Miss Wang's lips are soft.

Incredibly soft.

With charming warmth.

For example, it is like a tired person encountering a soft big bed, or the kind of goose feather bed that will sink directly when you lie down...

Before Cheng Jinyang could recover from his confused state, his head was suddenly pushed away.

"Average." Wang Wanrou commented.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

"Have you tried it?" Wang Wanrou asked again.


Before he could react, his head was pressed again.

Before he could finish his emotion, his head was pushed away again.

"Terrible." Wang Wanrou commented.

"Sorry." Cheng Jinyang had to say.

"It's not about you, it's about the act itself." Miss Wang sat up and combed her messy hair casually, "It doesn't bring any physical pleasure. At most, it can bring some trivial psychological gains. The pleasure, such as the achievement of breaking through and shortening the social distance.”

Cheng Jinyang nodded, "But I know there is a way to bring about it physiologically..."

The door of the cab suddenly opened, and the princess sister stuck her head out and said:

"Pengcheng County has arrived, and someone has set up a card in front of us... What are you doing?"

"We are discussing social psychology, Sister Xinnan." Cheng Jinyang lied quickly.

"Really?" Princess Sister looked at him, but without saying anything, she turned back to the cab and turned on the switch.

The vehicle gradually slowed down and stopped. After a while, several scouts came quickly along the track and opened the door of the carriage.

"Qiaoqi Army interrogation." The leader of the scout team said to the princess sister, "Name? Identity? Destination? Carrying goods?"

The princess sister didn't say anything, she just took out an electronic ID card and handed it over.

The scout captain inserted the ID card into the decoder on his forearm and began to confirm his identity. Behind him, the other two scouts walked towards the back of the carriage, scanning Cheng Jinyang, Wang Wanrou, and the surrounding environment.

Their eyes glowed red, obviously electronic eyes.

After a quick investigation, it was confirmed that the other party was a Jin Yiwei and that he did not carry anything in the carriage. The scout captain performed a military salute and said to the princess sister:

"Your Excellency, you can pass through Huaita Base, but this car cannot go through. It needs to be stored at our place. You can pick it up when you return."

"Yes." The princess sister nodded and took the two of them out of the carriage.

Huaita Base was originally just a subway station. It was subsequently excavated and expanded many times, turning it into a huge underground urban area.

The reason for choosing to build it underground is very simple. There are only a few entrances. As long as the road is sealed, it can be easily blocked with firepower. It is a natural terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is said that most of the survivors of the Northern Central Plains live in subway stations or underground garages and form defensive fortresses to defend themselves, thus forming a unique "Wubao culture".

The so-called "dock" means solid walls on all sides and a hollow center. To a certain extent, he was also forced out by the sinister environment full of puppets. Who would like to live in a hole in the ground and be a dwarf if there is no other way?

As the three of them continued to move forward along the tunnel, they saw more and more lights in the distance, almost connecting into a bright patch.

"It is said that good lighting can reduce the probability of suffering from claustrophobia." The princess sister suddenly said.

"It's just self-deception." Wang Wanrou said.

"It's really uncomfortable to live underground." The princess sister did not comment on her opinion. "The main reason is that the air is too stuffy and the environment is small and monotonous. It is said that many northerners have never left the Wubao where they were born."

After walking forward for almost seven or eight hundred meters, the three of them arrived at the Huaita base.

The entrance to the base is a section of tunnel sealed by a large amount of construction debris, leaving only an entrance for a few people to pass through. The subway train will never be able to pass through.

In the area close to the entrance, there are a large number of automated turrets densely arranged on both sides of the wall and at the top of the tunnel. Several soldiers are stationed at the entrance with guns. When they see the three people approaching from a distance, their expressions are slightly nervous.

The passenger flow of Huaita Base is actually quite large, and most of them are refugee families with a little wealth passing by from north to south.

Of course, there are also those from south to north, and they are basically caravans or mercenaries. The former are doing business in Wubao, while the latter are planning to go deep into the ruins of cities in the Central Plains to find some lost scientific and technological documents.

But among the three people in this group, not only could they not tell what their occupations were, but there were also very few who were as beautiful as these two women.

So beautiful that she looks like a puppet...

If it weren't for Cheng Jinyang, a human male, walking side by side with them and they didn't show any signs of abnormality, the guarding soldiers would probably have fired a warning shot.

Arriving at the entrance of Huaita Base, the three of them still encountered the same investigation procedures as the previous scouts. Seeing that the electronic identity card given by the princess sister passed the verification, the soldiers were visibly relieved (it was a human being), moved to both sides, and re-closed the landmines that had been secretly activated.

Behind the entrance is a long, narrow passage. The air is filled with the smell of disinfectant. There are laboratory observation ports on both sides to detect whether passers-by have been bitten by monsters and infected.

After passing through the corridor and leaving the heavily guarded isolation hall, the three of them officially entered the Huaita base.

From the outside, Huaita Base is very similar to a comprehensive commercial shopping mall such as Yintai or Tianjie. The internal space is huge and there are many floors. It is connected vertically by escalators and elevators, and there are a large number of shopping malls distributed on the horizontal surface. Paved room.

The height of everyone at this time is located on the 8th floor underground. It is said that the entire Huaita base has a total of 36 floors, of which the 1st to 5th floors underground are the military area, the 6th to 7th floors are the freight warehouse, the 8th floor is the vehicle complex floor, and the 9th to 28th floors are Commercial + office areas, hospitals and other public facilities are distributed among them, while 29-36 are residential areas.

In order to collect intelligence, the princess sister went straight to the upper military area and asked Cheng Jinyang to take Miss Wang downstairs to play.

If other girls were here, such as Cui Xiaoniang who loves shopping or the lively and active girl Qing Qing, they would probably have to visit every floor.

Fortunately, Miss Wang, who didn't care about anything, came with her this time, so Cheng Jinyang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go have a meal first and then find a place to settle down?" Cheng Jinyang suggested, "It's already 6 o'clock in the evening. Sister Xinnan won't take us on a journey all night."

"Okay." Wang Wanrou said.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Cheng Jinyang asked again.

"No." Wang Wanrou replied.

Cheng Jinyang's face darkened. No? No, it’s not a big deal, even if you say it casually, that’s fine!

"Whatever." Wang Wanrou said again.

Cheng Jinyang:………………

Miss Wang can definitely read minds, no doubt!

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