Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 48 Do you recognize this formation?

Depending on the abilities of different families, the corresponding methods of testing computing power are also different.

The Cheng family in the divine capital has gravity, so it is natural to use complex targets prepared for flying objects.

When the targets rose from the other side of the field, Cheng Jinyang was also stunned.

Is this...a little too much?

They are layer upon layer and densely packed. Just the targets set up in the first three rows are almost a hundred at a rough count.

Not to mention that the targets in the three rows behind him were moving around at an absurdly fast pace, making it clear that they wanted him to hit a moving target.

Even the targets in the last row move in a very stupid and irregular way, giving people no chance to even calculate the lead time.

There was noise again in the stands. Although he couldn't hear clearly what was being said, Cheng Jinyang reacted immediately.

The Cheng family in the capital city must be deliberately making things difficult for me!

He was a little surprised when he saw the steel plate on the ground at his feet opened, and a huge open iron box rose up.

Inside, there are a dazzling array of fine iron long swords of various styles.

Ah, this... what do you want me to do?

Before he could touch the sword, the radio sounded again:

"Computing power, final product test. Subject: Cheng Jinyang, 18 years and 3 months old!"

As if afraid that he would not understand, this time the broadcaster patiently gave guidance:

"You have a hundred flying swords in your hand and a hundred and two targets in front of you. If you pierce the target with your sword, you can pass the level. The time limit is three minutes and it is about to begin!"

Hearing this, Cheng Jinyang cursed secretly: What does it mean to shoot a hundred and twenty targets with a hundred flying swords? You have to do it at least 20 times?

However, the countdown sound had already sounded, and it would start in thirty seconds, so he could not distract himself from thinking deeply. He quickly launched a calculation to lock the mass source of the flying sword in the box, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the target sea in front of him.

On the bright side, at least these targets won't be like monsters that will pounce in front of you and kill you if you miss... Forget it, just use more.

Just think of it as practicing the iron pulley...ah, no, just think of it as practicing the iron shot.

In the stands on the sidelines, Xing Shuming, the elder of the Xing family, let out a surprised "whoop" after the target was raised, stroked his beard and said with a smile:

"The Cheng family really wants to establish its power this time! They even brought out the Wind, Thunder, Fish and Dragon Formation."

"Wind, Thunder, Fish and Dragon Formation?" Xing Yuanzhi asked in surprise, feeling a little uneasy.

"A hundred swords formed an array, moving like fish and dragons, and sounding like wind and thunder." Xing Shuming said leisurely, "That was the sword array invented by Cheng Zhijie back then. I didn't expect that I was lucky enough to see it today... No, even half of it counts. It’s worth it.”

Cheng Zhijie, the first ancestor of the Cheng family in the divine capital in terms of superpower bloodline, theoretically all the gravitational bloodlines are derived from him.

And this person is the only third-grade strong man in the history of the Cheng family... Thinking like this, Xing Yunzhi subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Seeing Xing Yunzhi frowning in worry, Xing Shuming comforted her and said:

"This sword formation was created by Cheng Zhijie when he was in the ninth grade. It may be a little difficult for the poor disciples who have not developed their brains. However, as long as you practice the Imperial Iron Shooting Algorithm diligently and hit half of the targets in three minutes, you should have no problem. . Since the Cheng family from the capital of God dares to display the wind, thunder, fish and dragon formation, they must have great confidence in him."

Practice algorithms diligently? Xing Yunzhi's expression became a little strange again.

I have to practice this with him nearly a hundred times every night! And if you make a mistake, you will die, if you are slow, you will die, if you shoot incorrectly, you will die. Does this count as practicing diligently?

In the stands on the Wang family's side, Cui Jinqi also covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Wind, thunder, fish and dragon formation?"

"It seems that the Cheng family in the city of God has a lot of confidence in him." Wang Wanrou said warmly from the side.

"Yes." Cui Jinqi's eyes rolled slyly, "Wang Xinzhi, do you want us to make a bet to see how many targets Cheng Jinyang can hit in the end?"

"Forget it." Wang Xinzhi would never give her a chance to play tricks on him. "As for the predicted result, I guess it's nine out of ten."

"Eh?" Cui Jinqi looked puzzled, "Do you look down on him so much? Hum, I guess he can get full marks. Wanrou, what do you think?"

Wang Xinzhi shook his head. He knew that Cui Jinqi was accustomed to lying, so he had to listen to her words in reverse.

Saying "I think Cheng Jinyang can get full marks" means that she is not optimistic about Cheng Jinyang.

Wang Wanrou's eyes flashed with understanding, and she smiled:

"I also think he can get full marks."

"Really?" Cui Jinqi smiled, but started to murmur in her heart.

Thirty seconds passed quickly and the test officially began.

On the field, Cheng Jinyang reached out and made a move, and five flying swords rose one after another, and then quickly shot towards the shooting range ahead!

"That's a function group?!" Someone in the Xing family's stands screamed.

"No, it's not a multi-function." Xing Shuming said solemnly, "It's just a single function, but his algorithm is adjusted too fast. After applying the algorithm to one sword, he immediately applies the algorithm again to the next sword, adjusting the parameters in the middle The time consumption is so small that it can be ignored, so it looks like he is controlling multiple flying swords at the same time."

Xing Yunzhi listened silently, thinking that of course the algorithm adjustment in Jinyang would be fast.

Throw anyone into a dream full of monsters. If the power is calculated incorrectly, he will die. If the calculation is slow, he will die. The pain value and fear of death are 100% restored to reality. After a week of grinding like this, everyone can be guaranteed. If the algorithm is deeply imprinted in the genes, it can be unleashed with a single inspiration.

The five flying swords shot away quickly, instantly penetrating the four fixed targets and shattering the five moving targets behind them.

"Wonderful!" Wang Xinzhi couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing from the Wang family's stand.

Affected by their mindset, most people will subconsciously choose the fixed target in the front row for shooting, which is actually not the most reasonable choice.

Because in order to get full marks, the number of flying swords and targets is not one to one, so at least 20 times of one sword and two targets are required.

Therefore, instead of aiming at the fixed target in the front row, it is better to aim at the moving target in the back from the beginning, so as to hit more double targets with one sword as soon as possible - the principle is very simple, but I can think of this in 30 seconds on the spot. Bragging The phrase "good at quick wits" is absolutely true.

Wang Wanrou's reaction was much duller than that of her brother, with a gentle smile still on her face. Cui Jinqi was amazed and clapped her hands with a bright smile.

The five flying swords in the first round shot through nine targets, but Cheng Jinyang didn't even look at the results. When the flying swords were released, he activated the algorithm again and pulled out five more flying swords.

It was still an extremely sharp and precise flight trajectory, once again smashing five moving targets and three fixed targets.

"Okay!" A wave of cheers erupted from the stands. As a child from a humble family who has never experienced brain development, the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm is comparable to that of children from aristocratic families, and the elders of these noble families can't help but admire it.

It is precisely because there are such talented children from poor families that the aristocratic family opens its membership to the outside world every year to add new blood to the family!

Compared with the generous praise from these guests, the attitude of Cheng from Shendu was more complicated. Many tribesmen were sitting there like clay and wood sculptures, looking at their noses with their eyes, and their minds with their noses. The old god was there, as if Cheng Jinyang's performance on the field was mediocre.

In the eyes of outside guests, it became evidence that the Cheng family in the divine capital was unpredictable and had a rich foundation.

No matter what the outside reaction was, whether it was exclamation, applause, praise, or applause, Cheng Jinyang on the court turned a deaf ear to it. The algorithm in his mind was running rapidly, and he pulled up the flying sword again.

At this moment, his consciousness was filled with dense targets ahead!

Although it looks terrifying and terrifying, the actual shooting difficulty is not as great as imagined. The reason is that the speed of these moving targets is too slow.

Compared with the monster-level monsters in the nightmare that start at a speed of more than 10 meters per second, these targets are just like crawling, okay? Slowly and leisurely, the movement route is predictable, and it will not suddenly rush towards you ferociously... let alone 120, I can hit 1,200 without fail!

After firing 20 flying swords in a row, he probably felt that the shooting efficiency of 5 shots per round was too slow. Cheng Jinyang simply moved his hand, and 10 flying swords bounced out of the box. The flying swords behind had not yet escaped. Inside the box, the flying sword in front could not wait to be shot out. Countless cold iron sword lights formed a straight line in the air, with a force like a fish and a dragon emerging from the water, and a sound like the wind howling and thunder!

Hahaha! This is my secret skill, Maxim machine gun style. Continuous iron shot!

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