Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 101 Li Daitao’s plan

At the same time that the hacker engineer's head was shot by Cheng Huaiyan's pistol, Xing Junmo had already turned invisible and jumped behind the mechanical engineer.

The Wan Zhong Quan was exerted with all its strength and directly penetrated the mechanical engineer's body.

However, Xing Junmo's expression changed and he quickly retreated:

"No, they are synthetics! Not their true form!"

"Oh," the other party's voice sounded in the room, "You actually fired a gun inside the metallic hydrogen factory. Master Tianluo, aren't you afraid that a ricochet will cause a fatal explosion?"

Cheng Huaiyan quickly flew to the direction of the sound, and then discovered that it was a sound generator stuck to the wall.

And these paint nets on the wall are...

I see! He understood everything instantly.

The other party turned on electronic suppression, making people think that the entire park's communication frequency band was interfered with. In fact, the other party installed paint nets on the surrounding walls of the central workshop to shield interference signals.

In other words, in the indoor environment of the central workshop, there is no high-intensity electronic interference suppression, and wireless signal transmission can be performed normally.

Therefore, the two engineers hid their bodies in other places, remotely controlled two synthetic humans to disguise themselves, and deliberately worked, talked, and interacted in conspicuous places. However, they and Xing Junmo preconceived that they were in an electronically suppressed environment, and wireless signals could not be used remotely. transmission, so I never thought of this possibility.

When I think about it, it's already too late.

A large number of synthetics poured out from both sides of the workshop. Their arms were all modified firearms, and they fired wildly at Xing Junmo, who had no cover in the center - as if they were the back-up prepared by the opponent.

Wait, why do they dare to open fire?

Cheng Huaiyan suddenly realized again: there was no metallic hydrogen in the central workshop at this time! Otherwise, once a huge explosion occurs, it will inevitably affect their bodies hiding nearby!

The muzzle of the gun roared and thousands of bullets roared. Xing Junmo had already jumped away when he realized that the target was wrong. At this time, with the help of the agility bonus of the light body technique, he rushed into the rear corner of the production line with a shovel and avoided the fate of being smashed into a sieve by the torrent of bullets.

Despite this, he was still suppressed by a large amount of firepower and was unable to escape. He could only quickly re-activate the stealth state, and then turned around to look for a direction to escape.


The position of the synthesizer that the opponent had previously used to disguise himself was obviously specially selected. Now that I am forced into a blind corner, I am afraid that it is also within the opponent's calculations, which means...

Sure enough, several things that looked like high-explosive grenades dragged white smoke through the hail of bullets and shot towards the corner where Xing Junmo was hiding. At this time, he had no way to dodge. Once you escape the bunker, you will be shot to death.

Fall into the hole!

Cheng Huaiyan, who was in a weightless state, relied on the jet to fly quickly against the ceiling. At the same time, he placed a hollow hole in the air and reluctantly used gravity to reverse the trajectory of the grenade, causing it to deflect to the left and right sides of Xing Junmo and explode. All the fragments were blocked by the production line and equipment.

However, he was soon overwhelmed by the firepower coming from below, and had to make various difficult and sharp turns in the air to avoid the ballistic trajectory. Xing Junmo took out a grenade and tried to find an opportunity to throw it.

That's too bad... he thought bitterly.

Being invisible, being in a small indoor space, and being premeditated by the other party to set fire, meant that all the advantages that he and Cheng Huaiyan had were wiped out.

Did the other party expect that the Tianluo troops would get involved?

He observed nervously and calmly, and suddenly thought of Cheng Jinyang and Xing Yunzhi outside the court for no reason.

If they can provide support from outside the field... they don't even need to take risks, they can just use the iron shot to find a heavy object and interrupt the attacks of the surrounding synths...

Then, as if in response to his thoughts, countless roaring sounds of breaking wind suddenly sounded.

A large amount of metal debris flew out from an unknown direction, knocking all the synths around the workshop to the ground roughly.

The next person who rushed out was Xing Yunzhi. The peacock feathers in his backpack quickly unfolded, and the dense muzzles were exposed like a peacock spreading its tail. Then they fired simultaneously with a roar, plowing all the fallen synthetics with projectiles.

Peacock Ling, whose full name is [Pulse Ignition Projectile Weapon System], can fire a number of bullets far exceeding that of a heavy machine gun in a unit of time. Combined with the kinetic energy increase of the mass effect, it is enough to penetrate most fortress bunkers and kill enemies behind the wall. .

But now that they were in the same room, Xing Yunzhi didn't need to activate her powers. She just used the characteristics of the dense bullet array of peacock feathers to rotate in one circle and smash all the synthetics and all the objects around them to pieces with a torrent of bullets.

Cheng Huaiyan quickly landed on the ground, and Xing Junmo also walked out of the corner, with stunned expressions on their faces.

Let’s not talk about how we, two cousins, appeared here. Isn’t this fighting style too aggressive? If Peacock Ling shoots directly, isn't it afraid that if it breaks through the wall or causes a fire, it will affect the metallic hydrogen that may be stored in other workshops?

Cheng Jinyang came in from the entrance and immediately noticed the horrified expressions of his two cousins.

But he couldn't explain it clearly. The princess sister who sneaked in together had investigated and found that there was not much metallic hydrogen left in the warehouse, and the location of the remaining reserves was far away from the central workshop... So he asked his two cousins. of injuries.

"Huaiyan is fine. I was slightly scratched by the shrapnel, so it doesn't matter." Xing Junmo wiped away the stains mixed with dust and blood on his face, revealing the shallow wounds, and laughed, "Where are you from? ? All the entrance passages must have been mined by them."

"We got in directly." Cheng Jinyang raised the flameless welding gun in his hand, which he had seized from the synth over there in the garage.

Get in... Xing Junmo was speechless.

This special welding gun is used to cut steel plates, but cutting walls? Just kidding.

"Ventilation duct." Cheng Huaiyan reminded.

Then Xing Junmo suddenly realized.

Factory workshops are connected by ventilation ducts so that air can circulate with each other. The ventilation ducts in large factories like this are generally thick, allowing normal-sized adults or synthetic humans to pass through to clean and scrub the inside of the ducts.

Of course, iron gates are usually installed at regular intervals inside the pipeline to prevent passage. The two cousins ​​must have used welding torches to cut through the iron fence to avoid the pedestrian passageway and reach here through the ventilation duct.

"Since everyone is fine, let's go find those two engineers quickly!" Xing Junmo said murderously.

"No need." Cheng Huaiyan said suddenly.

He stood in the corner at the edge of the workshop, staring at the floor gate that had been opened.

Under the gate is a tubular tunnel with a huge diameter, and the closing plate at the top is open.

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