Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 345 Beheading Operation

Just when Cheng Jinyang was worried that the imperial court would immediately recruit giant soldiers, in fact, someone in Taicheng had already vaguely proposed to Yu Zhongshu that they would use secret weapons to repeat the last victory in quelling Wang Chuzhong's rebellion.

At the critical moment, Yu Zhongshu lived up to expectations and once again avoided the correct option, believing that it was not yet time to use the new troops in Jingkou.

Then after the cabinet meeting, Yu Zhongshu regretted it again. It's just that the words have been released. At this time, you can't suddenly change your words and say, "Gentlemen, I have changed my mind." I can only secretly send a message to the nominal supervisor of Jingkou and the commander of the Xiaoqi Army, General Xi Daohui.

Xi Daohui quickly sent someone to contact the shogunate of Chengda Sima and asked him to send troops to Wei Jiankang as soon as possible.

Cheng Jinyang discussed with the shogunate team for a long time, and fully listened to Miss Wang's suggestions. Finally, he decided to obey the court's justice, so he rushed to Jingkou and ordered more than 4,000 people to board troop ships and sail up the river to aid Jiankang.

Taking the boat north, Cheng Jinyang watched the waves of the river diverge to both sides, and couldn't help but chant:

"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero."

"Success or failure is nothing." Xing Yunzhi said from the side, "The green mountains are still there, and the sunsets are red several times."

"Ah, have you heard of it too?" Cheng Jinyang asked in surprise.

"Who hasn't heard of Mr. Zhongda's masterpiece?" Cui Jinqi asked from the side.

"Yes, yes." Cheng Jinyang was speechless.

"Sima Zhongda was extremely smart and usurped the Cao family. Did he ever think that one day, his descendants would suffer the same fate?" Chu Qingqing sighed, "This history really likes to play tricks on people."

"No, history is the most rigid." Miss Wang said unexpectedly, denying Chu Qingqing's statement, "Even if Sima Zhongda achieved countless great achievements during his lifetime, the blessings he left behind after more than a thousand years have been It has long been exhausted by the unworthy descendants of past generations.”

"Ahem!" Seeing that Miss Wang was about to charge into the tower again, Cheng Jinyang interrupted her with a cough, and then looked around with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, the shogunate team were all in the cabin below the deck, and there were only girls on the deck.

"What is there that you dare not say?" Wang Wanrou sneered and walked to the stern of the boat.

The fleet passed through the Jiankang waters and landed in the south of the Li clan land in Longxi. Soon the messenger from the Shenwu Army arrived here, and it turned out to be Zhu Xinchu, an old acquaintance, which surprised Cheng Jinyang.

"Cheng Sima." Zhu Xinchu jumped down from the assault command vehicle, clasped his fists and said, "I have military orders and it's inconvenient to reminisce about old times. Please follow me as soon as possible and get in the vehicle!"

Cheng Jinyang checked the electronic security code with him, and after confirming the guy's identity, he waved to the back.

So the girls ran over and got into the command car one by one.

Zhu Xinchu:? ? ?

"These young ladies..." He frowned and said half a sentence, then saw Cheng Jinyang clasping his fists and smiling, "My shogunate team."

Are all the shogunate members of your family composed of eldest ladies? Zhu Xinchu was speechless. However, the pressure on the southern front was huge at this time, and he was too lazy to complain too much. He simply turned a blind eye and got into the carriage.

The air circulation in the closed command compartment is not very good. When there are few people, there is always the smell of engine oil, and when there are many people, there is the smell of sweat. At this time, the seven eldest ladies were stuffed in, and all the smells were suppressed by the smell of perfume, which made Zhu Xinchu frown and wanted to jump out of the car immediately.

However, seeing the cute looks of these girls chatting and laughing with each other, a certain figure in the dusty heart slowly emerged from the memory.

"Aqiu..." He closed his eyes, rubbed his cheeks hard, and suppressed the thought of missing his dead wife again.

Not long after the command vehicle was driving along the Ning-Wu Expressway, it suddenly heard a scream outside.

"Changqinpao!" Xing Yunzhi screamed and lost her voice.

Before he finished speaking, two people took the lead.

Chu Qingqing slapped the inner wall of the carriage, and the entire steel structure of the command vehicle suddenly disintegrated and turned into a huge barrier. Zheng Qiupei raised his head and looked up, and the mental force field was once again deployed on the outer metal layer.

The shell bombarded the mental force field and was instantly detonated by the force of the backlash. The metal blade quickly spun out and pierced into the metal barrier with huge force, making a harsh friction sound.

"Be careful!" Chu Qingqing yelled, and all the blades melted into the liquid metal, and then quickly unfolded like petals, revealing the smoke-filled sky.

Yang Wangshu started electromagnetic wave detection again, covering a large area around him:

"Military drone," she typed quickly. "It missed a hit and has been evacuated. Only the command vehicle we were riding in was attacked, and the troop carrier behind was unharmed."

"Beheading operation." Wang Wanrou said leisurely, "This is the Jiankang occupied area, so either internal agents leaked information, or there were observers to guide it."

"Wait a moment." Yang Wangshu typed again, "... Found it! The rooftop of the 12th floor of a residential area 3 kilometers away from 10 o'clock!"

"Leave it to me and keep communicating!" Cheng Jinyang immediately rose into the sky.

"Pay attention to catching them alive!" Wang Wanrou shouted from below.

Cheng Jinyang didn't answer, his pupils had dilated and quickly turned into radiating nova shapes.

Quickly rising to an altitude of 50 meters, he turned towards the 10 o'clock direction, and his mental force field had already condensed behind him.

Mental shock. Rhino horn car!

The telekinetic cannonball hit him from behind and instantly knocked his body away. This is the experience gained from Mo Luo last night. It uses external force to increase its explosive speed to avoid the shortcomings of insufficient initial velocity due to gravity.

The price was that the ribs were broken again, and Cheng Jinyang couldn't help but grimace in pain.

"Jinyang." Li Qingwan's consciousness said in his mind, "Don't rush to resist the pain, try to accept it, understand it, integrate it..."

"Teacher Li, please spare me." Cheng Jinyang wailed. While activating his superpower to repair the injury, he used gravity to correct his position again. He saw that at the position indicated by Yang Wangshu, a thin man was holding an instrument towards the stairs. run.

"Get away, thief!" In an instant, he rushed into the outskirts of the residential area. From a distance of several hundred meters, Cheng Jinyang directly threw out a weaving array and used a gravitational string to forcefully pull the opponent back.

Then he reduced his own mass, used a small burst of mental force field to stop his momentum, and then took the prisoner with him and accelerated back to the highway using the force of gravity.

After releasing the demon form above the highway, Cheng Jinyang landed smoothly, and then threw the prisoner to Li Qingwan. The latter's consciousness returned to his body, and he recovered after a short rest. He skillfully held his arms behind his back and forcibly brought him to Wang Wanrou.

"Su Zigao?" Wang Wanrou asked indifferently.

The other party didn't answer.

"It's so boring." Wang Wanrou sighed, "Would you like to scream?"

The other party still didn't answer. At this time, Chu Qingqing took a half step forward, and the metal spikes penetrated his arm, and then exploded around him.

The strange man suddenly cried out in pain, and cold sweat flowed from his forehead. He half-opened his mouth, breathing heavily, and his eyes gradually turned into a dull and lifeless form.

Zhu Xinchu next to him was dumbfounded. From the moment the assault command vehicle was attacked, these people performed a dazzling operation. No less than five kinds of magical powers were used in magical combinations. Not only did they prevent the bombardment of the long-range cannon, but they also captured the opponent's observer. return.

This efficiency puts even the most elite special forces of the Shenwu Army to shame!

Wang Wanrou used thought induction to make the prisoner "scream" according to his own words, and thus established a thought obedience connection and began to quickly invade his brain.

After a moment, she smiled with interest.

"Oh, clones?"

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