At night, it's time to go to bed.

Since the two girls didn't mention that Cheng Jinyang ordered a double bed room, but they knew it well, one went to bed on the left and the other on the right, leaving him alone in the middle with nothing to do.

Cheng Jinyang:? ? ?

What about the promised hugs?

He was a little unwilling and said with a smile:

"Wanrou, you seem a little cold?"

Sure enough, the princess sister on the left couldn't hold it any longer, so she came over to hug him.

After putting her hands on him like this, she realized that he was not close to Wang Wanrou at all. The princess sister knew that she had been deceived, so she muttered "slippery" in a low voice and simply continued to hug her.

There was no movement from Wang Wanrou over there... About ten minutes later, she suddenly lay in Cheng Jinyang's arms.

The princess sister noticed it and wanted to say a few words, but finally kept silent.

Forget it, even if I lie down, I can’t sleep well even if it’s really noisy.

Thinking like this, she slowly closed her eyes.


On the other side, the war in the eastern part of Jiankang City has entered a critical moment.

Zu Shishao was forced to lead his troops to retreat across the river because his hometown of Shouchun was attacked by demons. Su Zigao led his troops to stay in Jiankang to fight. Tonight, he was rapidly interspersed with the mechanized troops of the Shenwu Army to attack.

After a long and fierce battle, the two sides exchanged extremely tragic casualty ratios. The Liyang Army did not take advantage, so Su Zigao personally led his troops to circle back north.

Although the strength of Liyang's army is now at a disadvantage compared to King Qin's army, he is not too worried, probably because Jiankang has sufficient war preparation materials, and Liyang is constantly replenishing troops to Jiankang, and there are no clones anyway. How much does it cost.

As long as Liyang is still in your hands, if you really can't defend Jiankang from behind, just cross the river and retreat to Liyang to protect yourself!

Su Zigao, who was sitting in the command armored vehicle, was planning the follow-up tactical plan with his staff when he suddenly noticed that the vehicle underneath him had stopped.

"What's going on?" His expression changed, and just as he was about to ask, he heard gunfire crackling outside.

The soldiers quickly escorted him out of the car, planning to launch a breakout. Strangely, no trace of the enemy was found outside.

Nowadays, the number of troops on the frontal battlefield is so intertwined that it can only be processed by artificial intelligence. Su Zigao's true position is naturally a secret. Otherwise, the enemy will directly locate and oversaturate the long-range bombing, even the anti-missile forces will No rescue possible.

When they heard the gunshots just now, everyone was more likely to be attacked by chance than to intercept and kill the general here. Only when they got out of the car and took a look did they realize that there was no one around, which made them feel weird and creepy.

"Lord!" One of the staff members opened the car door and said to Su Zigao in a deep voice, "It's weird, it looks like suicide!"

Su Zigao looked directly and saw the clone driver slumped backwards on the chair. There was a bloody hole in his temple. The pistol that caused the wound was in his hanging hand. Blood sprayed everywhere, but the surrounding car windows Also intact.

"The other vehicles are similar." The soldiers checked the conditions of other vehicles and found that this was indeed the case.

All clone drivers committed suicide.

However, Su Zigao was cautious by nature, and clones only accounted for a small part of the troops he led, used to handle driving, maintenance and other chores.

Even if such a group of people died and the guardsmen were transferred to fill them in, it would not affect the troops' continued advance.

In addition, the scene in front of him was so weird that he couldn't help but think about it, so he ordered the soldiers to quickly discard the bodies where they were, and drive the mechanized vehicles to continue moving forward.

After a few seconds.

A huge explosion sounded from the center of the mechanized troops, and then there was a light that almost lit up the night.

"He actually died in an accident?" Wang Maohong picked up the military intelligence report from the front line at the Wang family's temporary residence in Taiyuan and said with a frown.

"Nearly all the vehicle wreckage at the scene was completely melted down by the missiles, and no traces can be found." Xie Anshi said leisurely, "As for Su Zigao and others, no bones remain."

"Where is the person who launched the missile?" Wang Maohong asked in a deep voice.

"A missile company of the Shenwu Army." Xie Anshi replied, "The bombs were dropped according to the instructions of the battlefield intelligence. It is said that the target suddenly stopped in place for a minute and a half while traveling. The battlefield intelligence analysis suspected that it was disguised as a mechanized force. The land-based weapons force is stationed in preparation for launch, so it applied for priority strike."

"Of course, the real strange thing is that the rebel anti-missile forces did not respond in time. Even if it is a mistake, it is not very reasonable."

"We still need to check." Wang Maohong sighed.

"We have to investigate." Xie Anshi said with a smile, "It's just that now that we have won a big victory, it's better not to involve too many people. It has wiped out the central authority's little prestige that is rarely restored."

"Let me, the Wang family of Taiyuan, investigate this matter." Wang Maohong said in a deep voice.

Taiyuan Wang's stamp of thought is perfect for use in interrogations and investigations.

In addition, what neither of them said aloud was that if the other party was acting so strangely, there might be psychic powers involved.

So it’s not easy to check it in a big way.

Soon, the news of the death of the rebel coach spread quickly on the Internet. All parties are rejoicing and the whole world celebrates.

Over at Jingkou, Cui Xiaoniang had packed her luggage and was sneaking out in the early morning. However, she was stopped by Xing Yunzhi and Chu Qingqing at the gate of the clan.

"I..." Cui Xiaoniang lied, "Don't be suspicious, I plan to visit the Cui clan in Lin'an..."

"Do you need a pseudonym to buy a ticket to Lin'an?" Xing Yunzhi said coldly, "Have you forgotten who is in charge of the underground network?"

"Yuanzhi, Qingqing..." Cui Jinqi cried and begged for mercy, "Just let me go! I can't eat well these days, and I can't sleep well. All I can think about is Jinyang..."

"I, Cui Jinqi, am not as good as Wanrou in terms of appearance and intelligence. It was all because I fell in love with him earlier that I managed to get a head start... Who knew that Wanrou would be cheated like this..."

She cried and said aggrievedly: "If he and Wanrou come back with a child, then I definitely have no chance of winning... Just let me go find him..."

Xing Yunzhi and Chu Qingqing looked at each other, each reading helplessness in the other's eyes.

"Jinqi, we know you are feeling uneasy. Who knew we felt the same way?" Miss Qingqing gritted her teeth and said, "But you are alone and aimlessly heading north. Are you looking for someone, or are you going to give a gift to the demon?" Food?"

"Then I, there's nothing I can do..." Cui Xiaoniang hugged her head and started crying.

"Don't cry!" Xing Yunzhi was upset after hearing this and couldn't help but said, "Jinqi, don't be impulsive. Even if you go north, you have to know where he is before going north. Otherwise, you will be like a headless fly in the vast Central Plains. Where can I find it?"

"Yuan Zhi..." Cui Jinqi stopped crying and looked at her eagerly.

"When he goes to the Central Plains to do business, there is no way he will not touch the ground!" Xing Yunzhi said coldly, "Wait until he reveals his whereabouts!"

"Okay!" Miss Qingqing also said fiercely, "We, the descendants of the Chu family of Yangzhai, also serve in large numbers in the mechanized troops of the Knight Cavalry Army. Once we have determined the location of the scumbag, the three of us will go and capture him!"

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