
" Allen subconsciously exclaimed, and then nodded obediently:

"Okay, brother."

"But what are you doing?"

Ayakoji didn't speak, under the terrified gazes of Mikasa, Hanji and the others, from the small wooden barrel carried by the little girl next to him...

I took out an old thick needle.

"What don't you do...,"

Ayakoji gently pushed the needle and said expressionlessly,

"I just want to take a tube of spinal fluid from you." The

kerosene lamp on the carriage flickered, and the bright yellow light flickered, hitting Ayakoji's expressionless face.

He pushed the needle coldly, making a sound of air gushing out.

At that moment, Armin and Jean suddenly felt.

Ayakoji is so terrifying!!"

Oh oh..."

Allen, who had his eyes closed, nodded subconsciously, waved his hand, and said casually:

"Got it, isn't it spinal fluid... That kind of thing, whatever..."


Eren jerked into silence, his eyes widening uncontrollably.

What a tube

??? big a tube of spinal fluid


but Alan didn't have time to refuse.

A sharp needle plunged into Alan's lower back.

Just for a moment.

Alan's wail of pain rose in the silent night sky.


," Armin and Jean subconsciously reached out and covered ——!their eyes.

They tilted their heads sideways with faceless expressions.

Mikasa turned her head slightly, and inadvertently looked at the little girl brought by Ayakoji, but she couldn't help but be stunned.

The little girl had long blonde hair and was carrying a small wooden bucket in front of her with both hands.

She noticed Mikasa looking at herself and smiled softly.

(⊙o⊙) Wow!

Hanji exclaimed excitedly, staring at Ayakoji's operation with amusement, nodding from time to time.


lay on the board in humiliation, his eyes sweeping, taking everyone's reaction into account.

In this huge carriage, no one could save him.

How to drop, say that there is no way to take Aya Koji, there is really no way, right?

He gently aimed at the back of his waist, only feeling that the strength of his body was drained.

"No, brother..."

"You didn't tell me you had to smoke such a big tube." "

It's necessary to do experiments.

Ayakoji silently withdrew the needle and put it back in the barrel that the little girl next to him was carrying, without any intention of comforting Allen.

"No, old brother!"

Allen cried and tearlessly covered the bleeding hole in his back and complained

, "If you don't take anesthetics, forget it, I can endure it." But after you finish smoking, at least block me." "

We're a medical family, dad taught you, you forgot???

" Ayakoji looked at Eren lying on the ground with slight disgust, stared at his back that had begun to smoke, and said softly:

"Alan... "

Have you forgotten that you who have mastered the power of giants can be restored."

Alan's face stiffened sharply: "....

" "Hahahaha!" Hanji

leaned over to Ayakoji's side and patted Ayakoji's shoulder hard.

"Very skillful, Ayakoji.

"Well, because I've tried it several times.


Han Ji's face was full of question marks

, why have you tried it several times?

Then, Han Ji looked at the little girl carrying the barrel next to him, and couldn't help frowning and asking

: "Aya Koji, who is this

little girl?" Aya Xiaolu gently glanced at the little girl carrying the barrel, and said nonsense:

It was just a child rescued on the way, but unfortunately, I was one step late, and her village was destroyed.

"Is it..... yes, I see. Han Ji glanced at the little girl distressedly and sighed softly.

War is like that.

Giants are like that.

Every time there will be people, losing their homes, displaced.

Lost loved ones and never returned home.

She scratched her head unnaturally, and then suddenly tapped her palm and changed the topic bluntly:

"By the way, Ayakoji, Erwin told me."

"If I meet you, tell you to go back to the Wall of Hina first, as if to discuss the breach of the Wall of Rosse."

Ayakoji raised her eyebrows slightly, stared at Han Ji silently, and did not speak, but the look in her eyes was very intriguing.

It wasn't until he stared at Han Ji covered in cold sweat that he nodded slightly:

"Okay, I see."

"You guys in the mission, too, be careful.

Then he nodded at Mikasa and led the little girl out of the carriage.


Suddenly, Mikasa subconsciously stretched out his palm and couldn't help but gently stop Ayakoji.

Ayakoji turned around ——!

and asked suspiciously,

"What's wrong? Mikasa..." Mikasa

opened her mouth and slowly closed it again.

After a moment of silence, she showed a far-fetched smile,

"No... It's nothing.

Mikasa clenched his fists lightly, talking to himself in his heart.

yes, nothing!

It's an illusion, it must be an illusion.

She must have misheard at the time.

How could Arnie be careful with Ayakoji.

Mikasa looked deeply at Ayakoji and said softly

, "Kiyotaka, stay safe."

"I see, Mikasa.

Aya Xiaoji turned around slightly, did not look back, raised his hand and flicked it, casually instructed:

"You too, pay attention to safety."

The little girl carrying the barrel looked at the few people in the carriage with a smile, and her voice was ethereal:

"Be sure to pay attention to safety, little Mikasa, little Alan, little Armin, and little Jean and little Hanji." Then

, slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Armin couldn't help but frown, realizing that things were not simple.

Did they just mention their name to the little girl?

But Ayakoji is not the kind of person who talks too much.

"Alan..... Alan!"

Suddenly, Hanji's excited voice next to him interrupted Armin's deep thoughts.

I saw Han Ji poke Allen, who collapsed on the board, and his face was full of excitement:

"That, Alan, I have a reluctant request."

Eren rolled his eyes and said weakly

, "Since it is a reluctant invitation, then don't say it." "


!" Hanji anxiously picked up Alan's collar and kept shaking

it, "I want it! I want it! I want it too!" "

Spinal fluid or something, you can't just give Ayakoji!"

"I want to study too



"No, I don't have a drop now.


Allen landed on the ground with his face and slammed the board.


Hanji sighed leisurely, casually pulling out a needle from his bag.

She lightly stepped on Allen's hips, and her cold eyes stared at Allen's vertebrae:

"You don't seem to have the right to refuse now."

"If I'm not mistaken, you shouldn't be able to move by now." "

No!" Allen raised his reddened face from the fall, his eyes widened in horror, and then he pressed weakly to his mouth on the wooden board, and said indistinctly:

"Hanji, why do you carry such a thing as a needle with you!"

"Alan, never underestimate the obsession of a truth-seeker.

"Well, don't!", "Don't!" "Don't!" "Oh——!


"Damn it! Hanji, didn't you say you wanted

a tube!" "

Yes, but I want a tube like Ayakoji."

"Didn't you see that my needle is smaller than his."

"Little Alan, don't move, I'm going on." "


Ayakoji, who was walking away, listened to the noise and wailing behind him, and shook his head involuntarily.

He slowly turned his head, looked at the little girl who did not say a word, and asked softly:

"How is it, Yumir?"

"Is this body still used to it?"

Yumir nodded obediently and said softly:

"It's okay, after all, I used Little Jick's blood to pinch it in the road with my own hands."

She turned in a circle, looking back and forth at her body

, "It's just that I've been on the road for a long time, and I don't feel very comfortable."

Then, she picked up the barrel and looked curiously at the needle inside.

Among them, four were overflowing with crystalline liquid.

"Jack's, Peak's, yours, Alan's,"

"Ayakoji, what do you want so much spinal fluid for?" "

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