"Don't pull me, I can walk by myself." Fangcun At shook off Lingchuan's hand and whispered

"Okay, let's go to your house first." Ling Chuan looked at her with a smile.

"Are you sick? Why are you going to my house? Fangcun looked at Lingchuan as if he was sick.

"Do you want to go shopping in this outfit?" Ling Chuan said as he walked.

Fangcun Aite looked down at herself, then thought so, and followed.

Ling Chuan actually wanted to laugh, because it seemed that Fangcun Aite had been confused since he held her in his arms, because she had never asked him why she wanted to go out with me.


Soon the two of them arrived at Fangcun Aite's home. Fangcun Aite took out the key and opened the door. Lingchuan followed her into her home.

Lingchuan looked around the room, which had no highlights. In addition to some necessary furniture and electrical appliances, there were only some books left. However, it is worth mentioning that the room was quite messy.

"Miss Ate's room is really unique," Ling Chuan said after looking around the room.

"Bastard, who let you in? Why do you care if my house is messy or not?" Fangcun At heard Ling Chuan's mocking words and said angrily

"Miss Aite, please go and change your clothes." Ling Chuan walked straight to the bed that belonged to Fangcun Aite and lay down on it.

"I'm waiting for you in bed"

""Asshole, get down from here! Who told you to lie on my bed?" Fangcun Aite ran forward and tried to pull Lingchuan up, but Lingchuan couldn't get up and pulled Fangcun Aite down, and she fell on Lingchuan.

Lingchuan was stunned for a moment when he looked at Fangcun Aite on his body, and then said,"Miss Aite, this is not good. Why don't you change your clothes and take a shower first? You smell of sweat."

Fangcun Aite, who fell on Lingchuan, was stunned and didn't know what she was thinking. Then when she heard Lingchuan say that she smelled of sweat, she was immediately furious and quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.

Lingchuan laughed at Fangcun Aite's departing back, then lay on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"Damn it, there's a sweaty stink there." Fangcun Ate was taking a shower in the bathroom and sniffed her body.

When she finished her shower, put on her clothes and came out with a gloomy face, she saw that the room was as clean as new, and Lingchuan was still tidying up her bed sheets.

"Okay, it's clean, so fast, Miss Aite." After Ling Chuan finished cleaning up, he saw Fangcun Aite who had just come out of the bath and couldn't help but say:"Well, Miss Aite looks better like this.""

"Don't think that if you clean up my room I will forgive you for what you did to me."Yoshimura Ate walked to the bed and said proudly

"Don't think I'm helping you clean up, I'm a germaphobe."Ling Chuan also imitated Fangcun and said proudly

"Let's go out and have fun, Miss Ate"

"Just call me Ai Te, where are we going to play?" Fangcun Ai Te felt strange and asked

"Let's go to the amusement park, Ai Te." Ling Chuan thought for a while and then said


Soon they arrived at the amusement park.

"I'll go buy the tickets."

Fangcun Aite looked at the amusement park in front of him, full of laughter and joy, and wondered what he was thinking.

"Let's go, Aite." After Ling Chuan bought the tickets, he took Fangcun Aite into the amusement park.

"Which one do you want to play?" Ling Chuan pointed at the sign and asked Fangcun Atte

"Whatever," Fangcun At said coldly.

""Let's go ride the roller coaster first." Lingchuan pulled Fangcun Aite to the roller coaster.

The two waited in line for a while, and then got on the roller coaster. Lingchuan whispered to Fangcun Aite, who had a blank expression on his face:"Imagine yourself as an ordinary person and feel it."

Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan in confusion.

Soon the roller coaster started. Lingchuan looked at Fangcun Aite and said loudly:"You're not carsick, are you? Don't vomit on me.……"

What he got was a look like a fool from Fangcun Eite.

The roller coaster slowly reached the highest point, and then rushed down directly. Suddenly, there were horrible screams in front and behind Lingchuan.

Lingchuan looked at Fangcun Eite, and as expected, she still had no expression at all, so Lingchuan stretched out his hand to cover her eyes. He watched her open her mouth, but because it was noisy around, he didn't hear what she said.

The next climax came. When the roller coaster rushed straight down, Lingchuan clearly felt Fangcun Eite's body tremble, and then she reached out to pull Lingchuan's hand that was covering her eyes.

Lingchuan did not let go, but leaned close to her ear and said loudly:"It's okay, I'm here."

Fangcun Eite also put down her hand after hearing this.


Soon the roller coaster reached the end. Ling Chuan took Fangcun Aite off the car and asked,"Is it fun? Aite"

""Boring," said Fangcun Eite proudly.

Lingchuan did not expose her and continued to take her to the next entertainment facility.

The two came to a haunted house with the words"Gate of Hell" written crookedly on it.

Looking at the dark room inside, with green lights flashing from time to time and the howling of ghosts, Lingchuan couldn't help but sighed:"It's quite decent, let's go, Eite."

Lingchuan took Fangcun Eite into an aisle where green lights flashed from time to time, then turned around and said to Fangcun Eite with a harmless face:"Sister Eite, I'm a little scared, can I walk behind you?" Without Fangcun Eite's consent, Lingchuan walked straight behind her and pushed her forward.

"Don't push me, I have my own feet." Fangcun Eite turned around and said speechlessly.

Just as Fangcun Eite turned back to the front, a hideous, bloody face fell down and met her eyes. Fangcun Eite's body trembled.

That's right, the imagined scream did not sound, but the fake head flew out.

"Hahaha, you are very rude, At, you beat up the old employee here and you will have to pay for it later."

Ling Chuan said with a smile behind his back

"If you laugh again, you will be with it," Fangcun At said with a bad face.

As expected, when Lingchuan took Fangcun At out, the staff of the two haunted houses were waiting here.

After Lingchuan negotiated with them, he paid 4,000 yen for the damage.���

"You owe me 4,000 yen now, don't default on it, or I'll use a loud speaker to shout at your book signing event, 'This famous writer owes me 4,000 yen and won't pay it back'" Ling Chuan dragged Fangcun Ai Te to other entertainment facilities and left.

"You... shameless, it's because you kept urging me that I didn't take my wallet when I went out."Fangcun Aite was so angry when he saw someone's shameless appearance.


"It's getting late, let's go home."After playing a few games, Ling Chuan looked at the starry sky and said to Fangcun.

""Yeah," Fangcun Et replied in a low voice.

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