Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 100 Infiltration too smoothly

A normal synthetic human: neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, with a calm expression and standard movements. Except for the indicator lights installed on both sides of the temples, there is no difference between him and ordinary humans.

Abnormal synthetic man: The joints are equipped with spikes, and the forearms are replaced with firearms. Artificial skin made of polymer materials has been replaced by shiny metal. The useless hair decoration was also removed, revealing an iron-green skull with a factory bar code. At first glance, he did not look like a serious "person".

What appeared in front of Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yunzhi at this time was a group of illegally transformed synthetic laborers, walking towards them menacingly.

Cheng Jinyang made a gesture to signal Xing Yunzhi to stop, and then took out a device from his waist.

In this month, in addition to raising the blood concentration to the peak of the ninth level, the two of them also forcibly supplemented a lot of theoretical knowledge.

For example, how to identify and deal with synths.

In order to curb black market transactions, any synthetic loading component, whether for civilian or military use, is unique in its wiring, structure and shape, so it can be quickly identified using Tianluo's standard [Universal Analysis] equipment.

This device looks like an electronic shaver and is very simple to use. Cheng Jinyang held it and scanned the front for half a second, and quickly confirmed the loading components of the synthetic man on the opposite side.

There are only optical detection and sound detection, and there are no special detection accessories such as thermal, ultrasonic, and infrared.

Therefore, the two can try to sneak around and avoid it.

Cheng Jinyang gestured again: go around.

Xing Yunzhi used the lightness technique to the extreme. Under the cover of optical invisibility, she bypassed the path of the synthetic patrol and quietly tried to circumvent it along the edge.

Cheng Jinyang simply made himself weightless to avoid making any sound when his feet hit the ground. Instead, he used the change in gravity to alternately point forward and backward, allowing himself to fly forward slowly with the help of the fence.

If Cheng Huaiyan were here, he would probably be shocked again, because this is the "quiet flight" in "Qiong Biluo". Having mastered silent flight, Qiong Biluo has basically learned half of it.

The two quietly and smoothly bypassed the team of synthesizers from the sides and heights without revealing their existence.

The first attempt at penetration was much easier than expected... Cheng Jinyang thought to himself.

No feeling of nervousness.

Xing Yunzhi understood this more deeply: two months ago, she would never have been able to maintain such a calm attitude.

It was the long-term nightmare battle that greatly increased her pressure threshold and endurance - you should know that any "monster level" demon pulled out could easily wipe out the entire group of synthetics in front of her.

What we face every night is such a terrifying monster! What's so scary about synthetic humans?

Huh, that's all.

Bypassing the synthetic patrol, the two arrived at the other side of the park.

This seems to be a park garage, with a huge open logistics door. Several heavy trucks are parked quietly next to it without any cargo. Two synthetic workers are inspecting the vehicles.

Deep in the garage, you can see a heavy electronic door on the wall, and the identifier next to it is flashing red.

Cheng Jinyang squatted down at the fence on top of the factory building opposite, took out a periscope, and looked over the bunker into the garage.

The invisible Xing Yunzhi quickly came to the electronic door and checked the identifier next to it.

Can't open.

To be precise, this door is not designed for humans to pass through, but for synthetic humans, so there is no keyhole or code disk on the identifier.

To open the door, the synthesizer must be connected to the network and get permission from the main server.

So Xing Yunzhi went around to the back of the heavy truck, found an angle that was not covered by cameras and synthetic humans, removed the optical camouflage invisibility on her body, then stretched out her hand and made a few quick gestures.

"Get rid of" and then "pass".

In other words, Azhi can't open the door, so do we have to kill these two synths?

Cheng Jinyang hesitated a little, but quickly made a decision.

If you don’t enter the factory from here, where else can you enter? In the chimney? Climbing down the flue and falling into the furnace will be funny.

So he made a gesture.


The two synthetic workers were not aware of it yet and continued to repair the vehicle in the garage, using a flameless welding gun to cut steel plates and then reinforce them to the car body.

Suddenly one of them's head exploded, as if he was hit directly by some huge invisible fist. The alloy head was completely twisted and deformed, and was torn off from the overwhelmed neck.

Before the other synth could turn its head, the bullet opened a hole in its side temple. The second bullet broke its neck, causing it to completely lose its balance and fall to the ground. The third bullet hit its shoulder, directly breaking its right arm.

Sure enough, the gravity algorithm and brain development have a natural bonus to the accuracy of firearm shooting.

Cheng Jinyang put away his silenced pistol and jumped down from the top of the factory building, gaining a deeper understanding of Tianluo's coordination mechanism.

Any person with a gravitation ability who has developed his or her brain will be extremely sensitive to the movement trajectory and landing point of objects. Calculating bullet routes, calculating enemy coordinates, calculating aiming angles... these calculations are almost ingrained in the instincts of those with gravity powers, and do not require much computing power at all.

This is even more true after the development of the brain domain, so almost all the children of the Cheng family in Tianluo are good at using guns. No wonder the princess sister said she wanted to teach me how to play with guns last time.

Coming to the remains of the synthetic man, Cheng Jinyang picked up the broken right arm, found the wiring board from the gap, and connected it to the [Decoder] on his waist.

Then he pressed the palm of his hand against the identifier surface on the door.

The decoder worked quickly and quickly completed the analysis of the adult's system, and built a virtual synthetic human system. It sent disguise instructions to the recognizer through its right arm, making it think that the synthetic human was making a request to pass.

So the heavy electronic door quickly slid sideways. Xing Yunzhi was about to rush in, but was stopped by Cheng Jinyang.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a low voice.

Cheng Jinyang said nothing, but pointed to the "safety exit indicator light" at the bottom of the corridor ahead.

Xing Yuanzhi took a closer look and realized that it was a well-disguised anti-personnel mine... Wow, it actually had an indicator light casing on the outside. How treacherous!

"What should we do?" She asked in a low voice, "Can you defuse mines?"

Cheng Jinyang shook his head and turned to look around.

Since the other party has laid mines here, they have obviously expected that we will pass through here. Even if you dismantle this one, you will inevitably encounter more landmines if you continue to go deeper.

Is there any way to bypass this?

In the central workshop, the hacker engineer was typing on the keyboard in front of the computer when he suddenly stood up.

"Gate A4 is open. Does the patrol route pass through gate A4?"

"No." The mechanical engineer next to him said, "A4 door is connected to the garage, right? Maybe the synthetic man who is inspecting the vehicle came out of the garage to get some tools or spare parts."

"It's best to contact us to confirm." The hacker engineer was still worried.

"Confirm? It's all electronically suppressed. How to confirm?" the mechanical engineer asked impatiently, "Can you run over and confirm?"

"Forget it, you have laid so many mines there, I'm afraid that I will touch the light fuse." The hacker engineer shook his head, "Have all the metallic hydrogen that the Duke wanted moved away?"

"There is still one tenth." The mechanical engineer said, "I always feel a little scary. Metallic hydrogen... is a super explosive substance that must be in extreme environments to survive, right? As long as there is a slight error during the transportation , I’m afraid we won’t even have any bones left.”

"I don't understand either. I'm not a chemistry student." The hacker engineer said nonchalantly, "The specific preservation method should be related to Yangzhai Chu's superpower."

"Those aristocratic families with nostrils above their eyes." The mechanical engineer sneered, "They are the ones who made the world like this, right? I hope that after the metallic hydrogen is transported back, the county can use it to blow up all those aristocratic families. "

"Ahem, no matter what, the Duke is also a member of a well-known family." The hacker engineer waved his hand, "We cannot divide camps purely based on class..."

Then his head exploded.

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