"I will go see him, but I'm not asking this. I want to ask him...was he injured by that ghoul?" Mado Akatsuki said with a determined look.

"Mr. Mado was injured by an unknown ghoul. I have already reported this ghoul. His code name is 'Black Hawk' and he is very powerful. However, don't worry, Miss Mado, I will definitely find him and expel him to avenge Mr. Mado." Amon Kotaro looked at Mado Akatsuki and said firmly.

"No, in half a year, I will graduate from the Ghoul Investigator Academy and I will catch him myself," said Mado Akira, and then turned and left.

"that……"Kotaro Amon looked at Mado Akira's back as he left, wanting to say something but not saying it.

After leaving the hospital, Kotaro Amon came to CCG headquarters and then to Shinohara Yukinori's office.

"Shinohara, I went to the place where we fought the Black Hawk and searched carefully. I found a photo." Amon Kotaro took out a photo and handed it to Shinohara Yukinori.

"This is��?"Yukinori Shinohara asked

"This is the ghoul that Black Hawk rescued that day. Next to him should be his wife and daughter. I think we should follow this clue to investigate."Amon Kotaro replied.

"Okay, I understand. Amon, put aside your work in District 20 for now, and come with me to District 11. District 11 has already fallen." Shinohara Yukinori looked at Amon Kotaro and said seriously

"I will introduce you to two people. Let them handle the work of District 20. Follow me," said Shinohara Yukinori, standing up and walking outside with Amon Kotaro.

Soon, they met the newly transferred Hoshira Shoji and Takizawa Masamichi.

""Hosaji Jun Special Class" Yamon Kotaro exclaimed

"Yamen, long time no see," Fa Si Xiang Jie replied with a smile.

At this time, an excited voice sounded beside him.

"Mr. Ya… Yamon, nice to meet you. I am Masamichi Takizawa, a second-class investigator in the Countermeasures Section 1 of this bureau. Please… take care of me." Masamichi Takizawa said excitedly.

"He is your fan, Yamen, and seems a little nervous," said Fa Si Xiang Jie with a smile.

"The law... the law temple allows special investigators, no………"Takizawa Masamichi was so nervous that he couldn't speak.

"Please take care of me, Masamichi Takizawa." Amon Kotaro stretched out his hand and said with a smile

"Please...please take care of me," Takizawa Masamichi replied excitedly.

"Yamen, you should coordinate your work with the temple in the next two days," said Shinohara Yukinori.

""Okay, Mr. Shinohara," Amon Kotaro said seriously.


When Lingchuan arrived at the antique coffee shop, it was very lively. Kirishima Touka and Nishio Nishiki were arguing because Kirishima Touka broke a plate. Kaneki Kenken was cleaning the table with despair. Furuma Enji was talking to herself.

"What the hell are you doing, you stupid woman?"

"Is this how you talk to your seniors, you piece of shit?"


"After all, we are in the catering industry here. Could you please stop using that dirty word?"

"Bastard Dong Xiang"

"Shit Brocade"

"If you keep doing this, I will be angry too. I think you should have heard the legend of my [Demon Ape]."

After Gu Jianyuan finished speaking, the two people who were bickering looked at him in confusion and then continued their bickering.


Ling Chuan sat aside and watched them bickering like a bystander.

After a while, Mr. Fangcun came and they stopped bickering.

Ling Chuan looked at Fangcun Gongshan and said what he thought,"Mr. Fangcun, I am going to District 11 these days."

"I am also planning to go to District 11, so let's go together," said Yoshimura Kousan

"Area 11?" Kaneki Ken asked in confusion.

"Well, according to the information sent back from all directions, the ghouls seem to be forming a team to hunt the investigators. The situation is very dangerous. If it continues like this, the situation may get worse."Yoshimura Kousen said to everyone

"What do you mean by worse?" Kaneki Ken asked

"For example, a war will break out." Gu Jianyuan replied seriously, and then said thoughtfully:"In this case, maybe I can also return to the arena as a [Demon Ape]"

"Yes, so I am going to take a look," Ling Chuan said at this time

"You all should be careful during this period of time." Ling Chuan knew what would happen during this period of time, so he looked at Kaneki Ken and others and reminded them


Soon, Lingchuan and Yoshimura Kousen arrived at District 11, where Shikata Renshi, wearing a crow mask, was waiting for them.

Looking at the scene of corpses everywhere in District 11, Lingchuan couldn't help but sigh:"It's really tragic!"

Yoshimura Kousen looked at Shikata Renshi and asked:"Shikata, do you have any information about them?"

Shikata Renshi took off his mask and said:"They are a ghoul organization calling themselves the Bronze Tree. The exact number of people is unknown. They are led by... the One-Eyed King."

When he heard that it was the One-Eyed King, Lingchuan clearly saw the shock on Yoshimura Kousen's facial expression, and then slowly said:"So... it's the One-Eyed King."

Yoshimura Kousen looked at it for a while, then turned around and said:"Shikata, Mr. Lingchuan, let's go back to the Stable District"

"OK," Sifang Lianshi replied.

"Mr. Fangcun, Uncle Sifang, you guys go back first, I'll go around District 11." Ling Chuan had his own plans, so he said to Fangcun Gongshan and Sifang Lianshi.

"So... Well, Mr. Lingchuan, please be careful," said Fangcun Gongshan, and then he and Shifang Lianshi turned around and left.

After saying goodbye to Fangcun Gongshan and the others, Lingchuan walked towards the base of the bronze tree.


At the same time , a special guest arrived at the Antique Coffee Shop.……

"Welcome to the Antique Coffee Shop."

A tall man with short shit-yellow hair���And three people in red robes walked in

""Where is the store manager?" The tall man grabbed Kaneki Ken's clothes and asked loudly.

"The manager...is not here at the moment...that" Kaneki Ken stuttered

"Then where did he go?" the tall man said fiercely

"Stop it," said Kirishima Touka next to him seriously.


"My name is Wanzhang Shuyi, I am from District 11, and I am here to look for Miss Li Shi," the tall man introduced himself.

"What! How could you think Rize was here?" Kirishima Touka asked

"You are a lady. When you left District 11, you mentioned that you were interested in this coffee shop in District 20." Manzhang counted once.

Then he sniffed and suddenly grabbed Kaneki Ken's collar and asked loudly,"Why do you smell like Miss Rize! What's going on!"

Suddenly he thought of something and asked loudly,"Could it be! Are you Miss Rize's man?"

Then he started to fight angrily, but was accidentally hit on the chin by Kaneki Ken and fainted.

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