Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2012: : Involved in this dispute for no reason

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"If you want to play the soul song, you have to have hands." Mu Yunxuan looked at the three coldly.

Only when the wizard reaches the eighteenth level or above can various kinds of witchcraft be gathered, such as fire witchcraft, ice witchcraft, wind witchcraft, and the only thing that cannot be gathered is rain.

Most of these wizards live in Haoyuezhan and Mopanshan.

Along the way, Mu Yunxuan has never encountered it.

"Master Rongfen, your hand?"

The two wizards behind her did not respond until now.

I saw that Rongfen Wizard suddenly passed out.

The piano in his hand also rolled down instantly, but the ground collided with a crisp sound.

Mu Yunxuan gazed at them with immortality.

He had no plans to keep them all alive tonight.

This is a **** road, killing is inevitable.

The strength of a mysterious soul peak, when angry, the coercion emanating from people is unimaginable.

Mu Yunxuan's expression was indifferent, his arms trembled slightly, and the powerful coercion quickly moved towards the three.

The remaining two wizards were immediately forced to kneel by this powerful coercion, and looked at Mu Yunxuan with a slight glance, but Mu Yunxuan did not give them a chance to pray, and increased the coercion again. He died.

Mu Yunxuan took out Chiwu and sucked the witch spirit from them.

"Yunhe, buried their bodies, let everyone prepare, we will start tomorrow morning."

Mu Yunxuan turned back and ordered Yunhe.

"Yes, King Xuan." Yunhe looked at the sorcerer's corpse on the ground with a grudge, waved his hands to let the guardians around him come out, and took away the three corpses.

Mu Yunxuan turned back, seeing Su Zimo's expression lost, she said nothing, her eyes gradually darkened.

Suddenly, the strands of loneliness flickered lightly under his eyes, slightly helpless.

"Mo Er, this is a **** road. Since we have chosen, we must stick to it."

Su Zimo raised his eyes, smiled gently, and pulled Mu Yunxuan into the room.

"Yunxuan, I am not distressed by the lives of those wizards, but I am thinking that everything in the world is one thing and one thing. I originally thought that a dead person has nothing to fear, but in this world, There are also magical things like the soul song, which can make the soul feel like it is scattered. "

Her burning eyes were a little disturbed.

"Mo Er, evil is overwhelming. The world of witch gods will eventually be destroyed. Her dreams will eventually be broken. Believe me, this place is nearing the edge of Haoyue's top, and we will not delay it for too long." Xuan held her hand tightly, and Zhang Junyi's face was full of perseverance.

"Yunxuan, I have always believed in you. In fact, the most innocent of us is the two of us, who have been involved in this dispute for no reason."

Her eyes, like a clear breeze and a bright moon, looked at people's hearts, instantly snow-like.

Mu Yunxuan's heart was touched instantly, quickly pulling her into the ring of space.

However, not far away, everyone watched as three 16th-level wizards were killed, and they were completely shocked!

That scene happened too fast! They don't have time to see clearly.

"It's so good, it's so good!" Someone in the crowd suddenly yelled.

He yelled in vain, making everyone more heated.

When Yunhe looked, Junyi's face flashed a smile, and he shouted, "We have hope. As soon as those wicked wizards die, our world will be peaceful."

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