Xia Ze sat on the soft leather sofa in the VIP box , staring at the computer screen .

box is very comfortable , there are snacks , fruit , wine , and if you are willing to spend money , you can even invite blond girls to play with them. This is the corruption of capitalism .

Of course , Xia Ze didn’t need a foreign girl , because he was accompanied by this beautiful girl Yang Jie .

The account has already been opened , and the funds have been converted into rice yuan . I even arrived at Niuyue a day earlier because of the jet lag . I slept well and refreshed myself . Everything is ready , and I only owe Dongfeng .

At 9:30 a.m. US time , the Nasdaq market was very quiet at the beginning , but Xia Ze knew that the situation would change in half an hour , and a battle without gunpowder would be unpredictable. Mega eruption .

Xia Ze’s eyes lit up when he saw that the curve of the stock he was paying attention to dropped suddenly .

here we come !

sniper raised the shotgun in his hand .

The sniper soon discovered the situation , naturally unwilling to sit still and began to counterattack .

Experienced investors quickly discovered the abnormality of this stock , which was the favorite opportunity for those crazy speculators , and the exchange became lively .

The stock curve fluctuated rapidly , sometimes rising sharply , sometimes falling sharply , and soon there were many giant funds intervening , and the battle became more and more fierce .

As a rebirth, Xia Ze knew very well who the final winner belonged to .

If he bet directly on the winner at the right time , even if he does nothing , he can make a fortune when the battle is over .

But that’s not the way to make the most money !

of this rice-stock god war that shocked the world . As long as he keeps an eye on the situation , he buys , sells , buys again , and sells again to maximize returns . It’s a lot more than betting on the final winner !

Yang Ji was terrifying . As a former Cathay Pacific employee , she knew how tragic the fight between gods and gods was . It could be described as changing rapidly . If you can, you will fall into the abyss of eternal doom !

Fortunately, his boss is amazingly calm . His eyes are vicious and his judgments are accurate . He can always capture the best time to enter and retreat , like a hungry wolf on the wasteland , opening his bloodbath . With a big mouth , he devoured the target frantically , and took advantage of the melee of all parties to tear off pieces of meat .

Yang Ji was so nervous that his hands were shaking , and at the same time he felt extremely exciting .

Three days later , the battle between sniping and counter-sniping finally came to an end .

walked out of the VIP box of the securities company , the money in his account had already doubled .

“– ?Hehe , Xiao Jiqing , congratulations , from now on , you are a billionaire woman !”

Xia Ze joked .

He encouraged Yang Ji to take the dividend he just got and invest with him , so Yang Ji also earned several times , and the money has already exceeded 100 million .

I’m now a billionaire !

All this happened too quickly and too easily , and Yang Xin couldn’t believe it himself .

” Hehe , we have to spend some champagne to celebrate, let ‘s go !”

( Li Hao ) It was also dinner time . Xia Ze found a well-known western restaurant in New York and had a pleasant dinner . Then he went to the bar for a few drinks and returned to the hotel . It’s midnight .

Open the presidential suite , each sleeping in a room .

Before entering the door , looking at Yang Xin’s cheeks that were red with alcohol , Xia Ze’s mind was a little swaying .

He deliberately sighed : ” Xiaoxin borrows it, Niu Yue is very good , the fly in the ointment is that it is a little cold at night , what do you think ?” The heating system in the presidential suite is actually very comfortable .

the words .

Yang Xin’s face turned even redder and lowered his head : ” Boss , go to bed early and have a good dream !”

Xia Ze was a little disappointed .

Is it always too sudden Mai ?

Forget it , let’s wash up and sleep !

taking a bath , I turned off the lights and lay on the bed . I felt sleepy and soon fell asleep .

daze , I only felt that there was something more in my arms .

Very warm and soft .

This dream is quite beautiful !




Chapter 70 Sister , bring Brother Ze over to play !

The next morning , Xia Ze opened his eyes , and the person in the dream disappeared .

However , the hair on the pillow and the bright traces on the sheets told him that it was not a dream .

Yang Xin was still thin-skinned after all , and slipped back before dawn .

After being reborn for so long , I finally tasted the taste of meat !

Xia Ze was a little excited .

dressing , he walked out of the living room . After a while , the bedroom door borrowed by Yang also opened .

” Boss , good morning !”

Hearing her greeting him casually , Xia Ze couldn’t help but chuckle in his heart. At the same time, he also understood that Yang Xinsheng was afraid that the sudden change in the relationship would cause embarrassment to each other , so he simply pretended Nothing happened .

Since she doesn’t want to pick it up , that’s fine .

” Morning , Xiao Jiji , don’t tell me , I really had a beautiful dream last night , it was so real , I still remember many scenes clearly after waking up !”

While Xia Ze responded casually , he also made fun of her .

Yang Xin immediately blushed .

Crazy , I must have been crazy last night , and I ran to Boss just like that !

But she didn’t regret it, although Yang Xin knew very well , maybe Xia Zeyong 547 was far from being able to give her a name .

Being able to stay by Boss’s side is enough !

Xia Ze said again : ” It would be great if you could do this kind of dream a few more times ! ”

” Boss , I ‘ll have to go back later , I’ll go pack first !”

Finally, Yang Ji couldn’t take it anymore , so he hid his face and hid in the room .

Xia Ze smiled , hehe , if people in the previous life saw the shy look of this business queen now , they would be shocked !

accomplishment comes spontaneously .

Packed up , checked out , took a taxi and headed straight to the airport . After more than ten hours of long-distance sailing , I finally returned to the magic capital .

After saying goodbye to Xia Ze , Yang Ji, who returned to the rental house, finally let out a long sigh of relief . After becoming that kind of relationship with his own boss , he always felt a little weird , but also a little sweet .

Suddenly thinking of something , Yang borrowed the mobile phone APP and transferred a sum of money to a certain bank account .

while , the phone rang . It was from Mother Yang , and the voice was very shocked .

” Daughter , why did you transfer so much money to me all of a sudden , where did you get the money ? You have to be down-to-earth in helping Boss Xia , not to mention that they have helped us so much . Worthy of conscience !”

” Mom , what are you talking about !” Yang borrowed knowing that his mother had misunderstood , and thought he was making extra money without Xia Ze , and quickly explained : ” This money is given to me by Boss Xia , the company’s side Dividend ! ”

” Wow , tens of millions of dividends !” Yang Jie’s exclamation came from the microphone : ” Sister , Brother Ze, this is too grand !”

Only then did Mother Yang feel relieved , and her voice became happy : ” Daughter , since you earned this money , you can keep it for yourself. The last time you transferred it was enough !”

” Mom , take this money and buy our house back . It doesn’t matter if it’s more expensive , I know , this is your wish all along !”

Although the conditions at home were good , the mother and the younger sister still lived in rented houses . The first thing Yang Xin did when he got the money was to buy a house and let his family own their own house .

Moreover , what she took a fancy to was the old house from before .

In fact, she had a happy family , her father was a businessman, and his family was wealthy , and he even bought a villa .

At that time, the two sisters who lived in the villa were as happy and happy as princesses . However, the good times did not last long . Later, the father’s business failed and he had to mortgage the villa .

who was despairing of all thoughts, was depressed , and he borrowed alcohol to relieve his worries . He had a car accident . The successive blows made his mother fall ill . Later, he was diagnosed with a heart disease . , did not pay off until he met Xia Ze .

Yang Nuo knew very well that my mother wanted to buy back the old villa . That place was the warmest home they used to have , and carried the best memories of my parents and my sisters .

” Mom , if you don’t have enough money , tell me , I still have some (cfcf) here !”

real estate has appreciated tremendously over the past few years , and Yang Fan’s family is also in a large first-tier city in the provincial capital. The villa used to be in a good location , but now it has doubled .

However , she intends to buy it back at any cost .

Money is valuable , but love is priceless !

while , Mother Yang’s choked voice came out from the microphone again : ” Daughter , mom is useless , but what mom is most proud of in her life is that she gave birth to two good daughters !”

” Mom , please don’t say that . You gave birth to me and Xiao Jie , raised us , and your daughter can’t repay it !”

Yang Bian’s eyes were also red . His family had suffered for many years . Fortunately , everything has passed , and now he can finally let his family live a good life .

” Really mom , old lady , are you really going to buy our old house back ?”

Yang Jie was also very excited .

” Of course it’s true , hehe , Xiao Jie , if you can move back there , you’ll be much closer to home after school !”

” That’s great , old lady , I love you to death !”

two sisters actually have deep feelings for that villa , the former home , but Yang Jie didn’t expect that one day it would have a chance to belong to her again .

A few days later , Mother Yang called again and brought good news .

The acquisition of the villa went very smoothly , but the owner thought it was a bit old and had already bought a new house . The old villa was being put up for sale. Mother Yang bought it at a much lower price than expected. Come back , and there is still a lot of money left .

” Sister , our house has been bought , and I’m in the house now . This feeling is really kind !”

the call was connected , Yang Xin hurriedly said .

Mother Yang added : ” We had a smooth talk with the previous owner , and it just so happened that he also has the intention to sell. My daughter , I will transfer the remaining money to you later ! You are growing up now. It’s time to consider buying a suite if you ‘re set to settle in the magic capital . ”

” No , Mom , I still have a lot of dividends here. It ‘s enough if you want to buy a house. You can keep the rest and renovate our old house to see what’s missing , although Just buy it , you don’t have to save it at ordinary times ! ”

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