Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 119 I have three good news here

That night, Taicheng.

Chief Assistant Wang Maohong sat on a chair and listened to Chu Jino's story with a calm expression.

"So." Chu Jino finally concluded, "Wuchang probably wants to take this opportunity..."

"Wang Chuzhong." Wang Maohong interrupted him calmly, "This is to establish prestige."

"Establishing authority?" Chu Jino chewed for a moment, as if he had gained something.

"Well, Ji Ye, you did a good job this time and did not let the situation escalate unnecessarily." Wang Maohong stood up, "I will go to see His Majesty right away, and I will keep you here soon."

Chu Jiye left quickly.

Wujiang Town, in an old house.

"This is to establish prestige." Wang Wanrou sneered, "My uncle really treats the royal family like a chicken and a dog. I don't know where he got his mysterious confidence."

Cheng Jinyang was speechless. When it comes to confidence in the mystery, you, Miss Wang, are also one of the best, not inferior to your uncle at all.

"In short, the role of Chu Debiao, the insider, is to smuggle metallic hydrogen back to Wuchang." Wang Wanrou concluded, "Metallic hydrogen itself is a material for making high-density energy batteries, which means..."

She paused here, waiting for someone to give an answer.

"War?" Xing Yunzhi asked aloud.

"Yeah." Wang Wanrou sneered, "As for Chu Debiao's remarks later, of course they were also written by Wuchang. Even if the Chu family in Yangdi can restrict them, someone will probably spread them secretly."

"In the next period of time, some aristocratic families will definitely have an affair with Wuchang. The five surnamed families and the royal family will definitely take action, and the entire Jiankang City will turn into a huge fish pond..."

"Fish pond?" Cheng Jinyang was puzzled.

"It just means there are trash fish everywhere." Wang Wanrou said hehely, "But don't worry, your location... well, Wujiang Town is quite remote, and you probably won't be involved in too fast undercurrents. From here Basically, I love it here.”

"As long as you like it, Miss." Cheng Jinyang winked at Xing Yunzhi.

After the two left the study, Cheng Jinyang asked in a low voice:

"When the war comes, will our Tianluo be in danger?"

"To be precise, the risks will start to increase greatly from now on." Xing Yunzhi said helplessly, "Tianluo is a killer who acts in secret after all, not a soldier on the frontal battlefield. Before Wuchang hits Jiankang, he will definitely attack Jiankang. If the city carries out all-round and high-intensity penetration, the pressure on us will definitely increase."

"In other words, are we going to face the killer from Wuchang?" Cheng Jinyang thought, "What's the strength like there?"

"It's pretty strong." Xing Yunzhi was silent for a moment, "Well, Jinyang, do you know the allusion of 'multiple baskets to separate eggs'?"

"Uh, don't put all your eggs in the same basket?" Cheng Jinyang asked uncertainly.

"This was said by Mr. Zhongda, also known as Sima Yi." Xing Yunzhi explained, "As early as the Three Kingdoms period, due to the long-term confrontation between Wei, Shu and Wu, it was impossible to see who would win in a short period of time, so multi-party betting became The family’s self-protection choice.”

"For example, in the Zhuge family, Zhuge Jin defected to Soochow, Zhuge Liang went to Western Shu, and Zhuge Dan went to the Northern Wei... Do you understand what I mean?"

"So some of the aristocratic families now have children working for Wang Wanrou and her uncle in Wuchang, right?" Cheng Jinyang asked thoughtfully, "Next, our Tianluo will face these superpowers?"

"Not part of it, but the vast majority." Xing Yunzhi corrected, "After all, in terms of military strength alone, Wuchang is stronger than Jiankang."

"But Jiankang has a geographical advantage." Cheng Jinyang said helplessly, "So, they are evenly matched?"

"For Tianluo, the opponent is indeed evenly matched." Xing Yunzhi sighed, "And judging from Wang Chuzhong's violent behavior, the underground world of Jiankang City will probably be turned into a meat grinder."

The phone suddenly vibrated.

Cheng Jinyang took out his cell phone, and it was Chu Qingqing calling.

Seeing that he was busy, Xing Yunzhi turned around and went to the bathroom - I don't know when, the two girls had established their own territory in Cheng Jinyang's house. Wang Wanrou is in the study room, and Xing Yunzhi is in the bathroom. The two of them spend 3-4 hours a day in their own territory.

Cheng Jinyang answered the phone, and Chu Qingqing's smiling voice came from inside:

"Jinyang, I have three pieces of good news here, one for you, one for you, and one for others. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"Uh." Cheng Jinyang was stunned for a long time, "Just follow the order you reported."

"Okay." Chu Qingqing pretended to clear his throat, "The first good news is that the Yangdi Chu family highly recognized your performance in this mission and decided to increase the remuneration of our original contract by 20%. The family will pay uniformly to the Tianluo Department.”

Cheng Jinyang:………………

"Wait a minute! Didn't we agree that this money would be sent to us separately?" He said in shock.

"Originally, yes." Chu Qingqing said, "But after all, you caught the wife and said that you would reimburse me for this expense and use the public account. It is definitely impossible to transfer money to you privately from this public account. We can only call the Tianluo Department of the Cheng Family in the Divine Capital."

"But I guess they will transfer part of it back to you in the name of performance bonus, right? At best, you got the money openly and with peace of mind, so it's no problem to be open to it!"

So what’s the matter with the increased rewards but reduced rewards? Cheng Jinyang was speechless.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you listening?" Chu Qingqing asked urgently when he saw that the other party was silent for a long time.

Cheng Jinyang didn't want to talk to her and was about to hang up the phone.

"Okay, don't hang up on me!" Chu Qingqing said quickly, "The second good news is that I have made our relationship clear to my father, so you don't have to pretend to be my boyfriend in the future!"

"That's really good news, hehe." Cheng Jinyang said coldly, "Where's the third one?"

"I have decided that I will bear the medical expenses of Chu Debiao's sister." Chu Qingqing said.

Chu Debiao fell to his death, and the identity of the mole was exposed. Even if the Chu family in Yangdi was doing charity, he would no longer raise his sister.

However, Chu Qingqing was willing to take over the fee... This was of course a good thing, but Cheng Jinyang couldn't see the reason for doing so.

The other party didn't seem to have a kind-hearted character. You must know that this girl suddenly drew a gun and killed Chu Debiao in full view of everyone. Her decisiveness in killing was even greater than that of Chu's secret guards in Yangzhai!

"Well, I'm very happy about this. But can I ask why you did this?" Cheng Jinyang asked cautiously.

"His sister is innocent after all." Chu Qingqing said softly, "And she is also very pitiful."

She is indeed pitiful, but you did not hesitate to shoot her brother. No matter how cute you are now, I will not be fooled, so Cheng Jinyang said:

"Okay, I understand."

"Hmm, if you are free in the future, you can also go to the hospital where she was last time to see her." Chu Qingqing said with a smile, "That's all. Next time I have a commission, I will still come to see you."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Jinyang sighed quietly.

In any case, this first Tianluo mission is over, it has finally ended successfully, and there is no need to worry about the follow-up.

Well, probably...

Lying down late at night listening to the wind and rain, the iron horse glacier______

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