"Hey, Miss Takatsuki Izumi, what did you say?" Ling Chuan turned around and said with a harmless expression after hearing what Takatsuki Izumi said.

"I said... you can think about how you are going to die." Takatsuki Izumi shook off Lingchuan's hand, looked at Lingchuan pretending to be indifferent, laughed angrily, and then said with an expression as if he was looking at a dead person

"Ah… Miss Takatsuki Izumi is so heartless, weren’t we in a friendly and intimate contact just a second ago?"Ling Chuan looked at Takatsuki Izumi, who he had just held, and said to her with a sad face, as if he had been abandoned.

Then, with Takatsuki Izumi looking like she had eaten a fly, Ling Chuan went up to her, pulled her hand and shouted loudly:

"Quan, don't leave me. I know the child you are carrying is not mine, but as long as you don't leave me, I will raise this child as my own, and I can even tell the child that... Quan"

Lingchuan held Takatsuki Quan's hand, and squeezed out a few tears while shouting, pretending to be a wife who is going to run away with someone else's ball.���

Takatsuki Izumi tried to shake off Lingchuan's hand, but found that he couldn't. He looked like he was going to eat someone. He was about to say something.

"He... I... It's not like that!"

She saw the passers-by staring at her with wide eyes, and hurriedly waved her hand with her other hand, and then was forced to pull Ling Chuan away quickly. After all, she was just a child who had been deprived of parental love since childhood and had never experienced these things.


Gao Zuquan dragged Lingchuan to a hidden alley.

"You!... I have never seen such a shameless person like you. Have you thought about how to die?" When he came to the alley, Gao Tsukui stopped and shook off Ling Chuan's hand. He looked around and saw no one or surveillance. Then his eyes turned into red eyes, and then he looked at Ling Chuan with a cruel smile and said

"Don’t get excited… Don’t get excited, Quan, listen to my explanation." Ling Chuan said as if he had his reasons.

"Don't call me Quan! What, you want to quibble before you die, you'd better die directly." Hearing Lingchuan calling him Quan, Takatsuki Quan immediately remembered what happened just now, and he immediately exploded, and released Yuhe

"Hey, Mr.

Yoshimura, why are you here?" Lingchuan saw Takatsuki Izumi release her kagune, and hurriedly showed a happy look and greeted Takatsuki Izumi from behind, trying to divert her attention.

Sure enough, when Takatsuki Izumi heard Lingchuan calling Mr.

Yoshimura, she looked back, and then Lingchuan hurriedly used her kagune and flew to the roof at an astonishing speed.

Then, after saying a word, she rushed away.

When Takatsuki Izumi heard the name Yoshimura Kousen, her body trembled violently, and then she slowly turned around.

When she saw that there was no one behind her, she immediately realized that she had been deceived.

Lingchuan's voice came from above:"Izumi, see you next time! If you miss me too much, remember to come to the antique coffee shop to find me, I'll treat you to coffee~" This sentence was a little teasing, which instantly made Takatsuki Izumi furious.

She gritted her teeth and stared at the direction where the sound came from, immediately spread her wings and rushed towards the roof. However, when she reached the roof, she found that it was empty and Lingchuan had disappeared.

Takatsuki Izumi stood there, shaking with anger. She never thought that she would suffer twice in a row at the hands of the same person.

She clenched her fists tightly, thinking to herself that she must make this damn scum pay the price.

After a while, Takatsuki Izumi calmed down.

"Lingchuan?""Antique Coffee Shop,"

Takatsuki Izumi muttered to herself, and at the same time she was making a decision in her heart. She wanted to rush to the Antique Coffee Shop immediately to catch Lingchuan and torture him, but when she thought of the Antique Coffee Shop and her father, Yoshimura Kousen, she didn't want to step into that disgusting place.

"I'll find another chance to torture him next time. I've remembered his appearance anyway."

Takatsuki Izumi stopped thinking about these troubles, calmed down, and went home.



"The host meets Izumi Takatsuki (Aito Yoshimura), and gains 10 points of kagune proficiency. The current kagune proficiency is 160/500"

""160 points of proficiency"

Ling Chuan muttered in a low voice as the system's prompt sounded in his mind.

Then he thought again, he had to improve his strength. Just now, when he faced Takatsuki Izumi, one of the original anime ceilings.

When he felt the pressure when Takatsuki Izumi released his kagune in anger, Ling Chuan felt a palpitation, as if he could easily tear him apart.

So he immediately diverted Takatsuki Izumi's attention and hurriedly fled.

"Oh, how embarrassing! I have to improve my strength next time before I provoke her. Fortunately, she only saw my Yuhe this time, otherwise my next plan would be difficult to implement."

Ling Chuan muttered to himself as he walked on the streets of District 20.


Soon , Ling Chuan arrived at the antique coffee shop.……

"Welcome light………Why are you here again, you arrogant guy? You come here every day to get free coffee."

Kirishima Dongxiang heard the wind chimes of the coffee shop ringing, turned around and greeted them. When she saw it was Lingchuan, she said with a stern face

"I won't bother with you. I came here to look for Kaneki and Ying. Why don't I see them?"

Lingchuan made an international gesture to Kirishima Dongxiang, then looked around and didn't see Kaneki and the others, so he asked

"The injured golden retriever passed away early this morning. The coward just accompanied Hinami to the book signing event of the popular writer Takatsuki Izumi."

Kirishima Touka replied expressionlessly.

"Ah Lele...then they should be back soon. Also, Miss Touka, please don't give me nicknames casually, okay?" Lingchuan listened to what Kirishima Touka said and replied speechlessly.

"Huh? How come they are coming back soon after they just went there?" Kirishima Touka asked in confusion.

"This……"Ling Chuan was about to say that the book signing was over when he heard the door of the cafe open.

"What a pity, it's already over." Kaneki Ken's voice came in

"I heard from the book saleswoman at the bookstore that there was a weird guy who mistook someone for someone else and that was the reason why Ms. Takatsuki Izumi ended the book signing early. It's so abominable. I want to bite that weird guy to death.………"Then, Fueguchi Hinami said angrily.

Hearing Fueguchi Hinami's words, Lingchuan smiled slightly and then greeted the two of them.

"Hina-chan, Kaneki, good afternoon."

"Hey, big brother, you're here." When Fueguchi Hinami saw Lingchuan, she ran over excitedly to say hello.

"Brother, I'm really angry, you don't know……………"Fueguchi Hinami angrily talked about how she had just gone to a book signing event but failed.

Lingchuan smiled awkwardly at the side.

"Well, that's really too much. I'll have to go next time, little Hinami." Finally, after hearing Fuekou Hinami finish her angry words, Lingchuan quickly agreed.

"Kaneki, I want to tell you something.……"

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