"Have you... heard of the 'reincarnation of yin and yang'?"

"People usually live in the upper world. After death, their souls are thrown into the underworld, and then their memories are washed away through reincarnation and they return to the upper world. This cycle is called reincarnation."

"For monsters, reality is the world of the underworld, and dreams are the underworld. After dying in reality, our souls will return to the dreamland, and then after a long time, return to reality again."

"Songjiang Ruins is a 'Yellow Spring Road' we set up, specifically to accommodate the human female souls who were polluted and died in reality - they are the puppets you see here."

Ye Ru laughed lowly, with some inexplicable sarcasm: "You have seen a lot here, right?"

"Tens of millions." Cheng Jinyang was silent for a while and said truthfully.

"The demon race cannot reproduce itself, so it can only expand its number by polluting and assimilating human women." Ye Ru's voice continued in her ears, "After becoming a puppet in reality, once it is killed , the soul will be thrown into the nearest 'Huangquan Road' site."

"They wander here and will be screened for about nine days. Most of the puppets will not pass the screening and will die after nine days and be resurrected in reality. They will not be thrown into Huangquan Road again until they are killed next time. Come."

"So." Cheng Jinyang said thoughtfully, "If I kill the puppet here..."

"It is to speed up the time for them to return to reality." Ye Ru said, "Of course, if you do nothing, they will be resurrected after waiting for about nine days."

"The vast majority of puppet monsters are trapped in this infinite cycle of reality + the two-way reincarnation of the road to hell. The only way to break out of the situation is to be born spiritually, or as you say, cannibalism."

"In reality, swallowing human beings can imprison the other person's consciousness in one's own body. Most consciousnesses cannot withstand death and will collapse soon after being swallowed. Only a small part can survive in the demon's body. and tainted by the nature of demons.”

"When these monsters die again and return to the dreamland, they will grow claws and other weapons, thus being promoted to 'weird'."

"So, weirdness is a monster that eats people in reality?" Cheng Jinyang thought thoughtfully.

"Yes." Ye Ru said, "The standard of monsters is different from yours. To us, puppets lacking souls are not monsters at all, they can only be regarded as the breeding ground for the birth of monsters. Weirdness is the newborn of the monster clan. Although the souls in their bodies are seriously contaminated by demonic instincts, they have no intelligence at all except killing."

"If Weird wants to continue to advance, he must continue to eat people and devour more consciousnesses. Ghosts and Demons are different routes, and above that are demons and gods. The higher you advance, the higher your intelligence, personality and way of thinking. It’s also closer to humans.”

"The great demon is the pinnacle of the demon god, and its symbol is that it has a complete human soul that has survived the demon's pollution. In other words, apart from being more beautiful and stronger, we great demons are actually no different from you." Ye Ru Finally concluded.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Of course he understood what the other party was implying.

"Where's Lili?"

"She's been leveling up lately."


"You are here relying on killing to plunder bloodline concentration. That is the way for us to upgrade." Ye Ru replied, "It's just that you kill the puppets and we kill the demon gods."

"Demon God? Are you talking about the demon god in the dream?"

"After the puppet dies, he will stay in the dream for nine days and then resurrect. The demon god will also be resurrected after death, but the death will lose most of the memory, and the waiting time for resurrection in the dream will be longer."

"Then...if you and Lili died in reality..."

"It will also be resurrected." Ye Ru said, "Of course, if Su Lili dies, she will probably not be your Lili after resurrection. Her situation is different from mine. There are countless other consciousnesses in the body waiting to devour her."

Cheng Jinyang fell silent again.

"What's wrong, now you know you feel sorry for her?" Ye Ru sneered.

"The reason why she wants to upgrade is to prevent the demon from going south?" Cheng Jinyang asked hesitantly.

"In this world, if you want to do something, you always need to have enough strength first." Ye Ru was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly, "You... hurry up. If you want to speed up the upgrade For speed, you can go to Changxing Island to see it.”

"Changxing Island? Where exactly is it?"

After waiting for about a few minutes, the voice did not ring in her ears again. It seemed that Ye Ru had ended the conversation with him.

Cheng Jinyang sighed and heard Xing Yunzhi urging from the front:

"Jinyang, what are you doing behind you, hurry up!"

"It's coming, it's coming." Cheng Jinyang quickly followed, "Have you checked in front?"

"They are all puppets." Yang Wangshu said next to him, "There are no high-level demons."

"Then let's do it." Wang Wanrou said calmly, "Lead out the puppets in the surrounding buildings and harvest them."

So Qingqing began to arrange the metal blade winch, and Li Qingwan went to clean up the scattered puppets nearby. Cheng Jinyang was still thinking about what Ye Ru said just now, and began to be distracted again.

"Jinyang?" Cui Jinqi noticed that he was a little distracted, so she came to the side and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?"

"Ah, it's okay." Cheng Jinyang said with a smile, "Maybe I didn't sleep well."

"Aren't we sleeping now?" Cui Xiaoniang was confused.

"That's right, he was probably too sleepy." Cheng Jinyang patted his head, already having a plan in mind.

He came to Wang Wanrou and said:

"It's too slow for us to conduct blanket reconnaissance and then harvest blocks one by one. How about I just fly around and take a quick look to see if there are any problems nearby?"

Fly around (and then go find Changxing Island) to see what the specific situation is.

"Have you forgotten the last time you were shot down while flying in the air?" Wang Wanrou looked at him like an idiot.

"Ahem, didn't Ye Ru say later that there are no high-level demons near Songjiang?" Cheng Jinyang said with a smile.

"Even if she is telling the truth, just because there was none at that time, it does not mean that there is none tonight." Wang Wanrou said calmly, "Unless she found you again just now and told you that there are no high-level demons in the Songjiang ruins tonight."

Cheng Jinyang:………………

"So she came to see you again?" Wang Wanrou raised her eyebrows.

"Uh." Cheng Jinyang secretly yelled. Didn't he reveal his flaws? Could it be that his expression was different when he mentioned Ye Ru just now?

"Repeat to me what she told you word for word." Wang Wanrou crossed her arms and said coldly, "before your underdeveloped brain forgets it."

"Can you not say this?"

"Of course not. Or did she tell you not to tell me?"

"She just suggested that..."

"Then you don't have to listen to her." Miss Wang's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, "Unless you don't trust me."

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