce.

Everyone looked at Xuan Bingxue's move in surprise, it was so spiritual and so sharp.


A huge boulder was soon sawn by Xuan Bingxue into small pieces and rolled off.

Su Zimo was surprised to watch Xuan Bingxue's movements.

How did Xuan Bingxue practice change this time?

But with it to help, it is really much easier.

After a while, a stone hole that can be drilled past is presented.

Su Zimo took them back.

Take out a night pearl to illuminate, and slowly enter the cave by Xuan Bingxue.

Su Zimo went in and took a look. The cave was large, and it got bigger and bigger, and it was no longer hot. The temperature here was normal.

Su Zimo could not help wondering, but across the wall, there were two worlds.

During the investigation of Su Zimo's knowledge, she found no danger, so she speeded up and walked inside.

Su Zimo observed the surrounding stone wall.

Suddenly, some golden **** on the ground caught her attention.

She walked over and saw that it was gold.

And many more!

Irregular little golden **** shone under the illumination of her night pearl.

"Well! This time gold is everywhere, and the pie drop in the sky can also **** across. I am out of luck."

Su Zimo said to himself, smiling at himself.

This is more exciting than getting rich overnight!

Su Zimo quickly used mysterious energy to receive all the gold in the ring of space.

Anyway, pick it up, don't do it for nothing.

Later, she probed the surroundings with consciousness.

There are still no traces of life.

"No!" Su Zimo walked forward quickly.

She had a hunch and could find Dragon Spirit Grass here.

After walking a few hundred meters, the road in the cave was suddenly broken.

A cave is seen straight down.

Suddenly, a scorching heat came from behind.

Su Zimo looked back quickly, and his eyes set off a stormy sea.

I saw the cave behind her, a sea of ​​fire flowing across the river, crazy fire waves one after another, Zhang Ya swooped with dancing teeth.

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