Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 310 Return to Dreamland

After eating the grapes that Cui Xiaoniang had peeled, the pile of work was almost done.

Cheng Jinyang rubbed his brows, feeling a little tired.

The problems that lie ahead now include the refugee army from Jiangbei that is about to attack, and the demons from further north that are eyeing them with eagerness. These two threaten the entire human world, but the level involved is too high and cannot be solved by a bunch of seventh-grade superpowers on our side.

In fact, today’s human society’s attitude towards monsters is basically a “three no’s” attitude:

Can't fight, can't control, can't reach an agreement.

The noble bureaucrats in Taicheng knew that the current Jin Empire was no match for demons, so they could only focus on maintaining the order of the empire that was riddled with holes, and did their daily work as paper framers.

The low-ranking families in the opposition, such as the fifth-rank families like the Cheng family in Shendu, are basically not qualified to participate in imperial politics, so they are too lazy to care about the situation in the north and concentrate on cultivating their existing one-third-acre land.

As for the common people from all walks of life who are not from aristocratic families, they quarrel online whenever they talk about monsters. The young generals clamored for the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, pacified the demons, and regained the great rivers and mountains; the rebels taunted them in a weird way, saying that they were willing to be willing to do so or were lackeys of aristocratic families... The two sides were quarreling, but in essence they were not trying to solve the problem, they were just passing the time. Time flies and you become addicted to talking and talking.

In other words, the biggest problem facing the human world is there, but no one can do anything about it, so everyone tacitly puts it aside and pretends that the problem does not exist. Even Cheng Jinyang himself can only go with the flow for the time being.

On the Cheng family side of the divine capital, with the reconstruction of the Tianluo department completed, the financial aspect has almost returned to health.

Looking at the income data report, the most dangerous period was after the death of Cheng Ben and the old man. The whole family was forced to move to Qixia District, losing a lot of family property and Tianluo manpower. From then on, it continued to decline and get worse. …It wasn’t until the Iron Titan appeared and ended the war that the data began to slowly turn upward.

Cheng Jinyang can say with great confidence that the Cheng family in the capital city can turn a profit and make a beautiful turnaround. Sorry, I personally directed it.

Because of this, his prestige in the family has now reached its peak, even far exceeding that during his uncle's reign, and almost equal to that of Cheng Ben and the old man back then.

Many middle- and lower-level managers of clan affairs also began to find ways to bypass Cheng Yuexian and Cheng Huaiyan, submitting various requests to him in an attempt to show their loyalty in front of him.

Cheng Jinyang has always maintained a clever approach to dealing with these speculators, neither completely blocking this path nor allowing them to escape too much. If you have any questions, just ask Miss Wang. The other party will sneer and ridicule a few words, and then tell you everything she knows to help him manage these people to be obedient.

After approving the last email, Cheng Jinyang turned off the computer and stood up. He saw the girls laughing and having fun in his office:

Cui Jinqi and Yang Wangshu were playing games on the projection screen; Chu Qingqing and Li Qingwan asked for advice on fighting and made gestures from time to time; Xing Yunzhi and Wang Wanrou were sitting on the sofa, whispering something, probably asking about what happened this afternoon thing.

Speaking of this, Cheng Jinyang remembered something even worse: except for a certain 14-year-old kid, the other five girls will basically become adults this year or next year.

For aristocratic families, the average age of marriage for women is around 20 years old. Calculating the date of engagement one year in advance, you will basically be engaged to someone when you are 19 years old.

In other words, there is actually not much time left for them to wander around outside.

Take Xing Yunzhi as an example. She belongs to the fifth-rank Xing family in Hejian. According to the current upgrade speed, Xing Yunzhi will be promoted to the sixth rank in three months. By then, her status in the clan will be second only to the clan leader. Whoever she wants to marry It’s okay to marry whoever you want, or even stay single for a few years without getting married.

However, for Chu Qingqing and Yang Wangshu, there are as many sixth-grade families as dogs in the fourth-grade family. If they want to be free, they have to be promoted to fifth-grade at least. One million horses will take at least three years at the current rate. Wangshu aside, the Chu family estimates that it is unlikely that Qingqing will remain single until the age of 21.

As for Wang Wanrou, Cui Jinqi and Li Qingwan, the situation of these three women with the fifth surname is even more dangerous. Miss Wang's affairs today are not over yet. Even if she does not marry Xie Qiedu in the end, the Taiyuan Wang family will definitely find Li Qiedu or Cui Qiedu for her to choose.

And something like this is expected to happen to Cui Xiaoniang and Teacher Li soon... Whoever is forced to marry by the family will have to go there and fight off the blind date? Where do you get so much time!

No, you have to step up your leveling! ! !

Thinking of this, Cheng Jinyang immediately felt a sense of urgency and fear that time had not waited for us.

Oddly enough, if he thinks "the monster is about to attack" and his leveling drive is 10 times the horsepower, then realizing "if he doesn't get stronger, the girls will get married", the power he generates to become stronger is With 1000 times the horsepower...

If you think about it carefully, even if the demon really attacks, the upper echelons of the empire will naturally be worried about it. If the sky falls, someone taller will still have to hold it up!

But if he lets girls marry people he doesn't like because he is too weak, then he will probably regret it for the rest of his life.

"Ahem!" He coughed hard several times and knocked on the table to force everyone's attention to focus.

So the girls all stopped what they were doing and turned to look at him with different expressions.

"This." Cheng Jinyang's train of thought suddenly got stuck, and he subconsciously said with a smile, "Spring nights are short, why don't we go to bed early tonight?"


In the dream, the ruins of Songjiang.

Ye Ru was sitting on the roof of an office building, looking at the dense crowd of puppets on the street below.

Suddenly she raised her head and calculated the time corresponding to reality.

Well, he should have brought someone in already.

Ye Ru jumped down from the roof and landed firmly on the ground in an instant, attracting the attention of the puppets wandering around.

The next second, these puppets turned their heads dullly again, as if they saw nothing.

Stretching out her arms, driven by demonic power, she carved several runes in the air. Finally, she formed a hand seal and spit out a note with unknown meaning.

Then those runes jumped a few times and gradually lit up.

A few minutes later, Cheng Jinyang, who had just entered dreamland, suddenly heard Ye Ru's voice:

"Cheng Jinyang, I found you."

"Are you...Ye Ru?" Cheng Jinyang hurriedly took a few steps behind. Seeing that the girls in front didn't notice, he asked cautiously in a low voice.

"It's me." Ye Ru said, "I have something to tell you, and I suggest you keep it in your mind after listening and don't tell the girls around you."

"How can I trust you?" Cheng Jinyang asked warily.

"No need, it's up to you whether you believe it or not." Ye Ru said lightly, "What I want to tell you is about the battlefield of Songjiang Ruins and Su Lili."

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