"I will join the Anping District," said Yue Shanjian almost without hesitation.

"Remember to report to Anding District after you recover from your injuries," Lingchuan said with a smile, and then walked towards the unconscious Nishino Takami.

Lingchuan pointed his finger at Nishino Takami, then looked at Nishio Nishiki who was seriously injured but still had a trace of consciousness and said with a smile:"Senior Nishio, the identities of several of us have been known by this human lady. How should we deal with her?"

"No... don't hurt her, please... please," Nishio Jin climbed up with difficulty and said.

At this time, Nishino Takami, who Lingchuan was pointing at, also woke up slowly. When he heard Nishio Jin's voice, he asked,"Jin, is that you?"

""Taka...wei, it's alright." When Nishio Jin heard Nishino Takami's voice, he hurriedly replied with difficulty.

"Senior Nishio, I can not kill this lady, but you have to join the Anping District, and this lady needs to do me a favor."Ling Chuan looked at the strong Nishio Jin in front of him and said slowly

"Is that Mr. Lingchuan? I agree with your plan." Before Nishio Jin could answer, the blindfolded Nishino Takashi heard Lingchuan's voice and quickly replied.

"What's the favor? I'm joining the An Ding District. Please don't embarrass Gui Wei." Nishio Jinye asked hurriedly.

"Jin, it's okay, Mr. Lingchuan won't make things difficult for me, this is my decision," Nishino Takami replied with a smile while covering his eyes.

"Well, it's getting late, it's time to go home, see you later." Ling Chuan didn't make it too difficult for them, and was about to leave. Just as he reached the door, he turned back and said to Nishino Takami,"Miss Takami, since you have decided, wait for Senior Nishio to recover from his injury and meet at the Antique Coffee Shop. I will take you to meet someone."

After that, he left here.


Since Lingchuan came to the antique coffee shop, this originally deserted coffee shop has gradually become lively.

Fueguchi Hinami, who was originally depressed because she was going to live away from her father, became lively after seeing her father coming back. She called Lingchuan"big brother" all the time, and also shouted that she wanted to be the big brother's wife in the future, which made everyone laugh.

Her mother Fueguchi Ryoko also bowed deeply to Lingchuan, and was very grateful to Lingchuan for rescuing her husband.

After a while, Tsukiyama Mi, Nishio Nishiki, and Nishino Takami, who had recovered from their injuries, just happened to come to the antique coffee shop together.

Tsukiyama Mi first looked at Lingchuan with a frightened look on his face, and then when he saw Kaneki Ken, he ran over with excitement:"Kanki!"

"Mr. Lingchuan, thank you for saving us."Nishino Takami has learned the reason for the kidnapping these days, and looked at Lingchuan and said gratefully.

Nishio Nishiki still had a proud expression on his face.

"You're welcome. You can go to Mr. Fangcun and explain your purpose first." Ling Chuan said


Yoshimura Kozen naturally welcomed the three of them. Although he was a little surprised that Takami Nishino was a human, he didn't say much. After all, his philosophy was that ghouls and humans could coexist peacefully.

Lingchuan called Dr. Kano and then took Takami Nishino to Kano Hospital.

"Mr. Lingchuan, why did you choose me?"Walking on the road with Lingchuan, Takami Nishino asked a question she had never understood.

"Because I believe in you," Ling Chuan said with a smile, and complained in his heart:"How would I know? I can't tell you that I have watched the original anime, in which you developed artificial ghoul food."

"Believe it? I will not let Mr. Lingchuan down."Nishino Takami was stunned for a moment, then said firmly.

After the episode, the two continued to walk towards Kano Hospital.


Soon, the two arrived at Kano Hospital. Ling Chuan took Nishino Takami straight to Dr. Kano's office.

Ling Chuan knocked on the door, and then someone said"Come in". Ling Chuan opened the door and said to Dr. Kano who was working.

"Dr. Garner, long time no see."

"Mr. Lingchuan, it's been a long time since we last met. Why did you think of looking for me today?" Dr. Jiana replied with a smile.

"Aren't you here to ask about the progress of the matter we talked about before? After all, it is about saving the world," Ling Chuan said

"The progress is slow. After all, Mr. Lingchuan, you should also know that I have been studying the kagune of ghouls, and I am definitely not very proficient in medicine."Dr. Kano replied truthfully, and then added,"Because I am still studying the kagune of ghouls, I don't have enough manpower, so I am preparing to hire an assistant." After hearing this,

Lingchuan couldn't help but complain in his heart,"Ah, what a coincidence, I always feel weird."

Then he looked at Dr. Kano and smiled and replied,"It's really a coincidence, Dr. Kano, I came here today not only to ask about the progress, but also to introduce you to an assistant."

"Ms. Takami, please come in." Ling Chuan called Nishino Takami in and introduced her,"This is Doctor Kano."

"Hello, Dr. Kano. I am Takami Nishino and I am a student at the second year of the Department of Medicine at Kamii University.………"Nishino Takami introduced himself to Kano Akihiro

"Hello, Miss Guiwei, do you know what we are going to study?" Dr. Kano looked at the girl in front of him and asked

"I know," said Nishino Takami firmly.

"Okay, then you can come later.…………"Dr. Kano told Takami Nishino about his laboratory

"OK, Doctor Kano," Nishino Takami nodded.

"Then we won't bother you any more, Dr. Kano, we'll wait for your good news," Ling Chuan said goodbye.

Then he took Nishino Takami out of the hospital.


On the other side CCG

""Mr. Mado, how do you feel?" Yamon Kotaro asked with concern as he looked at Mado Wuxu who had just woken up.

"I feel fine now, but..." Mado Wuxu said, looking at his bandaged right hand.

"The doctor said that Mr. Mado can no longer fight with Quinque," said Kotaro Amon softly.

"It's okay, Amon. If I can't hold Quinque with my right hand, I still have my left hand." Mado Wuxu said nonchalantly.

"Mr. Mado…" Just as Kotaro Yamon was about to say something, he was interrupted by Mado Wuxu

""Don't be so fussy, Amon, keep working. It's our mission to drive out all the ghouls." Mado Wuxu drove Amon Kotaro out of the ward.

After driving Amon Kotaro out of the ward, Mado Wuxu looked at his right hand and wondered what he was thinking.

Amon Kotaro, who had just left the ward, was about to leave when a voice called him.

"Yamen, second class."

Yamen Kotaro looked back and saw a tall woman with short yellow hair walking towards him.

"Who are you?" asked Amon Kotaro

"I am Mado Akira, the daughter of Mado Wuxu," Mado Akira said concisely.

""Ms. Mado, hello. Mr. Mado has woken up. You can go see him now." Yamon Kotaro thought that Mado Akira was here to ask him if Mado Wuxu had woken up, so he quickly said.

"I'll go check it out, but that's not what I'm asking."

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