Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 346 Southern Defense Zone

The so-called Changqin gun is a type of artillery mounted on military drones, specially developed for urban street fighting environments.

Shooting from the air to the surface from the height of a drone can effectively avoid the obstruction of surrounding buildings, and the longest range can reach tens of thousands of meters. After the shell breaks through the armor of the vehicle, the six rotating blades contained inside can mince the soft target members into minced meat, and the corpses cannot be pieced together.

In other words, this was probably a premeditated beheading operation.

According to Miss Wang's memory search, the task this man received was to provide coordinate guidance for the Changqin Cannon of a distant military drone after receiving remote instructions.

Beyond that, he knew nothing.

The "what" here includes all knowledge except the information about this mission, as well as basic human common sense.

This man had no experience of eating or drinking, no experience of talking to others, no experience of happiness or sadness. From the moment he walked off the production line, apart from basic language skills and action abilities, he only had Military knowledge related to UAV guidance.

He is a clone.

A clone created purely as a tool.

"That's wrong." Li Qingwan suddenly said, "As for cloning technology, our Longxi Li family has done relevant research. The cost of producing a clone is much higher than hiring a northern refugee to work. If Su Zigao tried to use Using cloning technology to increase military strength, just turning these clones into a combat-effective army will require a lot of resources."

"With this spare money to waste, why doesn't he produce one more drone?"

"Because he has to deal with the psychic amplifier of our Taiyuan Wang family." Wang Wanrou said calmly.

Everyone was speechless.

"As for the third-grade thought stamp, it cannot actually completely control anyone." Miss Wang continued, "Our usual approach is to find loopholes in the other person's thoughts, and then implant the corresponding thoughts. Confusing concepts, distorting understanding, and finally establishing obedience links.”

"However, a clone who knows nothing has a mind as simple as a blank piece of paper, and then we implant an idea into him that is difficult to change. In this way, it is more difficult for us to distort his mind than it is for people with complex thinking. Much more.”

"Even if we succeed in twisting it, what will we get? A clone that only knows how to perform a single job. This is Su Zigao's method of dealing with Taiyuan Wang's mind control - using a large number of inferior troops to waste the power of our mind control. efficiency."

"However, everything is as expected by Miss Wang." Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a bit heavy, Cheng Jinyang complimented.

"Shut up!" Miss Wang scolded him angrily.

"But this does not solve the problem she just raised." Zhu Xinchu said seriously, "Even if clones are inferior units, their production costs are very high, let alone mass production."

"I just looked at his memory." Wang Wanrou continued, "It uses technological equipment that I have never seen before, and the production process has been completely streamlined."

"However, is there really an instrument in this world that Miss Wang has not seen before?" Cheng Jinyang asked affectionately, and then was stared at with death by Wang Wanrou.

"Brother Cheng, please stop saying a few words." Zhu Xinchu listened with fear. Good guy, you dare to keep provoking the prince's daughter. Brother Cheng is so brave!

Well, maybe it's not just the courage...

He was thinking a lot when he heard Xing Yunzhi ask in a deep voice:

"Then what to do next? Continue to the southern theater as originally planned, or?"

"Of course we are moving forward." Cheng Jinyang said with a smile, trying to infect everyone with confidence, "Now that the enemy's strategy has been seen through, what is there to be afraid of?"

"That's good." Zhu Xinchu nodded, "The nearest mechanized troops of the Shenwu Army are on their way. Everyone, take cover and wait for a moment."

On the troop carrier behind, several leading officers also rushed over to ask Lord Sima for his next instructions.

Everyone was asked to wait patiently. It didn't take long for the mechanized troops of the Shenwu Army to arrive.

Formations of armed helicopters and drone swarms were escorting the surrounding air, and the troop transport troops continued to advance along the highway, and soon successfully arrived at the southern defense zone.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten about the captured prisoner. When everyone was hiding on the spot, the unsupervised clone captives left quietly.

Following the route entered into his mind, he quickly rushed towards Gushu Town.

The person coming to receive them from the Southern Defense Area was Guo Xuanxiong, the captain of the Yulin Army Corps Cavalry School.

This General Guo came from a poor family, with thin and narrow eyes, which made him look a little scary. While Cheng Jinyang looked at him calmly, he also looked at Cheng Jinyang coldly. His eyes fell on the girls behind him, and his brows furrowed.

Why are there still women on this battlefield? Wait, no, judging from the temperament of these women, they seem to be daughters of aristocratic families.

"General Guo." Zhu Xinchu said with cupped hands, "This is Cheng Jinyang, the commander of the other branch of the Xiaoqi Army. Following the edict from Taicheng, he brought 4,000 people to assist in the defense."

"Very good, I'll bring you all into the camp." After confirming the electronic code identity with Cheng Jinyang, Guo Xuanxiong smiled, waved his hand and led everyone into the military area, muttering in his heart.

Zhu Xiaowei called him Sima of another department. In other words, he did not have the rank of general? He only has actual positions and no false titles. Well, he should have been promoted recently. But he actually brought four thousand people here. What kind of Sima is this? How can there be a Sima with four thousand people?

After leading everyone to the command camp, Cheng Jinyang asked the girls to wait outside. He followed Guo Xuanxiong into the command room and saw the two officials commanding the Yulin Army this time:

Right General Bian Wangzhi, a short, fat old man in his late fifties, had previously served in Taicheng as Shizhong and Shangshuling. He was in charge of the machinery industry department and was a prime minister-level boss.

Forward Supervisor Zhong Yanzhou is a middle-aged man in his forties. He previously served as the censor Zhongcheng in Taicheng, but he was first promoted from the army. He is from the military political and legal department and has the rank of minister. This time he should be Bian Wangzhi's deputy. .

As soon as Cheng Jinyang came in, everyone in the tent turned their attention to him.

Others probably don't know this, but officials at the level of Bian Wangzhi and Zhong Yanzhou can discuss matters with Yu Yuan in Taicheng. Of course, they know that this seemingly inconspicuous young Sima from another department once created a giant steel weapon and directly The war carrier was blown up... so he quickly came over to greet him.

"Cheng Sima came just in time. I'm here to introduce you to my fellow soldiers." Zhong Yanzhou, as his deputy, took the lead in opening the ceremony for him with a smile. He introduced the officers of the Yulin Army and the Shenwu Army one by one, and finally introduced them to everyone. He said, "This is Cheng Jinyang, the chief of the Cheng clan in the capital city of God. He is currently the Sima of the branch of the Xiaoqi Army stationed at Jingkou. This time, he has brought four thousand people to support according to the edict of Taicheng."

When he introduced Cheng Jinyang, many officers had expressionless faces or nodded perfunctorily. Some of them were secretly unhappy. When they heard that this guy had brought four thousand people, their expressions changed slightly and they began to murmur in their hearts. .

For a normal Army Sima level, it is enough to lead 1,000 people. This guy brought 4,000 people. What did his superiors think? Is it better for Han Xin to have more troops?

Wait, it seems to be a Sima from another department. Could it be that this guy recruited his own soldiers in Jingkou?

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