In the Battle of Bronze Tree in District 11, CCG suffered heavy losses due to the collapse of the building. The neighboring Districts 9 and 10 were short of manpower and were quickly captured by the Bronze Tree organization including Lingchuan.

The CCG headquarters also held a special investigator meeting, and all special investigators except Special Investigator Arima Kisho were present.

"According to intelligence, both District 9 and District 10 were captured by members of the Bronze Tree Organization, centered around a ghoul wearing a pitch-black mask."The CCG director, who was wearing a white suit and had long curly hair, said to Shuji,"This ghoul is the one who attacked Inspector Mado in District 20, codenamed 'Black Hawk'."

"Is there a Bronze Tree base in Area 20 as well?"A special investigator named Huizaki Fukame, who had long white hair and a fierce face, asked.

"Hmm," Kazuki nodded, then looked at Shinohara Yukinori,"I hope that Special Officer Shinohara can investigate this matter."

""I understand." Shinohara Yukinori nodded and replied

"I guess Bronze Tree's next target should be District 3 or District 13, so we need reinforcements from all districts." He Xiu Jishi looked at the map on the big screen and said to everyone

"Director He Xiu, do we need to send support from District 23 as well?" Hui Qi Fukame asked

"No district is exempt from this." He Xiuji said seriously


In an abandoned building in District 23

"Et, don't you feel hot with so many bandages on?"

"Should I untie the bandage or pee directly when I go to the toilet?……"

The masked Lingchuan chased after Takatsuki Izumi and asked. The other Bronze Tree organization cadres pretended not to see it and discussed the next move as if it was commonplace.

""Noro, kill him!" Finally, Takatsuki Izumi, who could no longer bear it, shouted loudly.

Noro, who was standing next to the pillar, received the order, and extended four thick tail kagune from his body to attack Lingchuan.

After the Battle of the Bronze Tree in Area 11 and the Battle of the Fall of Areas 9 and 10, Lingchuan's kagune proficiency successfully broke through to 1145/5000, and he was successfully promoted to a kagune user. He also knew that he could be promoted to an angel form after reaching 5000.

Being promoted to a kagune user is equivalent to almost standing at the top of this world, so Lingchuan also had the confidence to provoke Takatsuki Izumi.

Facing Noro's attack, Lingchuan simply dodged, then flashed in front of Noro and kicked him out with one foot.

Just as Noro stood up and wanted to continue attacking, Tadara said,"Noro, stop."

Noro immediately retracted his kagune, and then continued to stand next to the pillar.

"Miss Ate, may I invite you to my house for a cup of coffee?"After Lingchuan dealt with Noroi, he continued to chat with Takatsuki Izumi, while thinking about the next plot in his mind.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Bronze Tree Organization will take advantage of the CCG's transfer of troops to Districts 13 and 3 to attack the ghoul shelter"Quikulia" in District 23 and release the ghouls imprisoned there.

"Get out of here!" Takatsuki Izumi said angrily as she looked at Lingchuan who was about to get close to her face.

"Don't be angry, Miss Ate. If you don't want to drink coffee, why don't we go to the book signing event of the popular female writer Takatsuki Izumi together?" Ling Chuan leaned close to Takatsuki Izumi's ear and whispered softly, and he said the three words Takatsuki Izumi very slowly.

"You..." Gao Tsukatsuki looked at Lingchuan with a fierce look in his eyes when he heard the name.

"After all, I like Takatsuki Izumi's books very much, and I also like Miss Takatsuki Izumi very much. I invited her to have coffee with me before, but unfortunately I never had the chance. It's really... a pity."

Lingchuan is now an SSS-level ghoul like Takatsuki Izumi, and he is also a Heikakusha, so he is not afraid of exposing his identity in front of Takatsuki Izumi. When

Takatsuki Izumi listened to Lingchuan's words, she immediately remembered Lingchuan who made her embarrassed in the street and escaped from her hands. She gritted her teeth and said,"You... are Lingchuan!"

"Ah, I didn't expect that Miss Et still remembered me. I'm really happy."Lingchuan took off his mask and looked at Takatsuki Izumi with a smile.


Suddenly a powerful momentum burst out from Takatsuki Izumi.

Lingchuan got behind Takatsuki Izumi at lightning speed and hugged her, then touched her head and whispered:"Be good, be obedient, don't be angry."

The Bronze Tree cadres present were stunned. They thought there would be a fight, but the current development really shocked them. Kaneki Ken even gave a thumbs up after a second.

Takatsuki Izumi was stunned for a moment, then whispered in confusion:"Let me go!"

"Are you still angry? If you are angry, I won’t let you go." Ling Chuan said with a smile

"You...! Okay, I'm not angry anymore, just let me go." Takatsuki Izumi said in a low voice, then put away his momentum.

"That's good." Lingchuan touched Takatsuki Izumi's head again, and then let her go.

""Hmm..." After Lingchuan let go, Takatsuki Izumi said softly, then sat in the chair in silence.

"Alas, after all, he is just a child who has been deprived of his parents' love since childhood. Although he is a little rebellious and likes to eat people and ghouls, these are all minor problems. I like him."Lingchuan looked at Takatsuki Izumi who was sitting in silence on the chair, thinking to himself, and then looked at Duoduoliang who was still stunned and said:

"Duoduoliang, Ate and I will take a few days off. If there are any tasks, please let them go."

"OK, Black Hawk, take a rest. What At means is…?"Tadara looked at Takatsuki Izumi.

Lingchuan pushed Takatsuki Izumi, and then she came back to her senses and looked at Lingchuan in confusion.

"At said she was one too." Lingchuan pointed at Takatsuki and said to Tadara

""Okay..." Duoduoliang replied speechlessly, and then thought,"I guess Ai Te didn't hear what you said."

Takatsuki Izumi was still confused.………

"Then the next mission to rescue Naki in Area 23 will be entrusted to Eyepatch and Xuandu."Duoduoliang said, straightening his face.

""Okay," Kaneki Ken and Kirishima Aya replied at the same time.

Then Tatara talked about the plan to attack the ghoul shelter"Quikulia" in Area 23, and told Lingchuan and Takatsuki Izumi not to be late.

Soon, the meeting ended, and Takatsuki Izumi was still in a state of confusion.

"Hey, Eite, let's go, your house or mine." Lingchuan pushed Takatsuki Izumi and said

"Hey… is the meeting over? What did you mean by your home and my home?" Fangcun Aito came back to his senses and asked in confusion. (ps: From here on, Takatsuki Izumi will be changed to Fangcun Aito, so as to avoid confusion ~( ̄▽ ̄~)~ )

"We will both rest from today and not go on any missions. For Miss Ate's safety, I'll go to her home." Ling Chuan said with a smile.

"You...get out of here!" Fangcun Atte glared at Lingchuan angrily

"Well, it's a great day off, let's go out and have some fun." Ling Chuan said as he pulled Fangcun Aite out.

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