Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 321 Extraordinary Memory

Dreamland, Changxing Island.

As Cheng Jinyang's pupils radiated again, his heart expanded in a full circle, the blood flow in his body accelerated, and his body temperature began to rise rapidly. The melted metal around him enveloped him, turning into a giant steel weapon more than ten meters high... Accurately In other words, it should be an Autobot about the same size as Optimus Prime.

This time, however, the girls were not encased in metal, but left outside.

"This feeling..." Miss Qingqing looked at her hands and said in surprise, "It's so magical."

She could clearly feel that there seemed to be two "me" in her at this time. One is standing here, controlling the body named "Chu Qingqing", and the other exists in Cheng Jinyang's body, located in the heavily wrapped metal.

The girls also tried to move their bodies carefully, sometimes staggering forward and sometimes stopping. Only Yang Wangshu took a few steps skillfully, and then said in the ocean of consciousness in Cheng Jinyang's body:

"That's it? Isn't it just doing two things, opening two trumpets? I thought it was so difficult!"

"The so-called connection, of course, does not mean that our consciousness has entered Cheng Jinyang's body, it is just that we share consciousness with him." Wang Wanrou said lightly, "In other words, the information received in our brains at this time is perceived in our own bodies. On top of the outside world, there is also the sensory input from Cheng Jinyang.”

"The human brain has the ability to process complex information. For example, your left eye and right eye see different images, but the brain can synthesize them into a unified, three-dimensional image."

"The next thing you have to do is to learn how to do dual tasks while maintaining control over your own body and the calculations in Jinyang."

"What's the use of learning this?" Cui Jinqi asked curiously.

"The connection is two-way." Wang Wanrou replied, "He can use everyone's powers, and so can we. As long as your computing power is strong enough, you can use everyone's powers at the same time."

She stretched out her hand as white as jade, and the metal liquid rolled along her arm to the palm of her hand, and then transformed into a little girl the size of a thumb, wearing a light feather coat, spinning gracefully, and began to dance nimbly.

The girls stared at her palms, all of them looking straight in the eyes: Good guy, does Miss Wang have a supercomputer installed in her head? Is this something normal humans can do?

"After reaching this level, we can go to the undersea tunnel where we came from, draw out the puppets inside, and kill them together with the weird ones in Jinyang, so as to absorb more blood and increase the upgrade efficiency. To the highest.”

After hearing Miss Wang's words, the girls who were all conscious showed their admiration.

"Actually, this is not the highest upgrade efficiency." Cheng Jinyang suddenly interjected, "Introducing Lili's consciousness, our power level will be upgraded to the third level, and the range will be expanded to nearly a thousand kilometers. Enough to cover the entire Songjiang ruins.”

"When the time comes, we can directly explode the stars one by one, pulling the entire Songjiang River into the sky and blowing them up. Wouldn't the harvested health bonus explode?"

"I can't reach her." Wang Wanrou said coldly.

"Don't come here." Cheng Jinyang laughed.

In the ocean of consciousness, everyone's thoughts are connected (except for Miss Wang, who has the power of the mind), so Cheng Jinyang did not pretend to be skeptical, but patiently advised:

"Wanrou, you really don't have to worry too much. If she wants to harm me, wouldn't it be better to go directly to Jiankang City? Since she doesn't come, it means that she must not be able to come for some reason. So as long as I don't After leaving Jiankang City, what does it matter if I meet her in my dream..."

Before he finished speaking, at least three consciousnesses in his body suddenly burst out with strong malice and murderous intent, causing Cheng Jinyang to clear his mind and stop talking.

"I can't connect!" Wang Wanrou said impatiently, "If I say I can't connect, I can't connect! If you have the ability, go and connect yourself!"

Cheng Jinyang remained silent and concentrated on killing monsters.

Everyone was unhappy, and the depression spread in the ocean of consciousness. After a long while, Li Qingwan's hesitant and cautious voice sounded:

"Um, may I ask...who is Lili?"

Early next morning.

Cheng Jinyang woke up from the bed and found that he was being attacked from both sides and unable to move.

Cui Xiaoniang huddled in his arms, her back pressed against his chest and abdomen, her calves pressed against his thighs, and the intimate warmth came through the thin fabric of her pajamas. Miss Wang was leaning on her arm, facing her face to face, with her eyes closed, showing a sweet and peaceful sleeping look.

The girl behind him is hugging him tightly. Judging from the touch and size, he should be Qingqing. Li Qingwan should be sleeping next to her, but the specific position is unknown. As for Xing Yunzhi and Yang Wangshu in the other bed, I don't even know.

Cheng Jinyang tried to break free, but found that he had been sealed by their arms and thighs. He really couldn't move at all. He could only accept his fate and immerse himself in this gentle land, ignoring the passage of time.

About half an hour later, or an hour, or an hour and a half, the cell phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

So everyone pretended to be woken up and slowly got up from the bed. Miss Qingqing rubbed her hazy sleepy eyes, Wang Wanrou let out a long yawn, and Cui Xiaoniang stretched her body like a cat.

"Ah, Jinyang, it's your cousin's phone number." Li Qingwan stood by the bedside table, looking at the lit screen of his mobile phone, and said.

Cheng Jinyang pretended to have just woken up and reached out to answer the phone in a daze.

"Jinyang, guests from the Zheng family in Xingyang and Lu family in Fanyang have arrived. Can you take the time to come out and meet them?" Cheng Yuexian asked on the phone.

"Really?" Cheng Jinyang woke up immediately, "Who is it?"

"One is Zheng Qiupei, the niece of Zheng Junming, the head of the Zheng family; the other is Lu Qingyun, the daughter of Lu Jiru, the elder of the fourth Lu family in Fanyang." Cheng Yuexian introduced.

Cheng Jinyang's head was pounding after hearing this. There is a niece of the clan leader here, an old daughter of the clan there, and they are all girls with the fifth surname. Why are they running towards me?

However, the names of these two people seem familiar? You should have heard it somewhere.

So Cheng Jinyang recalled carefully, hmm, I have an impression, they are all beautiful girls.

Zheng Qiupei... I met him in the old house in Wujiang Town. Her hairstyle is the same as Ah Zhi's, long and straight black hair, but her hair is slightly longer. She has a gentle temperament and a broader mind. She should be older than herself, giving people a warm feeling like a close sister.

Lu Qingyun... I remember that she had been to the tribe before and came with her brother. She has short hair, reaching the length of her neck, with slightly curled ends. She looks like a lively and pretty school girl. It was just because of her brother that they didn't get along very well when they first met, and there was no chance to mend the relationship later.

Oh, as expected of my brain, I remember them all clearly.

Miss Wang always teases me about my poor memory, but aren’t I very good at remembering people?

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