Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 2013: : They really want to rebel

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Okay! We all work together to follow King Xuan, and we will definitely be able to live like people in Qianning City in the future. Madam said that a harmonious world is beautiful. Now that we have decided, do we also know what we need? We must all work together. "

Xia Lei, who was next to Yunhe, also shouted.

In an instant, the street was full of blood and the death of the three wizards seemed to make them see hope in an instant.

Not far away, hiding from the two wizards, seeing this scene, both of them felt a touch of fear.

One of the wizards said palely, "What to do? What to do? All three wizards are dead, how can we go back and explain to the witch gods, these cheap men, they really want to rebel."

"No, we can't go out, we have to find a way to report back to the Witch God, and let the Witch God find a way to stop all this. Otherwise, we all have to die. The few men in my family, after hearing about Xuan Wang, have It means to escape, if I didn't find it in time, I'd be afraid to have fled here to take refuge in King Xuan. "

"You are crueler than me. They don't run, are they waiting for you to torture them every night?" Said another coldly.

Suddenly, the two felt something wrong behind them.

A strong sense of danger crossed his head in vain.

The two turned quickly, and a behemoth appeared in front of them.

Jiuyi had already found the whereabouts of the two of them.


Hearing the scream, the cheering people on the street stopped abruptly!

Yun He led people to quickly walk over to see.

Jiuyi's true body, everyone has seen it, not afraid.

Instead, seeing the two wizards, they finally managed to calm down the anger, and instantly became angry.

"Xia Lei, Lord Jiuyi has killed them, go and bring their bodies and bury them together."

"Good!" Xia Lei walked quickly with the two of them.

The corpses of the wizards must be buried, and they must be buried deeply. Before they practiced witchcraft, they drank a black water, which was only made by the witch gods and wizards above the eighteenth level. Once they died, their bodies The foul odor emitted inside will appear toxic substances, which will endanger living things around.

In the early morning of the next day, Mu Yunxuan ordered more than a thousand people to walk separately, and scattered into four paths.

The nine wings, black turtle, blue spirit, white tiger, and the four turned into human figures are very beautiful.

Every time Su Zimo saw the four of them, he couldn't help laughing at them.

Mu Yunxuan, who provokes every time, looked jealous.

"Xuan turtle, white tiger, blue spirit, you three took them to town, if you want to join us, you will not refuse, but must be able to cultivate."

"Yes, master."

The four stood together and wore four brightly colored clothes to form a beautiful landscape.

Nine wings are black, black turtle is light blue, white tiger is white, and blue spirit is ice blue.

Fresh and handsome, romantic, handsome and handsome, calm and elegant on the four people.

"Everyone just do n’t want to be separated from Xuangui, White Tiger, and Blue Spirit, and you wo n’t be in danger. All four of them are supernaturally trained. Ca n’t ordinary wizards hurt them?

Mu Yunxuanyuan's powerful voice runs through everyone's ears.

"Yes, King Xuan." In a neat voice, with deep confidence.

They felt badly about the wizard, they wanted to live like the people in Qianning City, and they had to go to this war.

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