Girl, there's something wrong with you

Chapter 50 Who doesn’t love such a genius?

When the flying algorithm appeared, even though the target had not been completely defeated, all the guests showed expressions of relief that "it's over."

The two major difficulties with the Wind Thunder Fish Dragon Sword Formation are that the number of swords is less than the number of targets, and the flying swords cannot be recovered after being fired. Therefore, the operator of gravity must strictly plan the use and distribution of the flying swords.

However, when Cheng Zhijie defeated the sword formation, he did not have the algorithm of flying around.

The flying algorithm actually corresponds to another sword formation: Yaoguang Yingyue Sword Formation.

The Cheng family who controlled the formation made the flying swords line up and rotate in rapid circles around themselves, and the sword light formed a full moon.

Then he suddenly adjusts the direction of gravity, causing the rotating flying sword to lose centripetal force and shoot out quickly. After assassinating the enemy, it flies back again and re-enters the rotating flying sword array. This is "Yao Guang Ying Yue".

Therefore, as long as you can use the flying back and forth algorithm and successfully recover the flying sword, you will have the prototype of the Yaoguang Yingyue Sword Formation, and all the difficulties of excessive targets, moving targets, and irregular targets will be solved.

With an unlimited number of shots, it is only a matter of time before all targets are defeated.

Fortunately, Cheng Jinyang did not make everyone wait too long. After destroying the spare fixed targets, he used five flying swords to lock the irregularly moving targets one by one, and then easily defeated them one after another.

In this way, he truly set a record of 100 swords and 130 targets, and the swords were all hit, and the swords hit the target. In a sense, he was even more perverted than Cheng Zhijie back then.

Thunderous applause erupted from the stands. After all, the guests are all from noble families, so it is impossible for them to cheer him wildly like the fans regardless of his demeanor, but if so many elders of the noble families can applaud and approve, Cheng Jinyang's performance and achievements this time are sealed.

Unless the Cheng family in the capital of God really wanted to take the risk of "surprise all the nobles", they could only hold their noses and admit that this young man from a poor family was the future "family representative".

On the Cheng family's stand, Cheng Yizhou suppressed his excitement and looked at the clan leader, Cheng Qingxin, with admiration.

He is truly worthy of being a father! Being able to keenly notice Cheng Jinyang's hidden strength, defying all objections and activate the Wind, Thunder, Fish and Dragon Sword Formation in advance, and urgently adding targets at the last moment, Cheng Jinyang achieved astonishing results that surpassed those of Cheng Zhijie back then!

As a result, the evaluation of the Cheng family in the city of God among the nobles will inevitably rise from today onwards and reach the top... Huh?

He was feeling very excited when, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw his father shaking his head.

Cheng Yizhou: Huh?

Deep in the clan.

"Cheng Jinyang passed the test." Cheng Yuexian appeared at the door of the room again and said calmly.

"As expected." Princess Nankang smiled leisurely.

"In addition, we investigated his living conditions and business records in the past three years." Cheng Yuexian frowned and asked, "You send him money every month in the name of the Cheng family in the capital, pretending to be from the family. His living alimony?”

"That's right." Princess Nankang said with a smile, "Why, if you don't want to raise Cheng Qinghe's remaining son, don't you still allow me to pay for his support?"

Cheng Yuexian fell silent.

Of course, it is impossible for the family to pay alimony to members who have been divided into clans and their descendants, and the Cheng family in the capital city is not a philanthropic person.

Princess Nankang just paid for it herself, but she had to rely on her family's name. What does that mean? It's not convenient for him to show up, so he's afraid that Cheng Jinyang won't accept him, right?

No, if that's the case...

She suddenly realized something, her expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly:

"1,500 yuan per month for a total of three years and three months. The Cheng family will transfer the total amount to you, but..."

"The price is that I can't tell him that in the past three years, the Cheng family of your holy family has not cared about his life or death at all?" Princess Nankang was still smiling, but with undisguised hostility and malice, "So your family Do you really think that the children of poor families are all your playthings? When you don’t need them, you throw them away like worn-out shoes, and when you need them, you give them a little sweetness, so that you can use them as your own like taming wild dogs? "

"There is no need to sow discord, Your Highness." Cheng Yuexian was completely unmoved. "Cheng Jinyang's attitude towards the family and whether he has too much involvement with the royal family will be judged by the Cheng family in the divine capital."

"Then what nonsense are you talking about?" Princess Nankang picked up the teacup, a hint of joking flashed across her expression, "Just try to win over him."

She turned her back, drank tea leisurely, and stopped talking.

Cheng Yuexian looked at her silently.

After a long while, he turned and left without saying a word.

She is the daughter of Cheng Qingyuan, an old man from the second clan. Cheng Qinghe is Cheng Qingyuan's younger brother, which means Cheng Jinyang should be her cousin.

Of course, the popular saying in the clan in the past was that Cheng Jinyang was not the bloodline of Cheng Qinghe, but just the adopted son of Xie Guyan who was fostered by the Cheng family. Therefore, before Cheng Qinghe was kicked out of the family, she had no contact with her cousin's family.

Now that the other party has returned as a rising star, she doesn't know what attitude to use to face her cousin.

In other words, the Cheng family in the entire city of God was like her and really didn't know what attitude to use to face this person.

His bloodline talent is really great. He was ranked ninth grade before he was twenty years old. What family wouldn't love such a genius? But the Cheng family in the divine capital really didn't want to have anything to do with the royal family anymore.

You must know that the Sima clan was entirely responsible for the catastrophe of the demons, the hurried southward journey in clothes, and the fall of the northern Central Plains.

As retribution, the imperial power is now weak, and the Sima family's reputation is notorious among the gentry. Even though the Cheng family in the divine capital has long been separated from it, and in recent years has worked hard to completely separate itself from the royal family in all forms, and has obtained a joint guarantee from the Cui and Lu families, it still cannot escape the constant scrutiny, vigilance, and fear from other aristocratic families.

If it really threatens the family's development and future, even Cheng Qinghe's talent will be given up, let alone his son Cheng Jinyang.

Being threatened by Princess Nankang with ancestor worship, she had no choice but to accept Cheng Jinyang's re-naturalization, which was naturally a last resort in the short term. But in the long run, it still depends on whether he is involved with the royal family and whether the family can effectively control him.

If he really wants to marry Xie Guyan openly and openly like Uncle Cheng Qinghe did back then, causing the entire Jiankang "gentry clan to be shocked", no matter how talented he is, the family will not tolerate him continuing to stay in the clan.

Well, let's go over and get to know this cousin first, and test his attitude towards the family by the way.

Cheng Yuexian, who was thinking slowly like this, suddenly saw Xing Shuming, an old man from the second clan of the Xing family, leading Xing Yunzhi out of the hall in a hurry, with an extremely ugly look on his face.

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" He said three good words in a row, and said angrily to Xing Yunzhi, "Yuanzhi, the Cheng family in the capital of God is indeed a big family. With this Cheng Jinyang, he probably looks down on our river. Xing family. Don't worry. Although our family doesn't have talents worthy of you, in other fifth-grade families, I am still a bit of a thin-faced person. I will definitely find a suitable husband for you. .”

Cheng Yuexian listened to a few words and was shocked in his heart:

Princess Nankang was right. The Xing family in Hejian really wanted to marry Xing Yunzhi to Cheng Jinyang?

And the clan leader actually rejected it? !

Well, from an objective point of view, Cheng Yuexian feels that the clan leader's decision is extremely stupid. Even if you are afraid of Cheng Jinyang, but the Xing family in Hejian doesn't know about this, you must subconsciously think that your godly capital Cheng family has drifted away, and you are arrogant. Being arrogant and looking down on Miss Qingfeng, isn't this pushing allies away?

But from a subjective point of view, Cheng Yuexian can understand why the clan leader did not agree...

To be precise, I dare not agree.

Many book friends like to evaluate the end of the world from the perspective of the prosperous age, which is very good and very spiritual. However, I would like to remind everyone that when the national power is rising, the entire society will have a hard-working and enterprising mentality; on the contrary, when the development of the national power is stagnant or even declining, the mainstream atmosphere will become timid, hesitant, and more inclined to Fighting internally to obtain profits, rather than taking risks for external expansion; preferring to maintain the status quo rather than actively changing and making progress, which will lead to a series of behaviors that seem very nt to you today. As for the human world in this book, the book introduction has actually stated it long ago - Fela is unbearable.

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