The golden light ball did not explode after it touched Lingchuan's Yuhe, but split into a stream of yellow electricity that swept through Lingchuan's body.


After a burst of sparks and lightning, white smoke floated on Lingchuan's forehead, and a slight numbness came over his body.

"Fortunately, fortunately." Ling Chuan quickly touched his forehead to see if his hair was intact.

"As expected of Arima Takasho, he is really unreasonable." Putting Yuhe away, Lingchuan shook his numb hands and feet, then stared at Arima Takasho

"Mr. Fangcun, are you still able to move? It seems that Matt and others don't want us to leave safely."Ling Chuan flew to Fangcun Gongshan and looked at his healed wounds.

"Yes, no problem." Fangcun Gongshan nodded.

"Well, let's have a big fight." After saying that, the four scales behind Ling Chuan became much thicker and covered with scales, like dragon tails. The feathers also solidified, with a purple-red crystal luster. The shoulder kagune extended to the arm to form a suit of armor. Ling Chuan pulled out two purple crystal swords formed by kagune from the feathers behind him, preparing to fight with Arima Takashi in close combat.

"A He-Zhe? No, judging from his aura, he is a half-He-Zhe."Arima Takashi muttered to himself as he watched Ling Chuan's changes.

""It's about to happen!" Lingchuan growled, and then his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

After hearing this, Yoshimura Kousen also shot countless feather arrows from his body towards Arima Takasho.

Arima Takasho looked at the flying feather arrows, and calmly opened the black and gold briefcase in his left hand, and the briefcase turned into a black spear with gold edges.

This was another Quinque [IXA] that Arima Takasho often used, which was an offensive and defensive weapon.

He held it upright in front of him, and the spear instantly turned into a huge shield to block all of Yoshimura Kousen's feather arrows. At this time, Lingchuan also came behind him, holding the sword with both hands and slashing at their backs.


Lingchuan's kagune sword hit Arima Takasho's [Naraka] together, and fire splashed.

Then the scale kagune behind Lingchuan slapped Arima Takasho, and at the same time, the kagune sword in his hand continued to slash at him. Go.

Arima Takasho rolled over to avoid Lingchuan's attack, and then with a slash of his hand, the kagune sword in Lingchuan's hand was cut off by him.

At the same time, the [IXA] in his left hand was inserted into the ground. Lingchuan knew the attack method of this Quinque, so he quickly flew upwards. Several extended spurs of [IXA] suddenly appeared on the ground where Lingchuan was just now. The kagune sword in Lingchuan's hand condensed again, and after adjusting his position in the air, he quickly flew towards Arima Takasho. On the other side, Yoshimura Kozen also attacked Arima Takasho.

Arima Takasho looked at the two people approaching rapidly. He raised the [Naraka] in his right hand, which turned into a pliers-like form, releasing many small electric balls. At the same time, the [IXA] in his left hand was pulled out from the ground and hit with Lingchuan. Yoshimura Kozen looked at the flying ball of light and could only dodge. After all, no one wanted to... He was shocked for no apparent reason.

After dodging, he saw investigators and armed forces approaching from all sides, so he stopped attacking Arima Takasho and instead stared at the investigators who were ready to move.

Lingchuan was entangled with Arima Takasho, and the long sword and scaled kagune in his hands kept attacking Arima Takasho, and the feathered kagune behind him also shot feather arrows from time to time.

Arima Takasho waved the [IXA] in his hand expressionlessly and hit it with Lingchuan's kagune sword and scaled kagune. At the same time, the [Narugami] in his right hand also changed its form, becoming a cannon-like shape and releasing a large range of yellow electric currents at Lingchuan.

Lingchuan quickly retreated to avoid it, and the next moment, black spikes of [IXA] sprang out from the ground. Lingchuan flew upwards rapidly, and at the same time, the feathered kagune released feather arrows at Arima Takasho. Arima

Takasho raised [IXA] and turned it into a shield to block it. , the [Naraka] in his hand also turned into a pincer shape, and golden balls of light flew towards Lingchuan.

Lingchuan dodged and fell to the ground, with four scales piercing the ground behind him.

Arima Takasho looked at Lingchuan's actions and was a little confused, but soon he knew Lingchuan's intention. He felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly, and then he quickly dodged, only to see Lingchuan's scales break out of the ground, just like his [IXA], one after another, where he stood.

Arima Takasho's amazing reaction speed really made Lingchuan a little curious. As a half-human, he obviously didn't have many years to live, but he was still so strong.

Lingchuan put away the scales, quickly approached Arima Takasho, and released the feather arrows with the feathers on his back.

Looking at the incoming feather arrows, Arima Takasho's [IXA] turned into a shield again to block.

Lingchuan quickly closed the distance with Arima Takasho, and when they were less than a body length apart, the four scales of kakura on his back combined into one and quickly hit Arima Takasho's shield.


The shield that [IXA] transformed into was suddenly covered with cracks, and Arima Takasho immediately let go. At the same time, the [Narugami] in his right hand turned into a sword and slashed at Lingchuan in front of him.

The two continued to fight for several rounds, and after Arima Takasho cut off the kakura in his hand.

Lingchuan quickly retreated and looked at the investigators and armed forces surrounding the streets, as well as Kuroiwa and Ui County who had recovered their ability to move. He knew that he could not drag it on any longer, so he flashed to the side of Yoshimura Kousen,"It's time to find a chance to retreat."

Yoshimura Kousen looked around solemnly, and then said softly,"Well, I'm afraid it's not easy to walk."

Tadara, who was fighting with Hotei Shoji and Shinohara Yukinori, also came to Lingchuan at this time.

""Trouble!" said Tadara with a serious expression.

CCG gradually surrounded Lingchuan and his companions with Arima Kisho as the center.

Shinohara Yukinori, Kuroiwa, Hodera Xiangjie, Uijun and Suzuya Juzo, who had recovered some mobility, also began to approach slowly, and had already surrounded Lingchuan and the other two in the center.

""Hand in hand!" In the command vehicle behind Arima Takashi, He Xiuji immediately gave the order, wanting to keep Lingchuan and the other two here.


Just as Arima Takashi, Shinohara Yukinori and the others were about to move forward, a wild animal-like roar sounded in the air.

Everyone looked up and saw a bright red light coming towards them at high speed.


The red light stirred up a cloud of dust, and when the smoke cleared, everyone in CCG looked at the monster in disbelief.

"Owl!... Here comes another one, are there more than one owls?"

CCG members looked at the huge monster in front of them, which was over 3 meters tall and had a unique red eye on its face. They immediately guessed its identity.

Shinohara Yukinori and others standing in front of the owl clearly felt that the strength of this owl was probably far greater than the one they had dealt with before.

As the one-eyed owl roared, Suzuya Juzo on the side widened his eyes, trembling all over, and stood there at a loss.

""What?" Shinohara Yukinori shouted hastily.

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