Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 49 Algorithm, flying around

The fifth round, ten swords and fourteen targets;

The sixth round, ten swords and twelve targets;

The seventh round, ten swords and thirteen targets...

As the fixed targets in the front row were smashed one after another, it became more difficult to hit both targets with one sword.

Fortunately, I had accumulated enough times in the past. Around the ninth round, I finally managed to get 20 double targets.

Next, all you need to do is not miss every sword.

For ordinary people, the later the algorithm is tested, the lower the corresponding calculation accuracy may be. Because as the targets on the field become sparse, people's psychological pressure is also increasing.

But Cheng Jinyang will not have this problem, because his ability to withstand stress is very abnormal... If a person has died nearly ten thousand times due to various mistakes in the past three years, then he will probably only have two types of Perhaps, one has a complete mental breakdown, and the other has transformed into a fighting monster with an iron mind.

The tenth round, ten swords and ten targets, accurate hits.

In the eleventh round, there were still ten swords and ten targets, and no one missed!

The stands, which were still a little excited at first, became silent at this time. Everyone was waiting to see whether this young man from a poor family could really reproduce the amazing achievements of Cheng Zhijie when he defeated the Wind Thunder Fish Dragon Sword Formation alone.

Even the Cheng clan members, who had remained calm at first, could not help but hold their breath and stared at the situation below without blinking.

"Amazing, really amazing." Cheng Yizhou was full of praise, "Even if all the last five random targets were lost, the result of 100 swords and 115 targets is still amazing."

Cheng Qingxin looked down silently and suddenly said:

"Activate backup target."

"Ah?" Cheng Yizhou was stunned and speechless.

"Raise those 10 spare targets." Cheng Qingxin repeated again.

Ah, this... Cheng Yizhou was still hesitating, but his father had already opened his eyes majestically, so he had to reluctantly send a command message to the console. Suddenly, he thought again, could it be that his father had discovered that Cheng Jinyang had something? Keep your hand and try to force him to use all his strength?

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt a little hopeful again.

On the field, Cheng Jinyang controlled the five flying swords again without changing his expression, and with extremely precise and sharp trajectories, he destroyed the remaining five fixed targets in the front row.

So there were only five flying swords left at hand, and there were only five irregularly moving targets in the last row in front of them. They moved left and right, up and down. Although their speed was not very fast, they were still nearly 500 meters away from Cheng Jinyang.

It takes a full 10 seconds to fly 500 meters, which is enough for the moving target to completely leave its original position. In addition, the movement trajectory is irregular and it is impossible to calculate the advance amount, so what should we do?

"How did Cheng Zhijie beat the last five targets in the past?" Xing Yunzhi asked the clan elder.

"At that time, Cheng Zhijie developed his superpower not long ago. He only knew a single function in the algorithm, and it was impossible to hit random targets with perfect accuracy." The number of flying swords is followed by using multiple flying swords to lock the possible movement route of the non-moving target, so it is not a perfect hit in the strict sense."

"That's it." Xing Yunzhi nodded, thinking to himself that Jinyang only had five flying swords left, and there were five moving targets on the opposite side. Wouldn't he just have to try his luck next?

Such thoughts came to mind, and suddenly I heard people shouting in surprise again.

In front of the five irregular targets on the shooting range, ten more fixed targets were seen rising.

"With five swords against fifteen targets, you want him to beat three with one?" Cui Jinqi said with a smile in the Wang family's stand, "It seems that the Cheng family in the capital of God really plans to push him out as a rookie in the family. ?”

"Maybe." Wang Wanrou drank tea calmly.

"Let me tell you." Wang Xinzhi sighed, "Don't you have a good relationship? Can you please stop being so roundabout when you talk? I'm tired of listening next to you."

"Wanrou." Cui Jinqi said with a smile, "Are your brother and you brother and sister?"

"Yes." Wang Wanrou responded with a smile, "Can't you tell?"

I understand this, but I think I am not as smart as my sister! Wang Xinzhi's face darkened and he ignored her.

On the test site, Cheng Jinyang frowned and looked at the fifteen targets in front of him, his mind sinking slightly.

I have hit the last five targets, and you suddenly raised ten more targets for me. Are you trying to amuse me?

It's unbearable. It seems I can only use my last resort!

He suddenly opened his right hand, and the last five flying swords in the box rushed out and flew quickly towards the shooting range in the distance.

"It's off!" Cheng Yizhou's eyes widened in the Cheng's stands and he cried out.

Before the flying sword had even flown halfway across the field, the five irregular targets had already moved away from their original positions, making it impossible to hit them.

A ninth-level gravitational power user can control the surrounding mass source from a maximum distance of just over 2 meters. Therefore, once these flying swords are shot 2 meters away, the power user will no longer be able to adjust the algorithm on the sword.

The last five flying swords could only defeat five fixed targets at most, and they still couldn't get full marks after all.

Although he knew that such a result was reasonable, Cheng Yizhou could not help but feel a little disappointed and regretful. Suddenly, he heard a vague sigh from beside him.

Father, are you sighing?

Then, the expression on Cheng Yizhou's face suddenly became dull.

The five flying swords fired at the shooting range decelerated while destroying the five fixed targets, and then flew straight back in the direction of Cheng Jinyang in a reverse-accelerating motion arc.

That's... [Flying around] algorithm!

Incredible thoughts passed through his mind.

Compared with the most basic [Fei Lai Lai] algorithm, the [Fei Lai Lai] algorithm only uses one more time function, but its complexity is much higher than the latter.

Even if it is placed in the Cheng family of the divine capital, for the disciples of the Cheng family with brain development, this algorithm cannot be practiced until they officially enter the eighth level.

The reason is very simple. The purpose of Yutieshe is to smash the source of mass at the opponent, but to fly back is to smash the source of mass to the opponent, and then fly in the opposite direction to recover it...essentially, it is to smash it at yourself.

If you hit the opponent and you accidentally miscalculate, you just miss the target; if you hit yourself and you make a miscalculation, you may have to pay the price of an arm or a leg. After all, the mass source controlled by gravity is basically not a safe thing.

So who taught him such a dangerous algorithm? ! He actually dared to use it without brain development! ! !

Under the impact of extreme confusion and shock, Cheng Yizhou saw the five flying swords flying backwards again, passing rapidly from the left and right sides of Cheng Jinyang, then slowing down and changing direction again, and shooting towards the shooting range ahead.

None of the flying swords pierced or cut his body. All the flying swords "passed by" him just right. At the same time, they were re-imposed with new algorithms, slowing down and accelerating again, heading towards the shooting range ahead. Shoot away again.

And he stood there calmly and calmly, his expression calm and calm, without any nervousness or seriousness. He faced the waves of sharp flying swords that were shot at him quickly, without even blinking his eyes.

In the Xing Family Stands, Xing Yunzhi rarely lost her composure and stood up in disbelief.

The five flying swords that kept coming and going between Cheng Jinyang and the shooting range reminded her of the scene she watched over and over again in her nightmare last night:

A car cannonballs that keeps swinging back and forth in the alley.

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