To talk about this day and age.

More than ten years ago.

The most eye-catching.

It has to be the top ten of the Tianjiao list, those peerless Tianjiao.

News media coverage continues.


When Xu Zi'an was born.

All the peerless celestials of this generation have lost their lustre.

Even if it is the big demon king who is the number one on today's list.

In front of Xu Zi'an, it was also bleak.

It's not that they don't have enough strength.

It's not that they can't compare to the peerless Tianjiao of the previous session, the previous session, and the last session.


Xu Zi'an, it's really eye-catching.

Just like his title and the name of his starship.



This is the era.

The brightest in the universe.

Before Xu Zi'an was born.

No one ever thought about it.

There will be a peerless Tianjiao, who can fight at the next level, two levels, or even three levels.

No one ever thought about it.

There will be a peerless Tianjiao.

From the time of weakness, it stirs up the storm.

Wait until the time of the Immortal Ship now.

It has even caused the two peak hegemonic groups to be anxious! "Five-seven-seven" has never been thought of by anyone.

There will be a peerless Tianjiao.

In the form of an immortal ship!

Ninety-nine percent of the universe is a peerless celestial pride.

Trembling with killing, he didn't dare to come forward!!


He's just an immortal ship.

It's not hard to imagine.

By the time he got to the Void Ship, or even the Columnist.

Even if it is the number one demon king in the universe today!

In front of him, you have to kneel down and sing conquest!

this era.

It belongs to Xu Zi'an.


It is equivalent to ruling an era.

Suppressed an era.

Even if it's still weak.

But all this.

It's not hard to foresee.


What the whole universe didn't expect was this.

The Inhumans killed three longitudinal-level peerless Tianjiao, and immediately took action.

Xu Zi'an......


I even ran to the Zerg again!


He's gone to the Zerg again!

Xu Zi'an can distinguish between priorities and priorities.

Damn the Inhumans.

The Zerg are even more damned!

After all.

This time.

It's the Zerg Race, the peerless Tianjiao who killed the Cosmic Terran!

The reason why I ran to the Inhumans halfway.

It's purely to find trouble with the Inhumans by the way, so that they don't gloat and sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

And the main reason.

It's to let the Zerg let their guard down!

Think you've run away to the Hoho Inhumans, so you won't have any more vigilance!

In fact, Xu Zi'an's idea is correct.

It doesn't matter if it's an Inhuman or a Zerg.

At this moment.

Their eyes were all focused on those peerless Tianjiao.

For their super geniuses such as top Tianjiao, ordinary Tianjiao, top demons, ordinary demons, etc.

And didn't pay attention.

This is what Xu Zi'an wants.


Before that!

Wants to shoot at them.

Xu Zi'an still has to make some preparations.

If you attack them, it will not be the time to deal with the peerless Tianjiao.

At this moment.

Within the cosmic human race!


Xu Zi'an is back!

For him, whose wealth is now too much to be used.

The distance of the universe.

There is no point anymore.

Go wherever you want.

Let alone......

So many actions.

Xu Zi'an, the value of wealth has increased instead of decreasing!

And it's twice as much!

More than 20 trillion wealth value.

How can you run out?


They all snatched it.

Whether it's the women of the Brilliant Fleet.

Or Mu Ziqiu, or autumn peach rain.

The treasures they snatched.

All of them were handed over to Xu Zi'an.

Because before the action, Xu Zi'an had already made it very clear.

All the gains of this operation belong to him.

Wait until the operation is over.

Then reward the merit according to everyone's performance.

In fact, it doesn't matter at all when it comes to rewarding meritorious deeds or something.

Qiu Taoyu and Mu Ziqiu's second daughter don't care about these at all.

What they want is to hunt the super geniuses of the Zermen and Inhumans!


Xu Zi'an is now worth his wealth.

Definitely enough of them.

At this time.

Within the cosmic human race.

Shine the galaxy!


Xu Zi'an.

A wormhole opened directly into the shining star system of the Edmei Nebula.

Rest, recharge.

Then prepare for the next move.

At this time, Xu Zi'an was chatting with his ancestor Wan Chongshan.

Xu Zi'an asked, "Master." "

"Have they all gathered?"

The smile on Wan Chongshan's face at this time couldn't be suppressed, and he looked at Xu Zi'an with great affection: "What you need, of course we have all prepared." "

"At present, all the ordinary Tianjiao and above Tianjiao of our cosmic human race. "

"We have all arrived at the designated place. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Outside, there's their stand-in in action. "

"In a short period of time, the intelligence organizations of the Inhumans and Zerg will never find any abnormalities. "

Xu Zi'an immediately relieved his mind and said with a smile: "That's enough!"

"In the previous action, the attention of the aliens and the zergs was all focused on me. "

"Plus there is a stand-in, there should be no problem. "

"After those three hours, let's get ready to act!"

Wan Chongshan smiled and nodded: "Okay, you can arrange everything yourself!"

"Whatever you need, we will do everything possible to meet you!"

The mood of Wanzhongshan can be said to be so good that it explodes!

The reason is simple.

Xu Zi'an......

It's his disciple!

Although, strictly speaking, it's on the evolutionary side.


So what does it matter?

It doesn't matter!

Anyway, it's his apprentice, that's enough.


Those old guys... 0

I don't know how much I envy him. []

I don't know how jealous I am of him.

There are already a lot of old guys who pester him every day.

I have to let Xu Zi'an also worship under their door.

No way.

There is such a grandson as Xu Zi'an.

It's such a special long face!!

Take a look.

Check it out this time!

Let's just put it this way.

This time, Xu Zi'an's results.

It's amazingly big!


It can already be said that there has been a certain degree of fault in the inheritance of the strong people of the Zerg and Inhuman races in this generation!

I may not see much effect yet.

But wait until the future......

When there were not as many super-strong people as the Inhumans and Zergs on the side of the Cosmic Terrans.

That effect.

That's when it really stands out.

And the cosmic human race.

When the time comes.

It will surely become the first race in the universe!

ended the call with Wan Chongshan.

Xu Zi'an, with the women who had already rested and replenished, set off again.

Two hours later.

They, according to the navigation, came to a meteorite belt in an uninhabited deep space area of the Emei Nebula.

It's just arrived.

Then I saw more than 2,000 starships of different sizes, from the lowest deep space ship to the highest Zhenyu ship, all parked here.


It's the cosmic human race, all the celestial prides of this generation!

Naturally, there are the largest number of ordinary Tianjiao.

Occupied more than a thousand people.

followed by the top Tianjiao, there are also hundreds of people.

Finally, there is the peerless Tianjiao, more than a hundred people!

Tell the truth.

This amount.

It's a little too little.

The peerless Tianjiao of the universe human race, if it weren't for Xu Zi'an's birth.

It's really a bit crotch-pulling.

But there is one more Xu Zi'an.

The generation of the cosmic human race.

5.1 is the most awesome!

And it's the kind that has never been seen before or since!

And the reason why they are gathered here......


That's the next plan of action.

A plan of action for those Zerg people, those top Tianjiao, ordinary Tianjiao, and demons!

Since the Zerg Race and the Inhuman Race have protected the peerless Tianjiao.

That's no problem!

Then start purging your top geniuses below!

And the reason why before, they were not directly called together to act.

That's because, in order to prevent information leakage!

After all.

Before acting on your own.

As Tianjiao, they are quite concerned by the Inhumans and Zerg intelligence organizations.

But now it's no problem.

Xu Zi'an.

It directly attracted the attention of the whole universe.

So now......

You can take these celestial prides of the cosmic human race......

Unscrupulous action too!

Let the Zergs know.

After killing my Terran Tianjiao.

Completely angered me Xu Zi'an.

What will happen to you!!。

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