In tonight's dream, as expected, only Miss Wang and herself entered.

The other girls didn't follow because they weren't around; the princess sister was obviously sleeping next to her, but she didn't connect either.

The two of them were standing in the dreamy Wujiang Town and saw Cai Zhaoqin sitting in a daze on a chair in front of a roadside shop.

"Why are there only two of us today?" The other party looked over indifferently and asked casually, "Are you still going to join the hunt?"

"Let's rest first." Cheng Jinyang smiled sheepishly.

After entering the dreamland, he tried to activate the demonized connection state, but only Miss Wang was added.

These two people definitely can't kill Mo Luo, so they can only stop upgrading for the time being.

Wang Wanrou winked and signaled Cheng Jinyang to hurry over and talk.

Cheng Jinyang had no choice but to step forward, call out "Sister Cai", and then say:

"Sister Cai, how long have you been dead?"

Wang Wanrou heard this in disbelief and her eyes widened. Fortunately, Cai Zhaoqin didn't seem to mind much and just shook her head:

"I can't remember, probably a few hundred years ago."

"Hundreds of years?" Cheng Jinyang clicked his tongue, "I can't tell! My sister is so young, she looks like a girl in her twenties."

Cai Zhaoqin couldn't help laughing when he heard this and said:

"For monsters, age is just a matter of experience, and it cannot be seen in appearance."

Cheng Jinyang continued to compliment, and Wang Wanrou was tired of hearing it.

However, she knew that her beauty alone would only arouse jealousy in front of Cai Zhaoqin, but not any other attitude. Therefore, other than letting Cheng Jinyang talk, there is no other good way.

After the atmosphere became more heated, Cheng Jinyang asked her about the world of monsters and asked:

"By the way, Sister Cai, I heard a strange thing the day before yesterday..."

He described Mrs. Luo's strange experience vividly and vividly, and then heard Cai Zhaoqin say:

"From what I heard, her daughter must be an acquired demon. It's rare for her to be able to escape from the process of seizing her body and retain some sanity."

"That's right." Cheng Jinyang also sighed with emotion, "But since he is extremely filial to his mother, why didn't he take her to his side and take care of her, instead of being forced to send her back to the human world? Even if she goes to take care of her later, it will be a lot of trouble."

"You don't understand this. Humans and demons have different paths. How can they be so easy to talk to?" Cai Zhaoqin sighed, "In the human world, if you find out that you are a demon, you will immediately be chased for thousands of miles. In the world of demons, the weak and the strong prey on the weak, and there is no sense of justice. But there are many unscrupulous people."

"As you said, she got the Star Fire by luck, and working as an errand in the heaven is full of dangers. Even for a small star general, she is watched by many secret demons. Picking up her mother in If you take care of him, he will die faster than if he were left in the human world."

Cheng Jinyang was horrified by what he heard, so he asked tentatively:

"That's not the case, right? If the demons suppress the superiors so frequently, wouldn't it be difficult for the superior to have a peaceful life? Isn't there any royal law to restrict this kind of behavior?"

"You don't understand." Cai Zhaoqin shook his head and said, "There is no king's method, it's just your human stuff."

Cheng Jinyang was speechless.

Recalling Wang Wanrou's previous analysis, he could probably figure out the reason.

The so-called law requires long-term deterrence through violence before it can penetrate deep into the grassroots of society to restrain every individual.

However, in the world of monsters, the gap between individual strengths is too large, and the changes are really fast. Today she is under the supervision of the fifth grade, and tomorrow she may be promoted to the third grade, and she can kill the guy on her head with one punch... This kind of thing happens frequently, everyone only believes that strength is supreme, and is not afraid of the power of punishment. Is there still soil for legal growth?

Even in the human world, the strength of the lower-ranking people is far greater than that of the upper-ranking ones, and the backlash is inevitable sooner or later. It's just that the strength of humans changes slowly and needs to take into account various factors, so the struggle is far less brutal than that of monsters. It can be restricted by strict rules...

Thinking of this, he was a little confused and couldn't help but ask again:

"Sister Cai, what does it mean that if a lower-ranking person kills a higher-ranking person, he will be chased by a higher-ranking demon?"

"This is obvious." Cai Zhaoqin sneered, "You can't control the demons below who kill each other, but the higher you go, the rarer the numbers. In addition, everyone knows each other and is familiar with each other, so they spontaneously unite to try to form a barrier , blocking the demon below from charging in with its brute force."

"The Great Emperor and the Star Lord are in the same circle. If the Star Lord kills the Star Lord, the Great Emperor will punish him; The last kill. By protecting each other at all levels and preventing the monsters below from entering, everyone's star position is more stable."

"Is there such a thing?" Cheng Jinyang said in shock.

Sure enough, even in a world of demons and monsters where strength is valued, vested interests will still find ways to restrict class mobility. It's just that the individual strength of demons changes too quickly, and lower-ranking people often use violence to forcefully break through class barriers.

"Is this pursuit permanent?" he asked anxiously.

"Of course not, we have said that we don't have such a thing as king's law." Cai Zhaoqin raised his eyebrows and said, "It's like the Emperor of Heaven chasing and killing the new Star Lord. If the Lord of Stars just runs away and escapes to the ends of the earth, will the Emperor of Heaven still chase him? She goes to the ends of the earth? Just a symbolic pursuit for a while, so that other star kings can accept it, that's all."

"However." She suddenly changed her voice and said with a smile, "If you are worried about Beidou No. 4, her situation is special and it is not so easy to escape."

"Why?" Cheng Jinyang asked with a frown.

"Because I heard that the previous Beidou Star Lord and Nandou Star Lord both started the rebellion with Emperor Ziwei, and their friendship with each other was very close." Cai Zhaoqin laughed and said, "Later, Nandou Star Lord left, and Emperor Ziwei only With a friend like Beidou left, but she was killed by her star officer, she probably won't let it go easily."

"What should we do?" Cheng Jinyang didn't care that Miss Wang was around, but asked Cai Zhaoqin anxiously, "Sister Cai, if she were in Ye Ru's situation at this time, could she escape the pursuit of Emperor Ziwei?"

"It's hard to say whether we can escape." When Cai Zhaoqin heard him call "Ye Ru" by name, she knew that the two of them knew each other, and said, "It's definitely not possible to stay in the Central Plains. If you can escape to the vast sea, Then it’ll be okay.”

"In other words, they should be heading north." Cheng Jinyang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the journey to the north is much shorter than to the west." Cai Zhaoqin said with a smile, "After entering the vast sea, that is the territory of Emperor Dongyin. Even if Emperor Ziwei wants to avenge his best friend, he cannot risk peace. The risk of the Dongyin Emperor becoming enemies."

"This monster, there are only a few people who are friendly after all." I don't know what she thought of, and she suddenly sighed, "The longer you live, the weaker your feelings are, and the less room you have for anyone other than yourself."

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