"With the ability of the soul giant, he can do whatever he wants on his own, right?"

"So, he didn't have to do these things at all."


Hanji scratched his hair irritably and sighed heavily:

"Yes, this is indeed a point that cannot be denied.

"So at the moment, the measures we take against Ayakoji are just monitoring." "

What no one noticed was when it came to this topic.

Mikasa unnaturally squeezed the bracelet on her wrist and gently buried her mouth in her scarf.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad.

Han Ji clapped his hands first and greeted

, "All in all, everyone remembers that our operation goal this time is three.

"First, bring Reiner and Bertot back as much as possible, thoroughly confirm their identities, and ask for information."

"Of course, it's best not to do it if you can, after all, you have to salute before soldiers."

"Two, be sure to protect Hrista.

Han Ji stretched out two fingers and solemnly proposed:

"Although from your intelligence, Khlista herself does not know the specific information of the wall and her own identity, but this is the only breakthrough we can learn after all.

Pouting, Han Ji weakly stretched out three fingers, and his tone was weak:

"Three, it's about Ayakoji."

Han Ji was silent for a long time, and suggested softly

, "This person Ayakoji, she has been a mystery since I knew him.

"Now, he has become a mystery that none of us can afford to provoke."

"If you can, keep that guy away from what we're going to do."

Han Ji looked up at the sky and whispered

, "If you meet him, just as Erwin explained in advance."

"Let him go back to the royal city first."

She turned her head to look at the carriage, and seemed to have passed through the endless darkness and landed in the royal city:

"There, Livier, Elvin, Pisis, and the two major corps watch, there should be no accident."

"However, if something happens in this case, there is nothing to do, after all..."

Han Ji spread out his hand helplessly and sighed leisurely:

"This is already the largest force we can come up with."

When Armin heard this, he subconsciously opened his mouth, and then closed it helplessly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He once thought that no matter how strong a person's strength was, he would also submit to the army and the royal family.

After all, outnumbered!

But now it seems that it is not enough.

Not to mention the army and the royal family....


Armin glanced at Eren quietly and sighed leisurely.

Even Allen, who has mastered the power of giants, is estimated to have only been beaten down by Ayakoji.


Eren blinked, staring at Armin with question marks on his face.

Armin, what are you sighing at me

? Still sighing?

Not far ——!away,

there was a strange noise.

Noticing this, Mikasa abruptly stood up and stared closely at the night road not far from the carriage.

Something is wrong! Something

is wrong!

Now the carriage has driven to the area where the giants are raging.

Although at night, the giants cannot move normally, and most should be in a deep sleep.


Ji and Allen were obviously aware of this problem, staring at the shadows not far away, subconsciously guarding.

Stepping ——!


——! stepping ——!

the sound of light and heavy footsteps came from afar.

The shadow in the darkness did not make a sound, calmly and slowly approached the carriage.

Kerosene lamps and torches swayed in the wind and gently shone on the faces of the visitors.

Ayakoji led a little girl carrying a wooden barrel and looked calmly to the opposite side.

"Kiyotaka ???"

Mikasa's eyes widened in surprise, at a loss.

"You.... "

Mikasa?" Ayakoji looked around at a few people and nodded her head with a look of realization,

"It's you."

Ayakoji shrugged and explained casually

, "A large number of giants appeared in that stronghold in the morning, and in order to let Miko and the recruits pass the news, I stayed there and broke off."

"Now that the crisis is over for the time being, I just want to take advantage of the fact that the giant is incapacitated during the night and just walk around." When

Han Ji heard this——!

his neck suddenly stiffened, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he was at a loss for a while.

Just walk around....

This reason is really fresh and vulgar.

"By the way..." Ayakoji raised her eyebrows lightly and looked at Allen:

"Since I have met you all, I just have something to ask Eren for help."

Ayakoji led the little girl beside her to jump into the carriage and instructed Alan

, "Alan, close your eyes." "

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