” But what , Mr. Xia, please say that money is not a problem !”

” Brother Cai , talking about money is too outrageous . Am I that kind of person ?”

Xia Zeyi is righteous .

” No , of course not , there is always something in trouble for Cai , just tell me !”

Cai Haiming said quickly .

Xia Ze sighed : ” Do n’t hide brother Cai , my recipe may have some side effects ! ”

Cai Haiming froze in his heart .

” Could it be life-threatening ?”

” That’s not so . ”

Xia Ze smiled .

” Will it be disabled ?”

Cai Haiming asked .

” No harm to limbs either . ”

” What is the side effect of that, Mr. Xia , don’t sell it , tell me quickly !”

Xia Ze coughed dryly : ” This recipe may cause physiological disorders in the human body ! ”

Cai Haiming breathed a sigh of relief , thinking that it was okay .

Physiological disorders are such a big deal , and getting angry can trigger them .

Besides , it’s better than I am now !

He was about to be tortured insane by Hua Liu , how could he care so much , he couldn’t wait to say : ” Mr. Xia , you can give me that recipe to try, if it is really cured , you will be my rebirth. parents . ”

” Are you sure , Brother Cai , declare in advance that if there are side effects, you ca n’t blame me !”

Xia Ze said solemnly .

” No wonder , no wonder , this is all of my own accord !”

Cai Haiming nodded like a chicken pecking at rice . He is now a dead horse as a living horse doctor , and he will not let go of any hope .

” Okay then , since that’s the case , I’ll make this recipe for Brother Cai . Have you brought a pen and paper ?”

” No , I’ll borrow it now , go immediately , Mr. Xia, please wait a moment !”

Not long after , Cai Haiming found a pen and paper .

Xia Ze found a table , waved his pen , and wrote the prescription on the white paper .

Looking at the twisted , tadpole-like teeny characters , Cai Haiming couldn’t help but believe a little more . Only those who study medicine know how to write such unique prescription characters , others Just read the book O

quickly wrote blood and handed it to Cai Haiming : ” Brother Cai , follow my recipe to pick up the herbs , boil them into a soup , drink it for two months , then it will be enough to cure the disease , and it will never recur !”

Cai Haiming took the prescription with both hands as if he had obtained the treasure , and carefully put it into his pocket, thanking him a thousand times : ” Mr. Xia , you don’t remember the villain , but you are still willing to help me , Cai Haiming really I don’t know how to thank you . If this medicine can really cure my illness , I can tell you what Xia always has to do in the future . ”

” It’s easy to talk , easy to talk , Brother Cai is serious !”

Xia Ze secretly laughed in his heart, of course he was not so kind .

Physiological disorders such things , the consequences can be big or small .

that Cai Haiming can treat his flower willows by drinking his own recipe . This Xia Ze is not fooling around . However , its side effects will also make Cai Haiming slowly change his personality .

He would become … not interested in women !

That recipe , Xia Guo was given to eunuchs in ancient times .

in the ancient Xia Kingdom were not all eunuchs . However , after drinking this medicine for two months , even if there was still lifeblood , their orientation would gradually change , and in the end they would be no different from eunuchs .

It was invented by an imperial physician . This prescription has a miraculous effect on some kind of intractable flower willow . However, its side effect is to make the male physiological disorder , the function of that aspect degenerates , and finally it is completely correct. Women lose interest .

Although it was a failed prescription , it was favored by the emperor and used on eunuchs .

Later, when the dynasty was changed , this kind of eunuch with lifeblood was replaced by eunuchs , and this party was lost .

Therefore, Cai Haiming’s flower willow can be cured , but he is no longer a man by then !

Xia Ze treats Cai Haiming like this , one is that he is not pleasing to the eye , and the other is that the Cai family on Hong Kong Island is not a good bird .

This family is the opposition to the return of Hong Kong Island . The so-called foreign slaves are willing to be foreign devils and eagles. Later, they became the grassroots , but the servility in their bones has not changed . Both father and son became Eagle nationality .

Later, when I saw the rapid economic development in the mainland , I came here to make money , but at the same time I looked down on the mainlanders and thought they were superior .

Xia Ze hated such a traitor , so even if he had nothing against Cai Haiming , he still killed him .

The Cai family is the only son , and from this generation onwards, he will be the last !

Let you be foreign slaves , let you betray your country , hum !

got the recipe, also had no intention of celebrating his birthday . He couldn’t wait to decoct the medicine to see if it was really that effective , although it would take two months to see the effect .

” Mr. Xia , I have left beforehand , and I will come to thank you another day !”

” Okay , Brother Cai , goodbye !”

After Cai Haiming left , Mengru came over . She witnessed Cai Haiming curry favor with Xia Ze like a pug , and she was puzzled .

” Xia Ze , what are you mumbling about? Why did Cai Haiming suddenly change his temper !”

” He’s not just transgender , he’s going to be transgender !”

was a smile on the corner of Xia Ze’s mouth , a little cold , but Bai Mengru shuddered when she saw it .

What is degeneration ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : Turn “..group :: ‘7.,,6;?6’?0″‘?1,!8,;3;;2?0 , it sounds weird !

At this time, she thought of something : ” Ah , by the way , what’s wrong with Cai Haiming , tell me , I promise to keep it secret !” Xia Ze : “…




Chapter 69 A trip to the rice stock market , making money crazy !

Dawning Building , meeting room of Vientiane Jiarun Food Co., Ltd.

Looking at the bank card arrival information on the mobile phone , the fat man’s fat face almost turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile , and his mouth was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth .

One two three four five six seven eight , there are still eight digits before the decimal point , and the beginning is not one !

New Year’s Day passed and the new year came , Xiao Yu also sorted out the company’s overall financial situation in the previous year , including net profit .

Afterwards , Xia Ze distributed dividends to everyone according to the agreement .

Fatty had the least share , but the amount he received was considerable , not to mention Xiao Yu and Yang Ji .

Although it was expected that this amount of money would be amazing , when Yang Xin received the information, he was still extremely shocked !

This was when she was a clerk in Cathay Pacific . Even if she didn’t eat or drink, she could not imagine earning it for the rest of her life . However, after helping Xia Ze , it was only less than half a year !

Xiao Yu is quite calm , she doesn’t seem to be very interested in money .

distributing the money , Xia Ze said with a smile : ” Everyone has worked hard last year , this is what you deserve . I hope that you will continue to work hard in the new year , and strive to increase the income of the company and us. One floor ! ”

” Boss , I must do my best . Whatever you ask me to do , I will do what Cao Nianbo does !”

Fatty was the first to express his stance excitedly , thinking that I am with the right person. Back then , everyone in the Magic City looked down on the boss , but I was the only one who followed loyally . Finally, the hard work paid off !

boss got up , and I followed the fragrant and spicy drink !

Now, when I go outside and say it’s Xia Ze’s younger brother , that’s a lot of face , and I don’t know how many people are envious, jealous , hehe !

” Boss , I will do my best !”

Yang Xin is not as exaggerated as Fatty , but she has long since given up on Xia Ze, Bole , who has the kindness of encounter, not to mention that Xia Ze also helped her mother find the best cardiology department The expert , the operation was successfully performed , and there is no more worries .

Xiao Yu didn’t say anything , but Xia Ze knew how loyal she was to the Xia family .

All three of them received a lot of dividends . Of course, Xia Ze took the big buck . Now he has several hundred million in cash on hand .

Of course , this money can’t be left in the card , it has to lay eggs as soon as possible .

There is a speculative opportunity , and it has quietly arrived !

After the meeting , Xia Ze found Yang Xin alone : ” Xiao Xinqing , in a few days , you and I will go to Hong Kong Island .- ? !”

” Boss , why are we going to New York ?”

Yang Xin is puzzled , the company does not have any multinational business yet .

” You have to go back to your old business , hehe !”

Xia Ze smiled .

Back to old business ?

Yang Pu suddenly thought of something : ” Boss , are you talking about investing in stocks ?”

” That’s right , I’m going to go to New York Stock Exchange to play . According to the news I received , there will be a fight between gods and gods in Migu in a few days . How can I not go and watch the excitement !”

Xia Ze narrowed his eyes .

According to the memory of the previous life , it is this time line that there will be a bloody fight in the U.S. stock market . Several giants will intervene in various ways to stage a big sniper and counter-sniper. battle .

not many good opportunities like this , it is absolutely not to be missed !

However, this game cannot be played in China or even on Hong Kong Island . He has to travel to the United States in person .

” Okay , Boss , listen to you !”

Xia Ze’s fortune originated from a futures investment in Cathay Pacific . Yang Ji thought it was quite exciting .

This time, Boss went to the New York Stock Exchange in the United States , and it must have been bigger than last time !

A few days later , New York, the United States , Manhattan , a large securities company .

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