"Mr. Black Hawk, you've come just in time. We are discussing the deployment of the war in a few days." As soon as Ling Chuan opened the door of the conference room, he heard the ethereal voice of Takatsuki Izumi.

"Eh, is that so? I'm fine with that. I'll guard that place as you like. I'll make it clear that if the situation is not right, I will withdraw directly."Ling Chuan walked to a chair and sat down, spreading his hands, and said in a nonchalant tone

"You...you guy" Kirishima Xuan heard Ling Chuan's indifferent tone, so he slapped the long table in front of him, stood up and said angrily.

He had always disliked this new guy in his heart. He took the position of cadre as soon as he arrived, and now he acted indifferent when the organization had something to do.

"Xuandu, Mr. Black Hawk is right. If the situation is not right, evacuate immediately. Our focus is not here."Just when Kirishima Xuandu was about to say something, Duoduoliang at the front of the long table spoke up.

"Bastard!" Kirishima Aya cursed in a low voice and sat down.

Lingchuan ignored them and stared at Takatsuki Izumi, thinking about how to contact her.

Just as they were discussing the war in full swing, the door of the conference hall was opened again, and this time it was the newly transformed Kaneki Ken who came.

Lingchuan was still a little surprised to see Kaneki Ken coming here now. According to his guess, Kaneki Ken should go back to the antique coffee shop first, and then think about it for a few days before coming here.

"Black Hawk, didn’t you take him away? Why is he here now?" Kirishima Ayado, who was standing by, looked at Kaneki Ken who he brought back and stood up and asked Lingchuan loudly.

Lingchuan ignored him, closed his eyes, and planned to rest for a while.

At this time, Kaneki Ken who came in spoke:"I want to join the Bronze Tree"

"Ha... you rookie, you still want to join us." Kirishima Ayado heard what Kaneki Ken said and laughed and mocked.

Kaneki Ken didn't say any more nonsense, immediately released his kagune, and then rushed towards Kirishima Ayado.

"You are much faster, you eyepatch bastard." Kirishima Arata continued to taunt Kaneki Ken who was rushing over, and then released his feather arrows to shoot at Kaneki Ken.

Kaneki Ken dodged at an extremely fast speed, then instantly came behind Kirishima Arata and said,"You are Touka's only brother, so I don't think I will kill you."

""Asshole, you are really too naive." Kirishima Ayato said angrily, and then started a hand-to-hand fight with Kaneki Ken.

Soon, Kaneki Ken, who was gradually familiar with the battle, suppressed Kirishima Ayato.


Kirishima Ayado was knocked away by Kaneki Ken and fell to the ground, shouting with difficulty:"Asshole!"

Kaneki Ken looked at Kirishima Ayado on the ground, ignored him, turned around and looked at Tadara and said:"Now, can I join the Bronze Tree?"

"Welcome to join us, Mr. Kaneki," Tadara replied calmly.


At the Antique Coffee Shop, Yoshimura Kousen gathered all the people in the Anding District to discuss the plan to rescue Kaneki Ken. In the end, they decided to sneak into the Bronze Tree while CCG was attacking the Bronze Tree base.


CCG"The"11th District Special Countermeasures Team" is also heading to the 11th District in an orderly manner. Because they attach great importance to this operation, they have dispatched three special investigators.

The commander is Marute Sai, and there are Shinohara Yukinori and Kuroiwa.

A battle is about to begin.………


Lingchuan and Kaneki Ken were assigned to the same place because they were new cadres.

"Lingchuan, you just said that Dongxiang and Mr. Fangcun will come to save me?"Jinmu Yan heard what Lingchuan said just now and asked in a low voice

"Ah, they will definitely come. After all, the purpose of the Stable Zone is for ghouls to help each other. They may have already come and are waiting for CCG to attack and sneak in during the chaos."Ling Chuan said on the side

"I hope they are okay." Kaneki Ken said

"Don't worry, Mr. Fangcun is very strong."Ling Chuan replied, and then saw a large number of armed forces coming in front of him and said,"Here they are, be careful later, and withdraw if the situation is not right."


Before a war, it was always eerily quiet. With a flare exploding in the sky, the war began.

Both sides started with long-range weapons, and with the roar of a motorcycle, a large number of armed personnel began to enter the building.

The building was full of splattered blood and wailing. Lingchuan was also searching for several people in the Anting District. On the way, he killed all the ghouls and CCG armed personnel he encountered, and the system prompt sound kept ringing.

"The host kills an investigator and gains 5 points of kagune proficiency."

"The host kills a B-rank ghoul and gains 15 points of kagune proficiency."


Soon, Ling Chuan saw a figure wearing a white rabbit mask. He quickly stepped forward and just as he was about to get close, the opponent kicked him with his leg. Ling Chuan dodged.

"Lingchuan! Why are you here? Where is Kaneki?" Kirishima Touka turned around and saw Lingchuan wearing a black mask, so she asked hurriedly

"Jinmu was saved by me, you guys evacuate quickly."Ling Chuan said concisely

"OK." Kirishima Touka didn't waste any words and quickly told everyone in the headset

"Where is Kaneki?" After telling everyone, Kirishima Touka looked at Lingchuan and asked

"You guys go to a secluded place first, I'll bring him to see you later, after all, we have to say goodbye properly." Ling Chuan replied

"Okay, goodbye...what do you mean?" Kirishima Touka asked in confusion after hearing Lingchuan's words.

Lingchuan did not reply and left the place.

Because Lingchuan asked everyone in the Anping District to retreat, CCG did not have the SSS-level ghouls who could not be killed to stop them like in the original anime.

Soon, CCG's armed forces had a great advantage.

Lingchuan also came to Kaneki Ken, who was fighting with a senior investigator of CCG, Hirako Jō.

""Let's go, eyepatch!" Lingchuan shouted to Kaneki Ken, and then released Rinhe to knock Pingzi away.

The two quickly evacuated the building, and Lingchuan took Kaneki Ken to search for the people in the An Ding District outside.

After a while, the whole building collapsed quickly, and the CCG Dong people fled in a hurry.


Lingchuan brought Kaneki Ken to the hiding place in Anding District

"Kaneki, are you okay?" Kirishima Touka saw Kaneki Ken and ran up to him and asked

"It's okay," Kaneki Ken replied calmly.

"Let's go, let's go back."Kirishima Touka said with a smile.

Kaneki Ken was silent for a while, then said:"Touka, I will not go back to the stable area"

"What are you talking about?" Kirishima Touka asked in confusion

"I joined the Bronze Tree," Kaneki Ken said calmly.

"ah……"Kirishima Touka looked at Kaneki Ken in shock, wanting to say something but unable to speak

"Let's go, Kaneki, everyone, see you later." Lingchuan looked at the awkward scene and shouted to Kaneki Ken.

Then Kaneki Ken followed Lingchuan and left. Kirishima Touka looked at Kaneki Ken's back and wanted to catch up, but stopped.


(Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. I wish all the candidates a successful start, success in the exam, and all their dreams come true. Come on!)

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