"Brother Xu. "

"Brother Xu is good!"

"Brother Xu, you are really fierce this time!"

"Brother Xu, I'm your little fan sister!"

"Brother Xu, you are so handsome!!!

"Brother Xu, although I'm a man, I don't mind!!"

As soon as Xu Zi'an arrived.

These peerless geniuses who are usually too proud.

One by one, they suddenly turned into little fan brothers and little fan sisters.

Brother Xu shouted.


It's the kind that is real, sincere, and sincere.


The kind full of admiration.





Xu Zi'an's cultivation strength.

Not as strong as some of them.


Xu Zi'an's achievements and potential.

Who would dare to disagree?!

Not to mention the things Xu Zi'an did!

Convincing from the bottom of my heart!

If you're alone, a little stronger than you.

You'll be jealous.

If you are alone, you are much stronger than you.

You will be jealous.

If a person is stronger than you, you can't catch up with it in your life.

You will admire, you will worship!

Xu Zi'an.

Now for these peerless celestial heroes.

That's it!


So that 20 can only look up.

That's naturally admiration and worship!


They are peerless, actually!

There is one of the most popular words nowadays, but it is more agreeable than ordinary people!

And that's—

Xu Zi'an.

The reason why it is a peerless Tianjiao.

That's because!

Hierarchy of geniuses.

The highest is only the peerless Tianjiao!!

All of them agreed.

Xu Zi'an.

It definitely surpasses the level of peerless Tianjiao.


Now no one calls Xu Zi'an Xu Zi'an the bright pride of the sky anymore.

Instead, it is crowned with the title of "Eternal Brightness"!

This is the highest honor!

Brother Xu.

It's called convincing.

Xu Zi'an responded to them with a smile.

After that, I didn't say much, took them with me, and went straight to the next location.

And then it was less than half an hour.

Thousands of spatial wormholes appeared in front of everyone.

And unsurprisingly.

These people.

Not even one person asks about anything.

It's just curiosity.

Then came the sudden realization.


This is finally understanding how Xu Zi'an did it in such a short period of time.

Across the universe.


That's it!

It is.

This ability is a little too rebellious, right?

It is worthy of our brother Xu!!

It's a cow pie!!

When he arrived here, Xu Zi'an began to arrange: "This operation." "

"The goals assigned to you are all one or even two levels lower. "

"It mainly depends on what kind of talent the other person is. "

"If the other party is a peerless Tianjiao who has become an evolutionary talent, and you are a peerless Tianjiao who has become a Star Wars talent. "

"Then you will be given an opponent of the same level. "

"If the opponent is a Star Wars talent and you are an Evolutionary talent, then according to your strength, you will be arranged to be one or two levels lower. "

"In short, I will try my best to give you a chance to kill your opponent in seconds!"

Speaking of this, Xu Zi paused, and his voice became solemn: "But!"

"Even so, it's still full of danger!"

"Because intelligence is not 100% accurate. "

"In case the other party is around, there is a strong person who is much stronger than you......"

"Then don't talk about killing the other party, you have to explain it yourself!"


"Once you find out that the situation is wrong, immediately tear open the spatial rift and escape into the anti-universe!"

"After a certain period of time, I will go to rescue you. "

"I hope that I told you before that you can prepare at least 10,000 years of living materials and food, and you are all ready!"

Listen to Xu Zi'an say this.

Zheng Yang was the first to say loudly: "Don't worry, Brother Xu!"

"These are all explained by the people above many times in person. "

"We all know that!"

"Ready, absolutely sufficient!"

"Let's say I'm ......"

"I've prepared for fifteen thousand years, it's definitely enough!"

"So when the time comes, I will also escape in, Brother Xu, you save the others first, and then I will walk in the anti-universe for five thousand years, hahaha......"

Talking and talking.

Zheng Yang himself couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Not long since.

The cosmic human race, for the anti-universe, that is a change of color. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


It all has the feeling of being a tourist attraction.


is the importance of Xu Zi'an!

Xu Zi'an smiled and said, "Okay, since you are ready, you are also mentally prepared to endure ten thousand years of loneliness in the anti-universe, and even die on the spot......

"So, let's get started!"

"These spatial wormholes, which belong to you, I have already sent them to your astral light brain. "

"...... Now"

"According to the space wormholes you belong to......"

"Enter. "

"Then let's fight!!"

Xu Zi'an's voice just fell!

These peerless Tianjiao, top Tianjiao, and ordinary Tianjiao have long been impatient.

One by one, they couldn't wait to rush to the wormhole of their assigned space.


and disappeared in the same place.


Are you kidding!

How can you become a god who is afraid of death!

If you're afraid of death, stay at home and don't come out to be embarrassed!

It's already Tianjiao.

Which one is not a militant.

Not to mention.

The plan Xu Zi'an prepared for them was so proper.

There's nothing to be afraid of!

As for the opponents of the same level, or even one or two levels lower, not only can they not be killed, but they are killed by the other party?

Don't say anything.

The anti-universe is embarrassed to hide in it.

Because I'm damned myself!!


There are more than two thousand, covering all the Tianjiao-level super geniuses of the generation of the universe human race.

Soon, they disappeared one by one.


This time.

If more than 2,000 people were lost at one time......

For the cosmic human race.

It will be an unimaginable and unbearable blow!


Don't look at the fact that there is no one around at this time.

It also seems that this thing is ......

And no one cares about it.

But in fact, 990!!

Inside the Imei Nebula.

Even Xu Zi'an didn't know that.

There were already two peak powerhouses of the annihilation level who were on the scene to guard in person.

In addition, there are twelve world-destroying peerless powerhouses guarding the surroundings!

And that's not all.

The cosmic human race, all the powerhouses above the world extinction level.

It's all about it.

Even the master respected Wanzhong Mountain, and made it clear!

The patron saint of the cosmic human race—

The only Eternal Overlord powerhouse.

I'm also paying attention to the whole process!

It's just that I don't know where the other party is.

But suffice it to say.

This time, the cosmic human race attaches great importance to this matter!

The loss of their own Tianjiao is unbearable.


Once successful......


It will be an unimaginable victory for the Cosmic Terrans!

But don't underestimate those top Tianjiao, ordinary Tianjiao, and demonic geniuses.


They are indeed inferior to the peerless Tianjiao.


The peerless Tianjiao only has the highest probability of becoming an annihilation-level and annihilation-level powerhouse!

That's all!

Among the current powerhouses of the extinction level and the annihilation level in the universe.

There are a lot of them, and they weren't peerless back then!

Not to mention, there are a large number of powerhouses of other levels.

An absolute high-end backbone.

When everybody goes in.

Xu Zi'an also hesitated.

After explaining a word of caution to the women.

also rushed into the space wormhole.

One by one, they disappeared without a trace.

There are only more than 2,000 spatial wormholes.

It's so weird and shocking.

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