"Black Hawk!"

Tanakamaru Motomoto looked solemnly at the ghoul in front of him who had put away his feathers and was wearing a black mask. He muttered, and then quickly raised the [Angel Wings] in his hand.

""Sir, you can take a break now."

Ling Chuan's voice just reached Tanakamaru Motomoto's ears, and he was horrified to see that his beloved Quinque [Angel Wings] was cut into several pieces.

"Ah! my angel!"

"So fast……"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge force hit his stomach, and he flew out, hit the wall and fainted.

"So amazing!"Kaneki Ken, who was standing there in a daze, widened his eyes.

"Mr. Gu Jian, can you still get up?" Ling Chuan walked to Gu Jian Yuan'er's side and asked him

"I'm fine." Gu Jianyuan stood up with difficulty and leaned against the wall with a smile on her face.

"Kaneki, take Mr. Furuma to a safe place first. I'll go check on Mr. Yoshimura and Ms. Irimi." Lingchuan nodded and called out to Kaneki Ken who was still in a daze in the distance.

""Hmm." Kaneki Ken hurried over and carried Furuma Yuan'er on his back.

Lingchuan didn't waste any words and rushed to Rujian Xuan's location.


On the other side, Rujian Xuan was not at a disadvantage under the joint attack of the four investigators. She fought back and forth with them with her agility.

"It's just a useless dog."

Bo Chuan Zhong said in a deep voice as he looked at Ru Jianxuan who was running around.

"Don't let me, this useless dog, kill you... scumbag,"

Irumi Xuan taunted.

After hearing this, Botakawa Zhong immediately launched an attack, raising his hand to shoot feather arrows, and the other three immediately rushed towards Irumi Xuan.

In order to avoid their attack, Irumi Xuan flexibly climbed up the tall building next to him.

""Amazing! Is this an SS-level ghoul?" Seeing that Rumi Xuan was still able to handle their attacks with ease, Ito Kuramoto couldn't help but sigh.

"Although you look like an ordinary person, your swordsmanship is really annoying."Rujianxuan looked at Ito Kuramoto and said truthfully.

At this moment, the door behind Rujianxuan was opened, and an old lady walked out. She looked at Rujianxuan and said in surprise:"Ghoul...Ghoul!"

Rujianxuan looked at the old lady and was also stunned.

"Damn useless dog, die with the old woman." Bachuan Zhong looked at the stunned Rujian Xuan and quickly fired a feather arrow, wanting to take this opportunity to kill Rujian Xuan.

""Mr. Bachu!" When Hirako saw the common people, he shouted

"You stinky old woman!"

Looking at the incoming feather arrows, Ru Jianxuan shouted angrily, then quickly hugged the old woman and used her body to take on this wave of attacks.


Ru Jianxuan, who was hit, fell from the building. On the way down, she suddenly thought that she couldn't die so easily, so she released Yu He and adjusted her body to land safely.

"If I had known... I would have had an extra cup of coffee."

After falling to the ground, Irumi Xuan looked angrily at Botakawa Tadashi in front of him.

Then he opened his wing and attacked the four people.

Because he had not eaten human flesh for a long time, he was soon injured by the joint attack of the four CCG investigators and fell to the ground, and his wing also dissipated.

"Ten years, ten years. I have waited for this moment for too long. This moment makes me look forward to it. Black Doberman, I will make you into a top-quality Quinque."Bachu Chuan raised the Quinque wrapped around his arm, looked at the Black Doberman lying on the ground, and said excitedly

"I'll wait for you in hell." Ru Jianxuan opened his eyes and whispered

"Ghouls have no destination after death." Hearing what Irimi Xuan said, the Quinque on Hatakawa Tadashi's arm began to charge, preparing to kill Irimi Xuan completely.

"So humans... do they have it?"

Lingchuan arrived in time and controlled the Scaled He to knock away Hatakawa Tadashi, then looked at the other three investigators who were shocked.

Before they could react, a huge Scaled He attacked and knocked them away.

Lingchuan picked up Irimi Xuan and rushed to Kaneki Ken.

"Why are you here?" Ru Jianxuan in his arms looked at Lingchuan wearing a black mask and asked in surprise.

"You are my few friends, how can I stand by and watch you die?" Lingchuan whispered.

After hearing this, Rujianxuan closed her eyes with a smile and fell asleep in Lingchuan's arms.

Soon Lingchuan came to Kaneki Ken and put Rujianxuan next to Furuma Yuaner.

"Lingchuan, are you going to the store manager now? "Kaneki Ken looked at the two people who were seriously injured, and then asked Lingchuan

"Well, I'm going to take a look. Jinmu, you stay here to protect them."Lingchuan patted Jinmu Ken's shoulder, then turned and flew away.

Jinmu Ken looked at Lingchuan's back and fell into deep thought.

"Kaneki, you want to go too, right?"

A voice interrupted Kaneki Ken's thoughts. He looked back and saw that Furuma Yuu and Iruma Xuan had woken up and were looking at him with a smile.

Looking at the two, Kaneki Ken made a decision immediately and rushed into the distance.


The streets of District 20 are full of flames, screams and gunshots. The Bronze Tree Organization members are hunting down the CCG members.

"Mr. Marute, the second and third teams failed to drive out the demon ape and the black doberman, and the ghouls 'Black Hawk' and 'Eye Patch' rescued them."A voice sounded in Marute's combat command room.

"Damn it! Damn it!"After hearing the report, Marute Sai shouted angrily, and then said to the communication equipment of the second and third teams:"How are the casualties?"

"He didn't hurt anyone, he just destroyed several investigators' Quinques."

"That's good. Lead the second and third teams to the main battlefield for support. Bronze Tree is out." Marutesai immediately gave the order after hearing it, and then shouted to the fourth team's communicator:"Yamen, lead the fourth team to blockade immediately.���Stop Black Hawk and Eyepatch from coming to the main battlefield."

""Understood." Amon Kotaro's voice came from the communicator.

"Mado Akira, you also go to the fourth squad to support Yamon, the Black Hawk is not easy to deal with."Marute Sai immediately shouted into Mado Akira's communicator.

""I understand," Mado Akira replied immediately.


After receiving the order, Mado Akira was looking at the countless bronze tree ghouls in front of him and was hesitant.

A ghoul took advantage of Mado Akira's moment of distraction and pounced on him. Takizawa Masamichi, holding Quinque 'Fly Together', quickly fired at the ghoul and knocked it down.

"Mado, what are you daydreaming about!" Takizawa Masamichi came to Mado Akira and shouted to her

"Sorry," Mado Akira came back to his senses and said quickly

"Mado, I'll take care of this, and you go to support the fourth squad at Yamon." Takizawa Masamichi said as he fired at the ghouls.


Mado Akira was about to say something when he was interrupted by Takizawa Masamichi

"The order you received is to support the 4th Squadron."

Takizawa Masamichi looked at Mado Akira firmly.

""Hmm." Looking at Takizawa Masamichi in front of him, Mado Akira also made up his mind and turned to run towards the location of the fourth team.

Takizawa Masamichi looked back at Mado Akira's leaving back, and then continued to shoot at the bronze tree ghouls.

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