The two men attacked in coordination, leaving several bloody scars on Xiao's body, but they healed quickly. Just as the two were knocked away and Xiao was about to continue attacking, a crystal-shaped shell fell behind Xiao.


An explosion sounded, and the place where Xiao was was blown up into smoke.

"Well done, Hodera."

Shinohara Yukinori looked at Hodera Xiangjie who was holding [Hypostasis] in the distance, and then continued to be on high alert and looked at Owl in the smoke.

When the smoke dissipated, the huge Owl slowly revealed its figure. The explosion just now only damaged the spikes on its back, and it healed in a few seconds.

Seeing this scene, Shinohara Yukinori sighed solemnly:"If his combat power is 5, his regeneration ability may have reached 8. There is no doubt that he is the biggest enemy of CCG."

Then the three continued to attack the Owl in front of them. On the other side, Suzuya Juzo, who was looking for the right time, went around to the back of Owl with [13s' Jason] in his hand and cut a bloody wound on its back.

Just as the four of them cooperated with each other to attack Owl, one after another, figures in red robes jumped down from the rooftop next to the CCG's large force, led by Bronze Tree cadres such as Tadara. Their target was the armed forces and many search officers in the middle of the street.


"Duoduoliang, Xuandu, why are you here?" Ling Chuan looked at the bronze tree cadre standing behind him with some surprise.

"Et asked us to come here, saying that we should take this opportunity to reduce the combat power of CCG."Tadora said calmly while looking at the battle ahead.

Lingchuan nodded and looked at Yoshimura Et who was staring at the battle ahead.

Noticing someone's strange gaze, Yoshimura Et looked back at Lingchuan and said angrily:"What are you looking at!" Then he turned his head back and continued to stare at the front.

Lingchuan shook his head, then asked Tadora:"Where is the eye patch? Why didn't you see it?"

""The eyepatch hasn't been in the base for the past two days. I don't know where he went," Tadara thought for a moment and replied.

Lingchuan nodded after hearing this, and then looked at the battle in front, looking for Kaneki Ken. He guessed that Kaneki Ken should participate in the battle like in the original anime.

Soon he saw a running figure not far from where Furuma Enji was fighting. It was Kaneki Ken in a black combat suit.

Lingchuan thought about it. According to Kaneki Ken's current strength, he is definitely not a match for the special investigator Tanaka Maru Motomoto. In the original anime, Kaneki Ken had already reached the half-hercules level, so he was able to save Furuma Enji and Irimi Xuan from them, but now his strength is only between S and SS.

Then he looked at several places that were in fierce battles. He felt that the time was almost right and said,"I'm going to save people, what about you?"

Tadara looked at Yoshimura Et without saying a word. Yoshimura Et took a look at the situation and said,"Well, it's time for the Bronze Tree to enter."

"Okay, let's formulate a strategy. I will go to help the Demon Ape and the Black Doberman, At will be responsible for rescuing the Owl, and Duoduoliang and the members of the organization will be responsible for the large force behind CCG, with the purpose of disrupting it."Ling Chuan looked at the battlefield and said quickly, and then jumped down from the tall building.

"Action!" Fangcun Atte gave the order after hearing it, and then one figure after another disappeared on the roof, leaving only her standing on the roof.


"High spiritual dimension!"

"Really, does this guy have to yell like this when he attacks?"

Furuma Yuaner, who was climbing on the wall to avoid the impact of the Quinque energy in Tanakamaru Mochimoto's hand, complained speechlessly.

Furuma Yuaner looked at Tanakamaru Mochimoto who was walking over, and attacked when the opportunity was right. As soon as he got close, he found something wrong. He saw that the Quinque in Tanakamaru Mochimoto's hand burst out a huge light wave, and then quickly turned into dense light blades flying towards him. He hurriedly controlled his body to dodge it dangerously.

"What a close call, you are worthy of being a special investigator!"

After dodging all the light blades, Furuma Yuaner fell to the ground and looked at Tanakamaru Motomoto in front of him with lingering fear, then looked at the Quinque in his hand, and found that the other end of the Quinque in his right hand was connected to the box in his left hand, and immediately had an idea

"Although you are very strong, I, the Demon Ape, will definitely win."

After saying that, he quickly attacked Tanaka Maru Motomoto, using his agility and tail to cut off the pipe connecting him to Quinque.

"Go to hell, investigator!"

Seeing that the plan had succeeded, Furuma Yuaner jumped to a high place and launched a final attack on Tanakamaru Motomoto, but just as he got in front of Tanakamaru Motomoto, he saw his Quinque change, and the two muzzles merged into one and extended, just hitting Furuma Yuaner's chest.

"Prepare to die, monkey!"

As Tanaka Maru Motomoto shouted, the muzzle of the gun on Gujian Yuan'er's chest suddenly emitted a powerful energy shock, piercing his chest.


Gu Jianyuan vomited a large mouthful of blood and fell backwards.

"We humans can't possibly lose to a monkey."

Tanakamaru Motomoto said loudly while looking at Furuma Madoka lying on the ground with a big hole in his chest. He then walked to his side, gathering energy in his Quinque, trying to kill Furuma Madoka once and for all, but a dark red kagune knocked his Quinque off balance.

"Another bug has come." Tanaka Maru Motomoto looked at Kaneki Ken who had four scales sticking out from the side.

"Kaneki" The Furuma Yuaner lying on the ground also looked up at Kaneki Ken and was stunned.

Kaneki Ken didn't say anything more and extended the four scales on his back to attack Tanaka Maru Motomoto.

Although Quinque [Angel Wings] had no energy supply and could not use long-range attacks, Tanaka Maru Motomoto, as a special investigator, was still very powerful in close combat. With the close-range mode [Angel Wings], he fought back and forth with Kaneki Ken's four scales, and even slowly had���

After the two of them fought for a while, Kaneki Ken felt that he could not be held back any longer, so he rushed forward to end the fight quickly, which happened to be what Tanakamaru Motomoto wanted. Tanakamaru Motomoto watched

Kaneki Ken approaching quickly and quickly gathered the energy of [Angel Wings], then raised it to Kaneki Ken who was about to approach him.

"Get out of the way! Jinmu!"

Yuujiro, who was lying on the ground, looked at this familiar scene and immediately shouted

"Goodbye, little bug."

Along with Tanakamaru Motomoto's roar, a stream of energy rushed from the muzzle to Kaneki Ken in the air.

""Oh no, I can't dodge it."

Looking at the light wave coming towards him, Kaneki Ken sighed inwardly, then quickly thrust his kagune into the ground, trying to change his position, but unfortunately he was still a step too late, and the huge shock wave magnified in front of him.


An explosion sounded, and Kaneki Ken's position was covered with smoke and dust.

""Is it solved?"

Tanaka Maru Motomoto said to himself while looking at the explosion site. After a while, his eyes widened.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a purple-red feather stood like a shield.


Kaneki Ken looked at Lingchuan in black and said in surprise.

"Phew, luckily we made it in time, Jinmu, are you okay?"Lingchuan, who came hurriedly, asked in a low voice

"It's okay, but the store manager and his……"Just as Jin Mujian was about to say something, Ling Chuan interrupted him.

"Let’s talk about it later, I’ll deal with him first." Lingchuan put away Yuhe and looked at Tanakamaru Motomoto in front of him.

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