Lingchuan looked at the large group of CCG armed soldiers in front of him, led by Amon Kotaro holding the"Dojima"

"Black Hawk" Yamon Kotaro looked at the familiar mask in front of him and said solemnly

"Can you let me pass?" Ling Chuan said coldly

"Of course... no." Although he knew he was no match for Black Hawk, Kotaro Amon would never let him leave easily.

"Ah..." Amon Kotaro waved the"Dojima" in his hand and attacked Lingchuan.


In just one encounter, the"Dojima" in Kotaro Amon's hand broke into two pieces, and he himself was knocked dozens of meters away by Lingchuan before stopping.

""So strong!" Amon Kotaro looked at Lingchuan who was still standing there with a serious expression, and then pressed his finger on the broken [Dojima] in his hand, and the [Dojima] that originally looked like a barbell turned into a knight's gun.

Lingchuan looked at this Quinque and knew that it was the [Dojima Kai] that was transformed by Mado Akira from the original [Dojima] and the tail of the Ping brothers.

When Amon Kotaro waved the [Dojima Kai] in his hand and wanted to continue to attack, a voice came from behind Lingchuan

"Leave this to me, you go support the store manager first."Kaneki Ken came running from a distance and said to Lingchuan, then stared at Amon Kotaro.

"Well, be careful." Ling Chuan did not waste any time and passed by directly. When passing by Amon Kotaro, Amon Kotaro quickly attacked but was stopped by Kaneki Ken.

"Your opponent is me." Kaneki Ken, with four scales on his back, fought with Amon Kotaro.


One after another, CCG investigators and armed soldiers fell in front of Takizawa Masamichi. He stared with wide eyes and trembling at Tadara in front of him, who was wearing a white robe and a red mask.

""Are you one of Hoji's men? The Quinque in your hand really makes me angry!" Tatara said coldly as he looked at Takizawa Masamichi, who was wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a gun-shaped Quinque [Tongfei]. (ps: [Tongfei] is made of the Kakubu of Tatara's relative Fei)


Takizawa Masamichi looked at Tadara who was approaching, and shouted with tears in his eyes, then he picked up Quinque and mustered up the courage to attack Tadara.

Tadara walked straight to Takizawa Masamichi and grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up

"If I kill you, what kind of expression will that guy Fa Si have when he sees your corpse?"

"Mr. Hodera will never lose to a guy like you." Takizawa Masamichi, who was being strangled by the neck, shouted

"Is that so?" Tadara didn't waste any words, and the tail behind him floated in front of Takizawa Masamichi. Just when Tadara was about to kill him, a burst of gunfire hit his back.

Tadara looked back, and saw a young man in a bulletproof vest and a helmet shooting at him with an ordinary machine gun.

Takizawa Masamichi also looked over, then opened his eyes wide and shouted:"Eira, run!" He didn't understand why Nagachika Eira, who usually just delivered letters to CCG, was here, and could only pray that he would leave here quickly.

"Mr. Takizawa!"Eriyoshi Nagachika originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to sneak into CCG's armed forces to look for Kaneki Ken, but when he passed by here, he saw Takizawa Masamichi being caught by a ghoul, so he immediately picked up the gun on the ground and wanted to save him.

Tatara threw Takizawa Masamichi in his hand against the wall beside him, and Takizawa Masamichi immediately vomited blood and then fainted.

"A fish that slipped through the net?" Then he extended his tail and stabbed towards Nagachika Hideyoshi. Just when he was about to pierce Nagachika Hideyoshi, a figure opened his wings and blocked in front of him.

""Black Hawk, what are you doing?" Tadara looked at the familiar Yuhe and put away his tail, then asked.

Lingchuan also put away his Yuhe and looked at Nagachika Hideyoshi who was still in shock, then looked at Takizawa Masamichi who had fainted, turned around and said to Tadara,"Tadara, this is my friend."

"Fa Si Xiang Jie is with Xiao, let's go deal with them first."Ling Chuan thought for a while and continued

"Well, is that so? Well, let's go kill that fellow Fa Si Xiang Jie first."Duo Duo Liang didn't delay after hearing Ling Chuan's words, and rushed straight to Xiao.

"Lingchuan?"After coming to his senses, Nagachika Eira looked at the familiar figure in front of him

"Long time no see, Ying." Lingchuan turned around and said hello to Yongjin Yingliang

"Do you know where Kaneki is?" Nagachika Hideyoshi asked quickly.

"He's in front of there." Ling Chuan pointed to the road they had just come from and said to Yongjin Yingliang:"Ying, you be careful, I have something else to do."

Ling Chuan waved to Yongjin Yingliang, and then rushed towards Xiao.


On the street in front of the Antique Coffee Shop in District 20, the battle to expel Owl was still going on. The original many investigators and armed soldiers had already evacuated.

In front of the SSS-level ghoul Owl, those low-level investigators and armed soldiers were completely useless and could only die in vain.

Only five people were left to fight with Owl. Two special investigators, Yukinori Shinohara and Kuroiwa, two quasi-special investigators, Hoji Kousuke and Ui Gun, and one second-class investigator, Suzuya Juzo.

It would have been very difficult to expel the SSS-level ghoul Owl with just such a group, but Yoshimura Kousen had long lost the physical strength and power of his youth, and was determined to die, so he gradually fell into a disadvantage in the fight between several people.

Suzuya Juzo relied on his extremely fast speed and skills to use the sickle-shaped Quinque [13s' Jason] to cut several bloody wounds on Owl's body.

Yukinori Shinohara and Iwa Kuroiwa also cooperated in using Quinque to cut off the bone spurs condensed by the kagune on Owl's back.

Hōji Kōsuke used [Hyūkaku] from a high place to bombard Owl.

Under his cover, Ui Gun held Quinque [Dropping Ice] that could extend into a blade like a scepter and quickly approached Owl and cut a bloody wound in his abdomen.

Because the offensive of several people was too fast and the wounds were too many, Owl's powerful self-healing ability could not keep up, and he soon fell into a slump.

Just when several people decided to work together to get rid of Owl, Lingchuan and Tadara arrived.

""Tadara, Black Hawk!" Looking at the two people standing in front of Xiao, Shinohara Yukinori said solemnly

"Yujing, Fashi, find the right time to take Shizao away."Hei Panyan looked at Lingchuan and knew that he couldn't drive Xiao away today, so he immediately said to Yujing Jun and Fashi Xiangjie

"Hahaha…hahaha…" But how could Suzuya Juzou be obedient? She waved the huge sickle in her hand and rushed towards Lingchuan and the others with a crazy expression.

""Juzou, don't rush!" Shinohara Yukinori shouted hurriedly.

Lingchuan looked at Suzuya Juuzou who was rushing over, opened his wings, and countless feather arrows shot at Suzuya Juuzou.

Facing the incoming feather arrows, Suzuya Juuzou dodged them all with his flexible body, and then rushed straight towards Lingchuan. After successfully approaching, he swung the sickle in his hand and chopped down at Lingchuan.


The sound of metal clashing rang out, and the sickle chopped Lingchuan's Yuhe, sparks flew, but there was no damage at all.

"how come……"

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