Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 420 The Innocent Mother

In the restaurant.

"Anything for dinner?"


“How about beef noodles?”


"Why are there all mushrooms on the menu?" Cheng Jinyang said in surprise.

"Otherwise, do you think there can be anything good in this cave?"

Miss Wang snorted coldly.

"Then I'll have king oyster mushroom braised noodles." Cheng Jinyang began to order. He knew that Miss Wang had almost no dietary restrictions. "Can I order some mushroom and three-fresh noodles?"

"Yes." Wang Wanrou said lightly.

Two bowls of steaming hot noodle soup were served quickly. The appearance was acceptable, but the taste was greasy and salty, as if to cover up the bland taste of the mushrooms in the soup.

Cheng Jinyang reluctantly ate half of the bowl, but he was too tired to eat it. Then he watched Miss Wang pick out the noodles and mushrooms, washed them in the tea, poured some soy sauce for dipping, and finished eating slowly. .

He was convinced.

After eating the noodles, the two got up and left. After walking along the commercial street for a short distance, Wang Wanrou suddenly stopped.

I started to study the ice cream sign in front of the store next to me carefully.

"What flavor do you want to eat?" Cheng Jinyang asked with a smile, thinking that it was probably a 'casual' answer, "How about I order you a signature... uh, durian stinky tofu?"

"One-quarter ball each of vanilla, milk, strawberry, and watermelon." Wang Wanrou said calmly, "Add dried figs and chopped nuts."

Cheng Jinyang:?

Does the eldest lady like sweets?

The clerk quickly packed the ice cream cone, and Cheng Jinyang was about to pay, only to realize that the price was over a hundred, four times the price of similar items in Jiankang City.

Even if he was financially free at this time, he would still be reluctant to spend a hundred dollar bill to buy an ordinary ice cream.

However, this is the first time Miss Wang orders food!

She wants it so much, as a man, can I not give it to her?

He paid for it readily and handed the ice cream to Wang Wanrou. The latter took it calmly, dug in slowly with a spoon and squinted his eyes slightly.

Cheng Jinyang carefully observed her expression, trying to find a trace of satisfaction in it.

However, it failed.

So does she like ice cream? Or is there any special meaning in this behavior?

He racked his brains and thought, when he heard Wang Wanrou say:

"The interview just now was terrible."

"So...wash your tongue?" Cheng Jinyang suddenly realized.

"That's right." Wang Wanrou handed the ice cream to his mouth.

Ah, doesn’t this count as indirect kissing? Cheng Jinyang hesitated.

Wait, we kissed directly! Don’t worry about indirection or anything like that!

So he opened his mouth and ate the watermelon ice cream ball in one bite.

Wang Wanrou:…………

She looked at the ice cream with only three balls left in her hand, frowned delicately, and showed a rare hint of resentment.

Cheng Jinyang, who was unconscious, held the ice cream ball in his mouth, thinking that the taste of industrial raw materials was indeed guaranteed, but it was a bit expensive.

"Is it delicious?" Wang Wanrou asked.

"It's so delicious." Cheng Jinyang praised, "The taste chosen by the eldest lady is amazing."

"Then go buy me another one." Wang Wanrou said coldly, "This time I want pure watermelon flavor."

Cheng Jinyang:?

Wait, did you lose your temper? Didn't you feed me food?

After buying another ice cream, the two of them continued shopping. Miss Wang took a spoon, took a few bites of her own ice cream, and then went to Cheng Jinyang's place to dig out a few more spoons to eat.

So Cheng Jinyang finally understood:

Miss Daqing Wang is also a standard warrior of pure love, and "I want them all" for all flavors of ice cream. And I just ate a whole watermelon ball of hers, which was equivalent to giving her NTR, so she was so angry.

Got it, got it.

After eating the ice cream, Miss Wang's mood seemed to improve, so Cheng Jinyang promptly suggested going to the living area on the lower floor, finding a hotel room, and putting down her things first.

Even in the underground dock, commercial hotels are similar to those outside, offering standard rooms and double rooms. The standard room has two single beds, and the queen room, as the name suggests, has a bed that can accommodate three people.

Considering that the single bed was too small, no matter how the three people were divided, two people would be forced to squeeze together. For the sake of the two girls, Cheng Jinyang thoughtfully chose the more expensive double bed room.

The princess sister hasn't replied to the message yet, so the two of them were wandering in the square downstairs of the hotel. This is already the 33rd floor of the underground dock. It is a high-end residential area. The greening, light distribution and architectural details nearby are better than those on the upper floors. The business district is much prettier.

As soon as they arrived near the square, the two saw a wrinkled old woman handing out leaflets and talismans to pedestrians:

"Dear compatriots, I would like to introduce to you the origin of the world, the savior of mankind, the Inanimate Mother..."

Cheng Jinyang was surprised, because in Ye Ru's memory, there was such a group of people organizing missionary work before the fall of Songjiang.

He took Miss Wang and watched for a while, and sure enough he found that the old woman only stared at the female passers-by to hand out things, but turned a blind eye to the male passers-by.

However, although it is adjacent to the border, the Huaita Base is also under the rule of the Jin Dynasty after all, and passers-by do not have a good impression of the White Lotus Sect.

Most of the female passers-by just took the things and threw them into the trash can nearby. A few of them had already begun to hide behind the bushes and call the police.

Soon, the security team arrived in time and took the old woman away.

Cheng Jinyang watched these people go away and turned around, just in time to see Wang Wanrou pick up the talisman water bottle that the old woman had discarded before she was taken away, unscrew the cap and carefully observe the liquid inside.

"Hey!" Cheng Jinyang trembled in fright and quickly took the talisman water from her hand, "Don't be stupid! This thing is poisonous if you drink it!"

"There should be just ordinary water in there." Wang Wanrou said lightly.

"Ordinary water?" Cheng Jinyang frowned in confusion, stared at Fu Shui for a moment, and then stuffed it into the trash can again.

"Jinyang." Wang Wanrou spoke again.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm a little interested in the old woman from the White Lotus Sect just now." Wang Wanrou looked at the direction where those people left earlier.

"But she was taken away by the security team." Cheng Jinyang thought that you didn't tell me earlier. Now that everyone has been arrested, you said you are interested in her. What do you want me to do?

Wait, could it be...

"Wanrou, Miss Wang!" Cheng Jinyang looked around to make sure there was no one, then lowered his voice and asked, "You want me to rob the prison, right?"

Wang Wanrou opened her eyes slightly, as if to confirm whether there was something wrong in his mind, and then said after a while:

"Need not."

"Then what do you want to do?" Cheng Jinyang thought for a moment and said in horror, "Is it possible to go to the patrol room and use your powers to brainwash all the security team members with a stamp of approval?"

Wang Wanrou was silent for a moment and said, "Jinyang."


"In security detention, visits are allowed."

She spoke slowly in a gentle tone like a kindergarten teacher treating a child.

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