” Good Le , I Ruo , Water ,! Resources !’ Source . Group :,6?5,6:!6.’;1:8,”;8;9,’! 6′.Backup , Use ; Medium ” ,; Turn .!! Group “”7!.,6,6′!0;”‘1;.8;;’3!’;2;!0 Eat right away ! ”

Fatty didn’t want others to take away his priority , so he quickly picked up a handful of broad beans .

I wanted to habitually throw the whole thing into my mouth as usual , but this would inevitably lead to the suspicion of swallowing the dates whole and Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit .

So the fat man picked up one of them with two fat fingers and carefully put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly .

The expert didn’t see the style , but it was like a reserved big girl eating .

Everyone couldn’t hold back their laughter , and at the same time looked forward to the comments from Snack Crazy ~ Han .

The fat man’s eyes suddenly lit up .

” Fuck , boss , the taste of these broad beans is also very good . It ‘s crunchy and crunchy , and it has a strong special fragrance . Well , what does it look like …”

He thought for a while , a flash of light flashed in his mind , and he blurted out .

” By the way , crab roe , this is the taste of crab roe !”

Xia Ze said with a smile : ” Yes , it’s crab yellow , its name is crab fragrant broad bean !”

Nuts can actually do a lot of tricks .

The older generation of consumers may not like this kind of bells and whistles , but the younger group just happens to like new things .

” Look , I’ll just say , I’m a professional !”

Fatty was proud of the taste of crab roe in the broad beans, and then he was very excited .

” Boss , I swear , this is definitely the best broad bean I’ve ever eaten in my life !”

” If our sub-brand can make it , it will be a big seller !”

When Yang Qian and Xiao Yu saw Fatty giving such a high evaluation , they couldn’t help being moved .

But the fat man is also suspected of flattering , so he still has to verify it himself .

So they each picked up a broad bean and ate it .

little taste , the faces of the two women showed the same expression as the fat man .

‘s really delicious , just the right amount of crunch , and the flavors are quite novel .

Snacks like this are quite rare in the market , and even if they exist , the taste is a lot worse .

Almost , it will be disliked by picky foodies .

The two women had the same idea in their hearts , the snacks with this formula will definitely be popular !

Several managers also tried it one after another , and they were full of praise and sincere .

The fat man couldn’t wait to pick up another paper-skin walnut and ate it , and then got a new surprise .

” This walnut is amazing . Its fragrance is not strong. It’s a bit like herbal medicine . It’s very greasy , but the more you chew it, the more fragrant it is , and it’s even sweeter in the back , and the aftertaste is endless !”

” Herbal Paper Walnuts !”

Xia Ze still briefly introduced .

There is no need to explain much , you can know the practice of walnut through the literal meaning .

I tried several other nuts , and Fatty was still full of praise .

This snack idiot ~ Han can’t be picky , not to mention Xiao Yu and Yang Qian , they are both conquered by the taste of nuts .

No wonder Boss is so confident , it turns out that he has such a powerful snack recipe .

Now , the most troublesome problem has been solved !

However, Xiao Yu was a little puzzled .

Although the Xia family business also has a company that makes food and snacks , she is fully responsible for the connection between the old man and Xia Ze . Knowing that the Xia family has not given any support , where did the second young master get these snack recipes ?

Xia Ze was satisfied with their response .

He naturally tried the nuts himself . The taste was similar to the four squirrels he was familiar with in his previous life . If there were no surprises, they would be very popular .

” These kinds of snacks are just part of the formula I got . I plan to use them to test the water first , see the market reaction , and then decide when to launch new products !”

” Boss , hurry up and go to the market !”

Fatty is not satisfied with trying it out .

” These nuts will explode . No one will tell me . My fat man is the first to buy in-app purchases , and then throw all the other brands of snacks in the house into the trash !”

Several people were amused by the fat man again , but they also had more confidence in the sub-brand to be created .

“That ‘s right !”

Yang Qian suddenly remembered something .

” Boss , our sub-brand hasn’t been named yet . Do you have any suggestions ?”

Xia Ze narrowed his eyes : ” Let ‘s call it … the four squirrels !”

To cater to consumers , not only the taste , but also the name is very important .

For example, old Huangpu, it is too old-fashioned , and it is not a brand that young audiences will favor .

The four squirrels are different , and the name is very powerful .

It can become a national brand in the previous life, which means that the name is also very successful, and Xia Ze does not need to think about a new name , just copy it .

” Four squirrels , four squirrels …”

Yang Qian murmured : ” This name is not bad , the image of the squirrel is cute and lively , and it caters to the mentality of young people !”

Xia Ze nodded .

“That ‘s it , let’s have a big fight , do you have any confidence !”

” Yes !”

Everyone has enough confidence .

Good products don’t have to worry about no market .

end , the fat man pointed at the pile of snacks left on the table, and he was so greedy .

” Boss , can I pack these and take them away ?”

Xia Ze : “…”

Chapter 51 Instant sold out , unintentional hunger

The work on the sub-brand started quickly .

Yang Qian issued a plan to recruit a new team .

Xia Ze himself drew a sketch of the brand logo , and directly copied the four squirrels from his previous life according to his memory .

Xiao Yu used the computer to design the finished product , which is what she is good at . Although the position is the finance minister , the talent of Xiao Damei should not be wasted , and people should make the best use of it .

Fatty is in charge of market research , and he can’t do too complicated work , but with these nutty snacks and the team to set up locations in the magic capital , it is no problem to ask for feedback from consumers .

that has not yet been launched , and it has no reputation , there is no such thing as leaking commercial secrets, not to mention that others want to do it . This formula is not something that can be researched by research .

logo was done , and the results of the market feedback were also encouraging . Xiao Young gave almost 100% praise , proving that they really like this flavor .

The marketing strategy of the four squirrels is similar to that of the previous life , and they still focus on the Internet .

just that Xia Ze’s funds are more abundant , and at the same time, his methods are much more powerful than the founders of the four squirrels in the previous life .

Before the product is launched , come a few rounds of warm-up .

The first is a late-night prime-time ad on the toilet table .

naming rights of the entertainment program ” Happy Camp ” with the highest ratings on the toilet station .

Although the toilet table and ” Happy Camp ” have been criticized by many people , they can’t stand the popularity !

Naturally , exposure is also high .

Moreover , most of the audience of the toilet table are young people , which is in line with the market positioning of the four squirrels .

advertising fee is not low , but Xia Ze has a lot of money , so it doesn’t matter .

to slowly conquer consumers’ mouths just by relying on product competitiveness like the four squirrels in his previous life .

Product competitiveness is of course important , and necessary publicity can get twice the result with half the effort !

This is a necessary investment that can greatly accelerate the pace of the four squirrels becoming snack giants .

The commercials in the prime time of the toilet were bombarded wildly , and with the naming rights of ” Happy Camp ” , many young people quickly remembered this snack brand .

Some people naturally want to buy it and try it .

But can’t buy it .

Because ” Four Squirrels ” has not been officially launched .

This even aroused the curiosity of consumers .

Others are selling ads as soon as they are launched , or selling things before they are launched .

And the four squirrels did the opposite .

Ordinary consumers can’t buy it , but media and big V can experience it in advance .

Many big media and big V received the ” Four Squirrels ” snacks , and they were full of praise after eating it , and the reviews were all touted .

Although I have to say good things about the money , but in all fairness , even if I don’t charge , the taste of this snack is impeccable and quite novel .

result , consumers are satiated , and the topic naturally arises .

Several small snacks have aroused many expectations .

This continues until November 11 , which is known as the Double Eleven Carnival .

The second Double Eleven is far less grand than later generations , reaching the level of a national carnival , like a grand ceremony .

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