After Fueguchi Hina finished her complaint with Lingchuan, she went upstairs to find her mother.

Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken and remembered something, so he walked outside and shouted to Kaneki Ken:

"Jinmu, let's go out for a while. I want to tell you something."

"OK." Kaneki Ken hurriedly followed.

Then Lingchuan led Kaneki Ken to stroll through the streets and alleys of District 20. The two walked side by side, chatting and laughing all the way.

" Jinmu, do you think your life is still a mess??" Ling Chuan asked with concern.

Upon hearing this, Jin Muyan couldn't help but fall into deep thought. After a moment, he slowly raised his head and responded:" Life......In fact, it is not as bad as I thought before. I always thought that after becoming half-human, half-ghoul, I would have to eat those disgusting"foods", as if there was no place for me in this world."

He then said:"However, I seem to like the warm and peaceful atmosphere in the antique coffee shop. There are the kind and friendly Mr. Yoshimura, the impatient but kind-hearted Touka, the quarrelsome but gentle Miss Irimi and Mr. Furuma, the taciturn uncle Shifang, the gentle and graceful new Miss Ryoko, and the innocent and lovely Hinami."

At this point, Kaneki Ken's eyes revealed a light full of expectations and longing for future life

"So...did Ying say anything to you when he left this morning?"Ling Chuan looked at Kaneki Ken who was full of hope for life, and asked

"Ying said something inexplicably in the morning, 'Kaneki, live well, I will definitely save you', and then left." Kaneki Ken thought of what Ying said in the morning and said with a puzzled look on his face

"Don't think too much," Ling Chuan said to Kaneki Ken, who looked puzzled.


Soon, Lingchuan brought Jinmu Yan to a hidden passage.

"Hey, Lingchuan, what are we doing here?" Jinmu Ken asked in confusion

"The white pigeon is already lurking in Area 20. In case of an emergency, you still have to protect your own life, Kaneki." Lingchuan looked at Kaneki Ken and explained, then took off his coat, revealing a strong and well-proportioned body.

"What!"Kaneki Ken said quickly

"Kaneki, today I will improve your basic combat skills. Get ready... I am about to attack you," Lingchuan said, and then he quickly approached, punching him one after another.

"Huh? Wait a minute," Kaneki Ken said hurriedly.


Lingchuan punched Kaneki Ken in the stomach, knocking him out

"The enemy will not stop just because you say wait, Kaneki." Lingchuan said seriously as he looked at Kaneki Ken who fell to the ground.

Kaneki Ken looked at Lingchuan's serious expression and quickly stood up and got ready.

"Next, I won't use my full strength, but I won't hold back either. If you can't hold back, you can release your kagune and practice more on controlling it." Ling Chuan looked at Kaneki Ken and said

"Here it comes," Lingchuan said, and then quickly rushed towards Kaneki Ken

"So fast…!"Kaneki Ken looked at Lingchuan who was about to reach him and exclaimed

"I should be able to dodge it..." Then he thought to himself, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

"How could it be!"

It's a pity that he underestimated Ling Chuan's strength. A fist continued to grow bigger in front of him.


Seeing that Kaneki Ken couldn't dodge, Lingchuan changed his fist into a palm and slapped Kaneki Ken's chest.

Looking at Kaneki Ken lying on the ground again, Lingchuan couldn't help but complain in his heart,"Uh, Kaneki Ken at this stage is too weak"

"Come again..." Kaneki Ken stood up and said to Lingchuan, and then continued to take a fighting stance.


"As expected of the protagonist, his health bar is thick."

Lingchuan was a little surprised that Kaneki Ken could stand up after lying on the ground for many times.

With half of Lingchuan's strength in close combat, Kaneki Ken could only passively take the beating at the beginning, but now he can dodge two punches and fly away.

Lingchuan praised:"Not bad, not bad, you have made great progress, Kaneki, let's stop here for today."

""Okay..." Kaneki Ken replied.

Then the two of them rested for a while, and then they went home.


The next day,

Lingchuan thought that according to the timeline, the ghoul investigator should soon find"Gecko" and Fueguchi Asaki who was imprisoned by"Gecko", so he prepared to go to the Antique Coffee Shop to ask Fueguchi Ryoko about the specific location of her husband.

Pushing open the door of the Antique Coffee Shop, Lingchuan felt very cold. There were only two baristas in the coffee shop, Xuan Irimi and Yuanji Furuma, and Renji Shikata who served as a waiter.

Lingchuan asked Xuan Irimi who was making coffee:"Ms. Irimi, where are Kaneki and Touka? Why didn't they come to work part-time today?"

"Touka went to school. Today is a workday. Kaneki seems to have gone out to eat with friends."Irimi Xuan replied

"Thank you, Miss Irimi. Bye." After hearing this, Lingchuan thought that Kaneki should have gone to have dinner with Tsukiyama.

Then he thought that it was still early, so he went to ask Fueguchi Ryoko about her husband, and walked inside.

"" Ms. Ryoko, are you in there?" Ling Chuan came to the outside of Fuekou Ryoko's room, knocked on the door and shouted.

After a while, the door was opened. Fuekou Ryoko saw that it was Ling Chuan and said,"Mr. Ling Chuan, why are you here? Is there something wrong? Please come in.""

"No, Miss Liangzi, I came here to ask about your husband. Is Xiao Hina honest?" Ling Chuan asked softly.

""Ah? What happened to my husband? Did something happen?" Fueguchi Ryoko asked hurriedly, then she looked at Lingchuan shaking his head and shushing at him, then she calmed down and whispered,"Hinaji locked herself in the room because I didn't let her see her father. Mr. Lingchuan, let's go out and talk."

Then they came to the back kitchen of the cafe, and as soon as they sat down, Fueguchi Ryoko asked hurriedly:"Mr. Lingchuan, you said you wanted to ask about my husband, what do you mean?""

"Don't get excited, Miss Liangzi, your husband should be fine now. I just want to ask you about your husband's specific location. I'm going to go over and see if I can save him." Ling Chuan comforted her and told her his purpose.

"Help? Is something going to happen? Mr. Lingchuan" When Fuekou Ryoko heard Lingchuan say help, she said excitedly

"Ms. Liangzi, your husband is probably being held captive by the Gecko now. I received news that the White Pigeon is about to track down the Gecko, so you should know about it, right?" Ling Chuan said calmly.

"Mr. Lingchuan, thank you very much for telling me this news, but I can't tell you his location. I can't hurt you because of my husband." When Fueguchi Ryoko heard the news, she stood up excitedly at first, then thought of something, bowed to Lingchuan, and said gently

"Miss Ryoko, just tell me the exact location. As for whether I can be rescued, it depends on God's will. Miss Ryoko, don't worry. If I want to leave, even an SSS-level ghoul can't stop me." Ling Chuan looked at the weak Fukou Ryoko in front of him and said with an extremely confident look.

"No, I can’t let you take risks."

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