As Yukinori Shinohara shouted, Suzuya Juzo also came to his senses and tried to step back, but his legs were out of control and he fell to the ground.

The One-Eyed Owl also looked at Suzuya Juzo who fell to the ground in front of him, and showed a cruel smile, and then swung the armor on his arm towards Suzuya Juzo.

Arima Takamasa watched this scene and quickly raised [Narugami], which turned into a pliers-shaped weapon. One ball of light flew towards the One-Eyed Owl, trying to save Suzuya Juzo, but the distance was too far and he was still a step slow.

Crack... blood splattered...

Suzuya Juzo closed his eyes, but opened them when he didn't feel the pain.

Shinohara Yukinori stood in front of him, then raised his head with difficulty and smiled at him,"Hurry... go, Juzo!"

Suzuya Juzo opened his eyes wide and wanted to reach out to touch Shinohara Yukinori, but Shinohara Yukinori fell down in front of him.

"Shinohara...Mr. Suzuya Juzo murmured helplessly.

At this time, Arima Kisho's light ball also came in front of the one-eyed owl, but was blocked by Lingchuan's Yuhe.

"Let's go!" Lingchuan shouted to the One-eyed Owl.

Then the One-eyed Owl slapped away the fallen Shinohara Yukinori and the stunned Suzuya Juzo.

Lingchuan shot countless feather arrows in the direction of Arima Takashi and Kuroiwa in front, and then flew to the back of the One-eyed Owl. The One-eyed Owl also grabbed Yoshimura Kozen and Tadara and fled to the other side at a high speed.

Lingchuan used Scaled He to clear the way for the One-eyed Owl on her back, and quickly cleared out a group of low-level investigators and armed personnel in front of them. Arima

Takashi in the back also immediately raised [Narugami] and fired golden light balls at Lingchuan and others, trying to intercept them.

But Yoshimura's Atekkai-transformed Owl was originally known for his speed. He dodged all the light balls with just a few dodges, and then continued to gallop on the street.


Looking at the one-eyed owl who had already escaped, Arima Takashi put away [Narugami], with a thoughtful light in his eyes.

Then he said hello to everyone in CCG, and left the place directly to support the fourth team that was still fighting.

In the command vehicle, Shuuji looked at the fleeing one-eyed owl and frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

The CCG medical team in the rear immediately carried the injured Shinohara Yukinori and others on stretchers and sent them to the official hospital of CCG for treatment.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

In the command room, Marutesai angrily slammed the control table. He knew very well that this time the Owl Extermination War had been a complete failure.


"Bastard, if you dare to lie on my back again next time, I will eat you first."After they escaped to a safe place, the shell of the One-Eyed Owl disappeared, and Fangcun At, who was wrapped in bandages and wearing a red robe, walked out slowly and looked at Lingchuan angrily.

"The situation at that time did not allow for consideration." Ling Chuan raised his hands and said innocently

""Hmph!" Fangcun Ate snorted and walked to the window, looking at the heavy snow still falling outside.

"Et, the bronze tree has already left, right?" Ling Chuan looked at the street in the distance that was still emitting light from time to time.

""Yes." Fangcun Aite nodded.

"Damn, I forgot about Kaneki." Looking at the street, Lingchuan patted his forehead and suddenly remembered that Kaneki Ken was still fighting with Amon Kotaro over there.

"Mr. Yoshimura, Mr. Furuma, and Miss Irimi are all in the building over there, but they are all injured. You can take them to a safe place." Lingchuan pointed to the building outside and said to Yoshimura Gongshan

"Well, but Kaneki..." Yoshimura Kousen looked towards the street where the battle was still going on.

"It's okay, I'll go check it out later. If I can save him, I'll save him. If I can't, it's okay. With his biological father here, he won't die."Ling Chuan said with a smile

"His biological father?"Hearing this, Fangcun Aite also turned around and looked at Lingchuan with a puzzled look.

"Just kidding, he'll be fine." Ling Chuan said no more, put on his mask, and prepared to go to Kaneki Ken

"Let's go, Aite." Ling Chuan patted Fangcun Aite's shoulder.

"Get out! What am I going to do? Although Fangcun Ate had a bandage on her face, it was obvious that she was speechless.

"I'm afraid I can't beat Arima Takashi, but with you here I can ride on you and run away." Ling Chuan shrugged and said seriously

"You... a shameless bastard!" Fangcun Aite was so angry when he heard Lingchuan's shameless words that he wanted to kill someone. If it was just the two of them, it would be fine, but now there are Fangcun Gongshan and Duoduoliang here.

Lingchuan just left and rushed to the street over there. Although Fangcun Aite was angry, he was still very worried about Lingchuan's safety, so he followed him reluctantly.


"If possible, I don't want to fight with you"

"That won't do."

The battle between Kaneki Ken and Amon Kotaro was also coming to an end. The two of them were panting and looking at each other.

Four scales were floating behind Kaneki Ken, and his combat uniform was full of holes. Some of the wounds were too deep and had not yet healed. Amon Kotaro was not much better. The wounds of all sizes on his body were still bleeding, but his expression was still strong.

"Can you tell me...your name?"

Kaneki Ken looked at the person in front of him, took off his mask, and revealed his one red eye.

"Amon... Amon Kotaro"

Amon Kotaro looked at Kaneki Ken, who had only one red eye and had saved his subordinates in the battle just now. He closed his eyes, lowered his head and thought to himself,"If I hadn't met you in this situation, I would really like to have a good chat with you."

As the house next to them collapsed and a cloud of dust rose, the final battle between the two of them began.


The two men shouted, and then rushed towards each other. After several flashes of red light and the sound of weapons breaking, the two men rushed out from the dust.

""I'm sorry... Akatsuki, I broke it..."

Amon Kotaro looked at the broken [Dojima Kai] in his hand, muttered, and then fell down.

Kaneki Ken was not doing well either, with a bloody wound on his abdomen that could not heal for a long time, and the kagune behind him also dissipated. He gritted his teeth and walked to the alley next to him, then sat down weakly against a wall.

"Jinmu" an anxious voice sounded in his ears. He turned back with difficulty and his eyes widened.

"Ying, why are you here?"

Looking at Nagachika Eira in CCG combat uniform, he was surprised at first, then very confused, and quickly covered his left eye with his hand, smiling far-fetchedly.

"Kaneki, are you okay?"

Eira Nagachika had come here a long time ago. He had been watching the fight between Kaneki Ken and Amon Kotaro. Knowing that he had no ability to intervene, he could only wait anxiously in this alley for the fight to end.

Fortunately, the CCG investigator lost, and Kaneki Ken also came to this alley by accident.

Eira Nagachika looked at Kaneki Ken, who was covered in injuries, with heartache in his eyes.

"It's okay, Ying, I'll be fine after a short rest."

Kaneki Ken didn't want to make Nagachika Eira worry, but the wound on his stomach couldn't heal due to lack of strength and kept bleeding.

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