” Boss , you came back just in time , let’s take a look !”

The Big Four pulled Xia Ze to the computer again .

The compiling ability of this boss is not under any of them !

After reading the entire program in one go , Xia Ze nodded again and again .

” Very good , although the details still need to be optimized and there are some small problems , but in such a short period of time , it is quite good ! ”

The Big Four who have been praised are cheerful , and it is their pride to be admitted by the boss who appreciates them .

However , Liang Rubo quickly raised a question .

” Boss , as soon as Toutiao goes online , with our advanced algorithm and self-media marketing route , I think it will soon be able to attract a large number of users , but for Douyin short video , we need to start It may not be as easy as we imagined. It’s not that we have no confidence , but the development of communication technology is not mature enough . At the limit speed of 3G , it is necessary to load a slightly higher quality short video. The video still needs to be buffered, which will cause a bad experience for the user ! In addition , the current traffic packages are also very expensive , and ordinary consumers cannot afford the high traffic brought by short videos. volume fee ! ”

developed Douyin in his previous life , Liang Rubo’s concerns are straight to the point .

This is indeed a big problem ! .




Chapter 95 Internet of Everything , Propose the Concept of 5G !

The real popularity of short videos started with the popularization of 4G and the reduction of traffic tariffs .

However, it will be three years before the country will issue 4G licenses to the three major operators , and it will take five years for 4G to become popular !

Xia Ze can’t wait that long .

Besides , the task of the network oligarchs is to promote the development of the Internet and related industries. Among them, the development of communication network technology is the top priority . With the rise of communication network technology , related Internet industries can flourish .

Therefore , this communication network technology , I must have to do it !

Xia Ze had already considered this issue , and he also thought of a way during his trip to the Philippines .

” Lao Liang , in the 4G era , the speed of the Internet has increased and the tariff has been reduced , so it will naturally be solved . This problem will have to wait for the network construction of the country to improve , but it does n’t matter . You guys should launch it as soon as possible according to the original plan . As for the construction of the national network , I will urge it ! ”

The Big Four looked at each other with surprise in their eyes .

Can you do this alone ?

Although the state attaches great importance to network construction , it has to follow steps .

At present, the western developed countries are just preparing to start the trial implementation of 4G, and have not yet begun to commercialize it on a large scale . Our country’s network construction is much behind that of the western developed countries . There are still many problems in 4G research that have not yet been solved .

Even if you urge 640 , the country will give you face , so you have to overcome these problems first !

” Just leave this matter to me , you continue to focus on development , don’t worry about anything else !”

Xia Ze kept secret .

The Big Four didn’t ask any more questions when they saw it .

After staying in the research department for a while , Xia Ze returned to the office .

Summons the system panel .

The achievement point has reached 100,000 !

Xia Zepao’s investment is not just for making money in the future , many of which are in the Internet industry or related industries .

Needless to say , blue factory and rice, this kind of communication terminal manufacturer has the most direct relationship with the Internet .

Even the remote control of drones like Da Zong can’t be separated from the network .

Xia Ze stepped in with money , so that these companies that were short of entrepreneurial funds in the previous life had stronger backing support , they could show their skills , and the pace was faster , so this is already the case. The development of the Internet industry has been promoted , and achievement points can naturally be obtained .

In fact , these days , his achievement point has been rising , and it has risen quite fast , because Xia Ze has too many layouts .

from the invested Internet-related industry companies can be used for network construction (cfdg)!

However , with Xia Ze alone , this cannot be done !

First of all, the country’s communication network services are firmly in the hands of the three major operators , and no private communication licenses will be issued . Therefore , it is impossible for Xia Ze to establish a private communication operator .

Besides , if you want to do it , the investment is too high . If nothing else , it will be terrifying just because the massive base station burns money .

However , Xia Ze can drag the country in and do it together !

He only needs to provide technology , which is also what the country needs most . If ,:’ water..resources , ‘? group ,:6!”,5′”.6!:6?.’1!8:! “8.9′!’6!, Standby . Use !” In , turn !” Group “7,:6′,.6.0″1″”;8′:3!’,2,0 .

110,000 achievement points , you can also buy a lot of things in the system store !

The next day , Xia Ze asked Xiao Yu to apply for a communication network company called Caiji Network .

Two years later , Ahri and Shunfeng , Shentong , Yuantong , Zhongtong and several other express delivery companies jointly set up a company called this name , but Xia Ze cut him off .

not to disgust Ahri , it’s just that Xia Ze thinks the name is interesting and easy to remember .

As for Ahri and the others , sorry , you can only think of names .

Just buy some equipment , recruit some basic staff , hire a few experts , and the company is complete .

Equipment and researchers are far from enough , but it doesn’t matter , Xia Ze only needs a shell .

a few days later .

Xia Guo Institute of Communication Network .

An expert in a white coat is concentrating on his work in the laboratory .

Li Shiqi , Director of the Institute , is also an authoritative expert in the field of national communication networks .

” Professor , come and see this !”

A young laboratory staff member rushed in excitedly .

This is Li Shiqi’s disciple .

” Zhao Yan , what are you doing so suddenly ?”

Professor Li, whose work was interrupted, frowned in displeasure .

” Sorry , professor , I don’t want to disturb you , but I think I should tell you right away !”

” Oh , is it important ?”

” Yes , I think it’s quite important !”

While speaking, Zhao Yan put the laptop in his hand in front of Li Shiqi .

He opened a web page , the most famous network communication technology forum in China . Most of the users in it are industry elites . A large number of experts from all over the country like to exchange ideas here. discuss academic issues .

Li Shiqi is also registered on this forum , and he will visit occasionally .

He soon noticed that several prominent red font posts were pinned to the top , especially the first one , which had an extremely high number of replies , over 5,000 !

In this forum, the number of replies reaches hundreds of posts , and the discussion is not bad , and it is rare to exceed 1,000 . As for 5,000 , it is unique !

After all, this is not an entertainment forum . All netizens like water posts . The users are all experts and elites in the field . If they are discussing academics in earnest , who would be bored and irritating .

Seeing the title , Li Shiqi’s eyes widened .

“On how to build and apply 5G network ! ”

In the forum , the most discussed 3G is now gradually popularized, and 4G is being developed .

As for 5G, although experts all believe that this era will come one day , at present 4G is only a sign , and they have begun to discuss cross-generation mobile communication technology out of thin air . make any sense .

So , after searching the forums , such posts are very rare .

Even if there is , at most, it will describe a prospect casually .

And this post is very arrogant , not only mentioning 5G, but also a deep-seated question about how to build and apply 5G .

Just like every user who saw this post , Li Shiqi couldn’t help but click it .

After a few casual glances , his pupils shrank suddenly and he held his breath .

This post is extraordinary !

It actually describes in great detail the research and development direction of 5G construction , core network architecture , technical difficulties , virtual cloudification , service applications …

idea is extremely bold , but it is clear and rigorous , and it is well-founded !

As for 5G applications .

High-speed communication , smart city , ultra-clear video , autonomous driving , wireless medical treatment , artificial intelligence , intelligent manufacturing …

Healthcare , education , logistics , transportation , artificial intelligence … and even military !

In addition to the construction ideas of 5G network , this article also describes an extremely desirable 5G era with tens of thousands of words .

The era of Internet of Everything !

After reading it , Wei Shiqi was overwhelmed .

He understood why his disciple would interrupt his work ! .




Chapter 96 We have overcome most of the 4G technical problems !

It was not until two years later that Oumeng proposed the concept of 5G at the World Internet Conference , but now it has appeared ahead of schedule . It is conceivable how much impact it has , and it can bring more than 5,000 responses. It is not surprising that Fu’s high popularity is naturally , and almost all the experts in the forum have joined the discussion .

In fact, this post has only been posted for less than half an hour , and the number and popularity of replies continue to increase rapidly !

” Professor , this person’s 5G concept is too bold !”

Zhao Yan sighed .

” It is a very bold and terrifying imagination , but every word it says is quite rigorous and supported by theoretical basis . This article is likely to have a significant impact on the development of the Internet in our country , and even the development of the Internet in the world. Instructive !”

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