” You said Jiang Duruo ; water ‘ ! Resource , !: Group .!” 6 , ?5!6 ? 6,1??!8:;8.;9′; 6’Backup , use ! Turn ;: Group .”7;6?6’0!!,1,8,”3!!,2’:”0 is right !”

Xia Ze smiled slightly : ” Philippines is barren , so it is very poor , and at the same time it is vast . Because of this , it means that there is infinite space for reclamation , do you know what I mean ?”

” Understand ! _ ”

Xiao Yu nodded in surprise .

She heard the deep meaning of Xia Ze’s words .

640 domestic market can no longer satisfy Boss , and he plans to open up the Philippine market !

Either don’t do it, or look at the world !

This ambition is really scary !

The afterglow fell on the desert, and the sand was like gold everywhere !

Xia Ze suddenly burst into arrogance .

” Ayu , look at it , one day , I will lay down a big country here !”

Originally , after being reborn , Xia Ze just wanted to make some money casually , be a puppet girl or something , eat and die .

But his mentality has changed now .

an insight that is more than + years ahead , not only for yourself , but also for the country to do something .

Xiao Yufang’s heart trembled .

She was infected by Xia Ze’s heartfelt pride .

Looking at that handsome and determined face , he was speechless for a while .

At this time, Damei Xiao found that she seemed so insignificant in front of this boss with infinite ambition .

Xia Ze turned his head , and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his mouth .

” However , it’s too boring to fight alone . I hope someone will accompany me to fight , Ayu , would you like to ?”

” I Original Chapter I”

Xiao Yu prepared her words and did not dare to look directly into Xia Ze’s eyes .

Because there are other meanings in his words .

The two shadows under the setting sun gradually approached , and finally overlapped .

Chapter 94 This man is serious and charming !

Wake up in the hotel mixed with the smell of the sea and the desert , it is dawn .

the early morning of the great desert , the sun seems to be particularly bright , and through the blackout curtains , it can still make the dim room have a certain degree of visibility .

Xiao Yu was still lying on Begonia Chun ~ sleeping .

After half a month of running around in the Philippines , coupled with the madness last night , even though I was a family member , I was still very tired .

Xia Ze didn’t feel anything , he was refreshed after a half night’s rest .

He has a good physique , is energetic , and has strong adaptability . When he first came to Philippine State , Xiao Yu was a little unaccustomed to the environment , but Xia Ze adapted directly .

The scenery is infinitely good .

After enough sleep, Xia Ze immediately had the idea of climbing a mountain and put it into action immediately .

But Xiao Yu was quickly awakened .

The four looked at each other , and the scene was awkward for a while .

” That , Ayu , morning !”

Xia Ze withdrew his hand .

” Morning , Boss , I have to go back to China today . I’m going to pack my luggage first …”

Picking up the clothes beside the bed , Miss Xiao ran out of the room blushing .

It’s time to pack up and go back to China . Why does it sound a little familiar .

Whoever seems to have said that …

The magic capital , the letter beating office building .

” Boss , Ayu , you guys are back , is it fun in the Philippines ?”

a long absence, Yang Ji , who saw Xia Ze and Xiao Yu, was very happy .

” Uh , it’s alright , but we mainly go to investigate the market !” Seeing Yang Ji , Xiao Yu felt a little unnatural .

The relationship between Yang Xin and Xia Ze is not simple , she has already seen it .

No matter in Vientiane Jiarun or Letter Beat , the two of them work together a lot when they meet , and sometimes they meet for a meal on holidays , which can be regarded as one of the few Xiao Yu. good friend .

Every time Xia Ze is mentioned , Yang Fan’s eyes are bright , as long as someone with a slightly sharper mind can’t see it .

Thinking of putting Xia Ze to sleep the day before returning to China, or being slept to be precise , Xiao Yu still felt strange .

In the past, she didn’t understand why Yang Ji was conquered by Xia Ze so quickly , only because of Xia Ze’s kindness , but now Xiao Yu understands .

When this man got serious , he exuded an irresistible charm , so that day he fell in a daze .

Yang Ji didn’t notice the difference in his good friend’s expression .

” Hehe , let’s have a little fun during the inspection. It’s rare to go there. By the way , you have n’t encountered any trouble in Philippine State , I heard that it’s quite messy there ” ! ”

” Actually , there was a little trouble too . I was harassed by a hooligan . ”

Xiao Yu’s words .

” Really ?”

Yang Xin was surprised .

” However , Ayu, you are so powerful and kung fu , I think you must drive that rogue away ?”

” The first time she punched the man’s lip blood . ”

Xia Ze suddenly took the call .

Yang Xin was stunned : “This is the first time ? So , is there a follow-up ?”

” Yeah , that hooligan is so thick-skinned , not only did he not learn his lesson , but he wants to continue to pester him !”

Xiao Yu insinuated again .

Although she didn’t hate Xia Ze , she was still a little unwilling to lose her innocence .

” And then what ?”

Yang borrowed also interested .

” It’s okay for that person to pester him the second time . ”

Xia Ze took the call again .

” Why ?”

” Maybe it’s because she looks so pretty , Ayu ca n’t bear it ”

Ze smiled.

Xiao Pinkuang made a statement , saying that you are narcissistic enough !

Yang borrowed a chuckle .

” Boss , you really know how to joke , the people over there are not all dark , like briquettes , how can they have beautiful eyes ! Besides , Ayu doesn’t judge people by their appearance !”

” Believe it or not !”

Xia Ze tilted his shoulders .

” Talk slowly , I’ll go to the research department first !”

After running for a month in China and another half a month in Philippine , Xia Ze has no time to spare . He will return to the capital , so naturally he has to see what progress the Big Three have made .

Compared with those godsons whose investments are waiting for appreciation , this company is the son that Xia Ze cares about most .

The market valuation of the letter beating in the previous life and the rebirth of the block hand has added up to more than 2.5 trillion . Now the two creators are combined into one group , plus their own advanced vision to guide the way , invest With the continuous cash flow support from other companies in the future , it is not too much to create a super giant with a market valuation of over 5 trillion !

Came to the R&D department and found the Big Three , no , the Big Four , because Liang Cebo also joined the team .

were banging on the keyboard in front of the computer , and there was a lunch box left on the table .

this life , they have all become madmen in research and development, and Xia Ze has left other affairs to Yang Fan to manage . They do n’t have to manage affairs or face interviews, so they do n’t pay much attention to appearance .

” Boss , you are here !”

See Xia Ze appear .

The Big Four stopped what they were doing .

Only Xia Ze can disturb them .

If someone else came in , the Big Four might not even give a bird a glance .

” How’s the development going ?”

asked straight to the point .

“” ?Haha , it’s very smooth , we have already worked out the recommendation algorithm , the Toutiao app will soon enter the testing phase , and Douyin ‘s will be late , but it won’t take long ! ”

” So soon ?”

Xia Ze was surprised .

” Yeah , you’ve been gone for more than a month . Maybe you don’t know it yet . Our R&D team has expanded to hundreds of people . Can you be happy with so many people working together ?”

After listening to the explanation of the Big Four , Xia Ze was relieved .

Indeed , when the Big Four in the previous life first started their businesses , the funds were definitely not as abundant as they are now, and the number of team members may have been smaller when developing the app , but when it comes to me , the funds are unlimited. Support , and point out the development direction to them , come up with good ideas , and sometimes even optimize the program personally , and the development progress is naturally much faster than in the previous life .

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