"Et, do you think it's fun?" Ling Chuan asked as he walked, holding the back of his head with both hands.

"It’s just so boring." Fangcun Et was silent for a moment, then whispered

"There are still many projects that we haven't played today, what a pity, how about we play them again in a few days, Ai Te."Ling Chuan ignored what Fangcun Ai Te said and said to himself

""Yes," Fangcun Eite whispered.

Ling Chuan heard Fangcun Eite's words and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Hey, bastard, why are you walking towards my house?"As the two were walking on the road, Fangcun Aite saw Ling Chuan walking towards her house and asked in confusion,

"Aren't we going back to Ate's house together?" Ling Chuan said, pretending to be confused.

"You... who wants to go home with you, bastard, and go back to my house! It's really shameless." Fangcun At stopped and sneered.

""Master Ate, are you willing to let me sleep on the street?" Ling Chuan said pitifully.

"Disgusting...heart, if you look at me like that again, I will dig out your eyes." Fangcun Ate made a gesture of digging out eyes towards Ling Chuan, then walked forward quickly.

"I knew that Aite was the best." Ling Chuan hurriedly followed and said with a smile.

Soon the two arrived at Fangcun Aite's home. As soon as they entered the door, Fangcun Aite said seriously:"There is no other place to sleep in my house, so you can sleep on the sofa. Don't snore or grind your teeth at night, otherwise I will tear you apart."

Ling Chuan ignored Fangcun Aite, walked straight to her bed, then lay on it and said:"Wow, Aite's bed is so comfortable, I will sleep on it at night."

Then he rolled the sheets over himself and pretended to sleep. Fangcun Aite looked at Lingchuan who occupied her bed, gritted her teeth and shouted:"Asshole, get off me."

Just when she was about to reach out to pull Lingchuan up, she remembered that she accidentally fell on Lingchuan in the morning, then she retracted her hand, stood by the bed and looked at Lingchuan who was pretending to sleep, and said angrily:"I will kill you!"

Lingchuan continued to sleep soundly, without any intention of responding to Fangcun Eite's intention.

Fangcun Eite was furious to see Lingchuan's indifferent look. She kicked him, then took out a quilt from the closet and lay down on the sofa.

Lingchuan couldn't help laughing while hiding in the quilt when he heard the noise she made.

Fangcun Eite lay on the sofa, tossing left and right, unable to fall asleep. In her head, she thought about the feeling of Lingchuan hugging her and playing together in the amusement park during the day.

She didn't know why she didn't break free immediately when Lingchuan hugged her and touched her head, but was quite nostalgic for that feeling. She didn't know why she agreed to go to the amusement park with Lingchuan. On the roller coaster, she was obviously annoyed by the ordinary humans who were shouting and shouting in front and behind, but she felt relieved when Lingchuan covered her eyes with his hands and said to her,"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

The upset Fangcun Eite sat up and looked at the bastard who occupied her bed, muttering,"Why do I pity this guy and let him occupy my bed"

"So annoying!" She whispered, then lay down, pulled up the quilt, covered her head, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Just when Fangcun Et felt sleepy and was about to fall asleep, a snoring sound came into her ears. She woke up instantly, sat up and looked at the source of the sound, gritting her teeth and said,"It's better to kill him!"

She stood up and walked to the bed quietly, looking at Ling Chuan, who was lying there without any sleeping posture, smacking his lips from time to time, and looked a little handsome. She immediately reached out to cover his mouth.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her hand, pulled her, and then lay on the bed.

""How come Miss Aite still has the habit of climbing into bed in the middle of the night?" Ling Chuan leaned to one side and looked at Fangcun Aite, who was still a little confused, with a half-smile.

Fangcun Aite was about to get up when she found that Ling Chuan's two big hands had already wrapped around her waist and held her tightly.

"Go to sleep, Aite, you still have to go to the book signing event tomorrow." Ling Chuan hugged Fangcun Aite and whispered in her ear

"You... let me go, bastard." Fangcun Et's eyes flashed with anger, as if she wanted to burn the shameless bastard who was holding her to death.

""Okay, be obedient and go to sleep sweetly," Lingchuan said softly with his eyes closed.

Fangcun Aite raised his hand and was about to slap him on the face when he heard Lingchuan continue to say softly:"I really like Aite. I will protect you well in the future and will never let you feel helpless again."

After hearing this, Fangcun Aite put down her hand, feeling confused, and then lay quietly in Lingchuan's arms.

For some reason, Fangcun Aite, who was lying in Lingchuan's arms, soon felt sleepy, and then closed her eyes. She felt very safe and warm at the moment.

Hearing the shallow breathing coming from Fangcun Aite, Lingchuan smiled unconsciously, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.


On the other side, several police cars with flashing red and blue lights were speeding along the road, tightly surrounding the huge truck in the middle. The truck compartment was dark, and the person imprisoned inside was the target person that Kirishima Ayado and Kaneki Ken were going to rescue this time - Naki!

When the vehicle was about to pass a tall building, Kirishima Ayado, who was standing on the edge of the roof, said to Kaneki Ken next to him, and then released a pair of black and red winged horns from behind and jumped down from the roof.

Kaneki Ken also jumped off the tall building, and when he was about to land, he released his horns and hit the road wall in front of him. The broken walls fell in front of the police car's path, and the entire convoy was forced to stop.

Kirishima Ayado opened his horns and released a feather arrow to attack the hood of a police car in front, causing the vehicle to explode.

Kaneki Ken extended his horns to overturn the three police cars behind him, and the big truck hurriedly dodged and hit the guardrail and flipped over and slid out.

The police car behind them stopped immediately, and the armed personnel got out and madly shot at Kirishima Ayado and Kaneki Ken. Several red robe members rushed up immediately, and soon, the screams stopped.


The overturned truck exploded, and screams came from inside.

"It's so hot!... It's so hot!"

Kirishima Ayato and Kaneki Ken also gathered around. The noise inside became louder and louder, accompanied by the sound of chains breaking. After a while, a man with long yellow hair and a white suit rushed out, shouting

""Brother...Brother...Brother Gecko!"

Naki rushed out and started to fight with Kirishima Ayato. Kirishima Ayato dodged and said,"Asshole, we are Bronze Tree..."

Seeing that Naki was still crazy, Kirishima Ayato kicked him out.

Naki, who was kicked out, quickly stood up, then knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

"Big brother!…"

"My thoughts…"

"I miss my brother so much!"

Then he rolled on the ground again, saying

"The cars were blown up! They were blown up!"

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